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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Ale, S.; Brown, J. The contingencies of group size and vigilance 2007 Evolutionary Ecology Research, 9 1263-1276 details   url
Aromov B. The Biology of the Snow Leopard in the Hissar Nature Reserve 1995 108-109 details   url
Brunstein, L. Handrearing Snow Leopards in the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo 1978 Int.Ped.Book of Snow Leopards 1 44-49 details   url
Burgener, N.; Gusset, M.; Schmid, H. Frustrated appetitive foraging behavior, stereotypic pacing, and fecal glucocorticoid levels in snow leopards (Uncia uncia) in the Zurich Zoo 2008 Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 11 74-83 details   url
Christiansen, P. Canine morphology in the larger Felidae: implications for feeding ecology 2007 Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91 573-592 details   url
Fox, J.L.; Chundawat, R.S. Observations of snow leopard stalking, killing and feeding behavior 1988 Mammalia 52 137-140 details   url
Gosselin, S.J.; Loudy, D.L.; Tarr, M.J.; Balistreri, W.F.; Setchell, K.D.; Johnston, J.O.; Kramer, L.W.; Dresser, B.L. Veno-occlusive disease of the liver in captive cheetah 1988 Vet Pathol 25 48-57 details   url
Hongguang, H.; Yongfu, X. Captive snow leopards in the Chongqing Zoo 1994 191-193 details   url
Khan, A. Snow Leopard Occurrence in Mankial Valley, Swat: Final report 2004 1-17 details   url
Lilin, Z. Captive rearing of a wild snow leopard cub in the Xining Zoo, China 1994 177-182 details   url
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