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Author Title Year Publication Volume (down) Pages
Blomqvist, L. Captive Snow Leopard Report for 1989 1989 International Zoo News 265 5-14
Namgail, T.; Fox, J.; Bhatnagar, Y.V. Habitat segregation between sympatric Tibetan argali Ovis ammon hodgsoni and blue sheep Pseudois nayaur in the Indian Trans-Himalaya 2004 Journal of Zoology 262 57-63
Salvatori, M., Tenan, S., Oberosler, V., Augugliaro, C., Christe, P., Groff, C., Krofel, M., Zimmermann, F., Rovero, F. Co-occurrence of snow leopard, wolf and Siberian ibex under livestock encroachment into protected areas across the Mongolian Altai 2021 Biological Conservatio 261 1-14
Reading, R.P.; Mix, H.M.; Badamjaviin L.; Feh, L.; Kane, D.; Dulamtseren, S.; Enkhbold S. Status and distribution of khulan Equus hemionus in Mongolia 2001 Journal of Zoology 254 381-389
Rashid, W., Shi, J., Rahim, I. U., Dong, S., Ahmad, L. Research trends and management options in human-snow leopard conflict 2020 Biological Conservation 242 1-10
Li, J., Weckworth, B. V., McCarthy, T. M., Liang, X., Liu, Y., Xing, R., Li, D., Zhang, Y., Xue, Y., Jackson, R., Xiao, L., Cheng, C., Li, S., Xu, F., Ma, M., Yang, X., Diao, K., Gao, Y., Song, D., Nowell, K., He, B., Li, Y., McCarthy, K., Paltsyn, M. Y., Sharma, K., Mishra, C., Schaller, G. B., Lu, Z., Beissinger, S. R. Defining priorities for global snow leopard conservation landscapes 2019 Biological Conservation 241 1-10
Oli, M.K.; Taylor, I.R.; Rogers, M.K. Diet of the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal 1993 Journal of Zoology London 231 365-370
Oli, M.K. A key for the identification of the hair of mammals of a snow leopard (Panthera uncia) habitat in Nepal 1993 Journal of Zoology London 231 71-93
Chadwick, D.H. Out of the Shadows: The elusive Central Asian snow leopard steps into a 2008 National geographic 213 106-129
Karesh, W.B.; Kunz, L.L. Bilateral testicular seminoma in a snow leopard 1986 J Am Vet Med Assoc 189 1201