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Author Title Year Publication Volume (down) Pages
Meklenburtsev R.N. About ecology of ibex in Pamir 1949 Vol. 28, edition 5. 482-483
Munson, L.; Worley, M.B. Veno-occlusive disease in snow leopards (Panthera uncia) from zoological parks 1991 Vet Pathol 28 37-45
Sharma, K. The mysterious irbis 2008 Sanctuary Asia 28 52-57
Suryawanshi, K. An encounter in snow 2011 FRONTLINE 28
Anonymous Snow Leopard Undergoes Hip Replacement Surgery 1999 Feline-Practice 27 5
Broder, J.; MacFadden, A.; Cosens, L.; Rosenstein, D.; Harrison, T. Use of Positive Reinforcement Conditioning to Monitor Pregnancy in an Unanesthetized Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia) via Transabdominal Ultrasound 2008 Zoo Biology 27 78-85
Gaston, A.J.; Garson, P.J.; Hunter, M.L. The status and conservation of forest wildlife in Himachal Pradesh, Western Himalayas 1983 Biological Conservation 27 291-314
Heinen, J.T.; Leisure, B. A new look at Himalayan Fur Trade 1993 Oryx 27 231-238
Ming, M.; Baowen, H.; Yu, M.; McCarthy, T. Survey on Bird Species and Analysis on Bird Diversity in the Central Kunlun Mountains in the Early Winter 2010 Arid Zone Research 27 227-232
Sunquist, F. Where cats and herders mix. (snow leopards in Tibet and Mongolia) 1997 International Wildlife 27 27-33