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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Desch, C. A new species of hair follicle mite (Acari: Demodecidae) from the snow leopard, Panthera uncia (Schreber, 1775) (Felidae) 1993 International Journal of Acarology 19 63-67 details   url
Dhungel, S. Conservation of the Snow Leopard in Nepal 1994 47-50 details   url
Doherty, J. The exibition and management of snow leopards in the Himalayan highlands exhibit in the Bronx Zoo 1987 94-101 details   url
Doherty, J.; Wharton, D. Breeding Management of the Snow Leopard at the New York Zoological Park 1988 173-179 details   url
Doster, A.R.; Armstrong, D.L.; Bargar, T.W. Seminoma and parathyroid adenoma in a snow leopard (Panthera unica) 1989 J Comp Pathol 100 475-480 details   url
Dzhanyspaev, A.D. Hunting Behavior of the Snow Leopard at the Alma-Atinski Nature Reserve 1991 Snow Line ix 4-6 details   url
Edmonds, J.M. Systematic and Ecogeographic Studies on Crop Gene pools, 6. The distribution of Hibiscus L. section Furcaria in tropical East Africa 1991 Edmonds, J.M.Systematic and Ecogeographic Studies on Crop Genepools, 6.The distribution of Hibiscus L.section Furcaria in tropical East Africa.viii + 60p details  
Esipov, A. Status and Conservation of Snow Leopard in Uzbekistan 1997 48-49 details   url
Feng, Z. The mammals of Tibet 1986 details  
Ferguson, D.A. International Cooperation for Snow Leopard and Biodiversity Conservation: The Government Perspective 1997 178-193 details   url
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