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  Author (down) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Zhiryakov V.A. Wolves' role in biocenosis of the Almaty nature reserve (North Tien Shan) 1990 Vol. II. 278-279 details   url
Zhiryakov V.A. The Almaty nature reserve 1990 102-114 details   url
Zhiryakov V.A. Ecology and behavior of the Snow leopard in Kazakhstan 2002 N 1-4. 184-199 details   url
Zhiryakov V.A. Snow leopard in the Almaty nature reserve. Short messages about snow leopards 1986 51-54 details   url
Zhirnov, L.; Ilyinsky, V. The Great Gobi National Park – a refuge for rare animals of the Central Asian deserts 1986 details  
Zhirnov L.V. Extinct mammals of the USSR fauna and their distribution over natural zones 1975 83-84 details   url
Zhirnov L.V. Rare and endangered species of the USSR 1978 91-94 details   url
Zhirjakov, V.A. On the ecology of the snow leopard in the Zailisky-Alatau (Northern Tien Shan) 1990 Int Ped Book of Snow Leopards 6 25-30 details   url
Zhenhuang, S. Economic Fauna of China 1964 details  
Zheleznyakov D.F. Order Predators 1958 Edition 1. 110-112 details   url
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