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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Allen, P., McCarthy, T., Bayarjargal, A. Conservation de la panthere des neiges (Uncia uncia) avec les eleveurs de Mongolie 2002 48-53
Bagchi, S., Mishra, C., Bhatnagar, Y.V., McCarthy, T. Out of Steppe? Pastoralism and ibex conservation in Spiti. 2002 CERC Technical Report No. 7
Bhatnagar, Y.V.; Mathur, V.B.; McCarthy, T. A Regional Perspective for Snow Leopard Conservation In the Indian Trans-Himalaya 2002
Cancellare, I. A., Weckworth, B., Caragiulo, A., Pilgrim, K. L., McCarthy, T. M., Abdullaev, A., Amato, G., Bian, X., Bykova, E., Dias-Freedman, I., Gritsina, M., Hennelly, L. M., Janjua, S., Johansson, O., Kachel, S., Karnaukhov, A., Korablev, M., Kubanychbekov, Z., Kulenbekov, R., Liang, X., Lkhagvajav, P., Meyer, T. K., Munkhtsog, B., Munkhtsog, B., Nawaz, M. A., Ostrowski, S., Paltsyn, M., Poyarkov, A., Rabinowitz, S., Rooney, T., Rosen, T., Rozhnov, V. V., Sacks, B. N., Schwartz, M. K., McCarthy, K. P. Snow leopard phylogeography and population structure supports two global populations with single refugial origin 2024 Biodiversity and Conservation 1-19
Chetri, M., Odden, M., Devineau, O., McCarthy, T., Wegge, P. Multiple factors influence local perceptions of snow leopards and Himalayan wolves in the central Himalayas, Nepal. 2020 PeerJ 1-18
Johansson, O., Agvaantseren, B., Jackson, R., Kachel, S., Kubanychbekov, Z., McCarthy, T., Mishra, C., Ostrowski, S., Kulenbekov, R., Rajabi, A. M., Subba, S. Body measurements of free-ranging snow leopards across their range 2022 Snow Leopard Reports 1 1-6
Johansson, O., Koehler, G., Rauset, G. R.< Samelius, G., Andren, H., Mishra, C., Lhagvarsuren, P., McCarthy, T., Low, M. Sex specific seasonal variation in puma and snow leopard home range utilization 2018 Ecosphere 9 1-14
Johansson, O., McCarthy, T., Samelius, G., Andren, H., Tumursukh, L., Mishra, C. Snow leopard predation in a livestock dominated landscape in Mongolia 2015 Biological Conservation 184 251-258
Johansson, O., Mishra, C., Chapron, G., Samelius, G., Lkhagvajav, P., McCarthy, T., Low, M. Seasonal variation in daily activity patterns of snow leopards and their prey 2022 Nature Portfolio 12 1-11
Johansson, O., Rauset, G. R., Samelius, G., McCarthy, T., Andren, H., Tumursukh, L., Mishra, C. Land sharing is essential for snow leopard conservation 2016 Biological Conservation 1-7