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Author Title (up) Year Publication Volume Pages
Kovshar A.F. Aksu Jabagly nature reserve 1969 464-474
Proskuryakov M.A. Almaty nature reserve 1969 459-464
WWF Russia & WWF Mongolia Programme Office Altai-Sayan Ecoregion WWF Newsletter April-June 2011 2011 April-June 1-15
Gvozdetskiy N.A. Altitudal landscape zones 1970 142-151
Hochstrasser, K.; Wachter, E.; Reisinger, P.W.; Greim, M.; Albrecht, G.J.; Gebhard, W. Amino acid sequences of mammalian kazal-type proteinase inhibitors from salivary glands 1993 Comp Biochem Physiol B 106 103-108
Ahmad, A.; Rawat, J.S.; Rai, S.C. An Analysis of the Himalayan Environment and Guidelines for its Management and Ecologically Sustainable Development 1990 Environmentalist 10 281-298
Fox, J.L. An Annotated Bibliography of Literature on the Snow Leopard 1989
Fox, J.L. An Annotated Bibliography of Literature on the Snow Leopard 1985 1-57
Jain, N.; Wangchuk, R.; Jackson, R. An Assessment of CBT and Homestay Sites in Spiti District, Himachal Pradesh 2003 1-14
Johansson, Torbjorn, A. Johansson, Orjan. McCarthy, Tom An Automatic VHF Transmitter Monitoring System for Wildlife Research 2011 Wildlife Society Bulletin 9999 1-5