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Jackson, R.; Roe, J.; Wangchuk, R.; Hunter, D. Estimating Snow Leopard Population Abundance Using Photography and Capture-Recapture Techniques 2006 Wildlife Society Bulletin 34 772-781 details   url
Janeč ka, J.E., Munkhtsog, B., Jackson, R.M., Naranbaatar, G., Mallon, D.P. & Murphy, W.J. Comparison of noninvasive genetic and camera-trapping techniques for surveying snow leopards 2011 Journal of Mammalogy 92 771-783 details  
Saberwal, V.K. Pastoral Politics:gaddi grazing, degradation and biodiversity conservation in Himachal Pradesh, India 1996 Conservation Biology 10 741-749 details   url
Schaller, G.B. Imperiled phantom of Asian peaks 1971 National Geographic 140 702-707 details   url
Ale, S.; Whelan, C. Reappraisal of the role of big, fierce predators 2008 Biodiversity Conservation 685-690 details   url
Berger, J., Buuveibaatar, B., Mishra, C. Globalization of the Cashmere Market and the Decline of Large Mammals in Central Asia Conservation Biology 27 679-689 details   url
Ghoshal, A. Snow Leopard Ecology and Conservation Issues in India 2017 Resonance 677-690 details   url
Kashkarov D.N. The cat family (Felidae) 1935 676, 780 details   url
Singh, R., Krausman, P. R., Pandey, P., Maheshwari, A., Rawal, R. S., Sharma, S., Shekhar, S. Predicting Habitat Suitability of Snow Leopards in the Western Himalayan Mountains, India 2020 Biology bulletin 47 655-664 details   url
Li, J., Xiao, L.,Lu, Z Challenges of snow leopard conservation in China 2016 Science China Life Sciences 59 637-639 details   url
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