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Author Title (up) Year Publication Volume Pages
Jinguo, Z. Case report on vesicular calculus of snow leopard 1994 209-212
Mazoomdaar, J. Cat Among the People 2011 Open 40-45
Jackson, R.; Ahlborn, G. Catching a ghost (the snow leopard) 1989 International Wildlife. 19 30
Ishunin G.I. Cats 1964 37-43
Zakirov A. Cats 1974 196-198
Lesnyak A.P. Cats in Uzbekistan's fur trade 1984 57-64
Denis, A. Cats of the World 1964 Cats of the World 1
Shrestha, A., Thapa, K., Subba, S. A., Dhakal, M., Devkota, B. P., Thapa, G. J., Shrestha, S., Malla, S., Thapa, K. Cats, canines, and coexistence: dietary differentiation between the sympatric Snow Leopard and Grey Wolf in the western landscape of Nepal Himalaya 2019 Journal of Threatened Taxa 11 13815-13821
Kolosov A.M. Central Asia 1975 93-104
Ammosov, B. Central Asia mountains. Snow leopard or irbis 1973 92-93