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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Abdunazarov B.B. Rare and endangered animal species in the Kashkadaraya region 1994 3 details   url
Ahmad, A. Protection of Snow Leopards through Grazier Communities:Some Examples from WWF-Pakistan's Projects in the Northern Areas 1994 265-272 details   url
Ale, S.B. Snow Leopard in Remote Districts of Nepal 1994 xii details   url
Anonymous Resolutions Conservation of Snow Leopard, Seventh International Snow Leopard Symposium 1994 329-331 details   url
Bangjie, T.; Bingxing, Q. The Status and Problems of Snow Leopards in Captivity in China 1994 149-156 details   url
Braden, K. The Snow Leopard in Independent Kazakhstan 1994 xii details   url
Brown, J.L.; Wasser, S.K.; Wildt, D.E.; Graham, L.H. Comparative Aspects of Steroid Hormone Metabolism and Ovarian Activity in Felids, Measured Noninvasively in Feces 1994 Biol Reprod 51 776-786 details   url
Brown, J.L.; Wasser, S.K.; Wildt, D.E.; Graham, L.H. Steroid Metabolism and the Effectiveness of Fecal Assays for Assessing Reproductive Status in Felids 1994 Biology of Reproduction 50 185 details   url
Buzurukov, A.; Muratov, R. Snow Leopard Conservation Tajikistan 1994 29-32 details   url
Cunha, S.F. Summits, snow leopards, farmers, and fighters: Will politics prevent a national park in the high Pamirs of Tajikistan? 1994 Focus; New York 44 17-22 details   url
Dhungel, S. Conservation of the Snow Leopard in Nepal 1994 47-50 details   url
Du, Z. Proceedings of International Symposium on the Karakorum and Kunlun Mountains 1994 details  
Emanoil, M. Snow leopard: Uncia (panthers) uncia 1994 Encyclopedia of Endangered Species 205-206 details   url
Fox, J.; Nurbu, C.; Bhatt, S.; Chandola, A. Wildlife conservation and land-use changes in the Transhimalayan region of Ladakh, India 1994 Mountain-Research-and-Development. 14 39-60 details   url
Fox, J.L. Snow leopard conservation in the wild – a comprehensive perspective on a low density and highly fragmented population 1994 3-15 details   url
Fox, J.L.; Jizeng, D. Introduction to the Seventh International Snow Leopard Symposium 1994 details   url
Freeman, H.; Jackson, R.; Hillard, R.; Hunter, D.O. Project Snow Leopard: a multinational program spearheaded by the International Snow Leopard Trust 1994 241-245 details   url
Green, M.J.B. Protecting the mountains of Central Asia and their snow leopard populations 1994 223-239 details   url
Harris, R.B. Dealing with uncertainty in counts of mountain ungulates 1994 105-111 details   url
Harris, R.B. A note on snow leopards and local people in Nangqian County, Southern Qinghai Province 1994 79-84 details   url
Hol, E.H.; Marden, T. Methods for Sampling and Analysis to establish potential exposure of wildlife to persistent contaminants in remote areas 1994 279-287 details   url
Hol, E.H.; Marden, T.B.; Roelke, M.E. The importance of ecotoxicological research in management of the snow leopard: lessons learned from the Florida panther 1994 113-125 details   url
Hongguang, H. Case report of a subadult snow leopard with serious acute shock pneumonia 1994 217-219 details   url
Hongguang, H.; Yongfu, X. Captive snow leopards in the Chongqing Zoo 1994 191-193 details   url
Hunter, D.O.; Jackson, R.; Freeman, H.; Hillard, D. Project snow leopard: a model for conserving central Asia biodiversity 1994 247-252 details   url
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