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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Abdunazarov B.B. Composition, structure and population of rare terrene vertebrate animals and their conservation perspectives in the nature reserves of Uzbekistan 1990 182-184 details   url
Abdunazarov, B.B. Composition and numbers of the rare terrestrial vertebrates and prospects of their preservation in Uzbekistan. Nature reserves in the USSR: Their present and future 1990 details  
Ahmad, A.; Rawat, J.S.; Rai, S.C. An Analysis of the Himalayan Environment and Guidelines for its Management and Ecologically Sustainable Development 1990 Environmentalist 10 281-298 details   url
Ali, S.M. The Cats of India 1990 Myforest 26 275-291 details   url
Andrienkov V.I. The Besh Aral nature reserve 1990 335 details   url
Annenkov, B.P. The Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia) in the Dzungarsky Alatau 1990 21-24 details   url
Anonymous In Mongolia, Taking Stock of Rare Animals 1990 details   url
Aripjanov M.P. Rare mammals of South-West Tien Shan 1990 80-81 details   url
Bacha, M.S. Snow leopard recovery program for Kishtwar High Altitude National Park Jammu and Kashmir State 1986-7 to 1989-90 1990 1-58 details   url
Bajimaya, S.; Baral N.; Yadav L.B. Report on Overall Assessment of Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve 1990 details  
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