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Abdunazarov B.B. (1994). Rare and endangered animal species in the Kashkadaraya region.
Abstract: 41 percent of all vertebrate species listed in the Red Book of the Uzbek SSR (18 mammal species, 29 bird, 6 reptile, and 8 fish species) inhabit the Kashkadarya region. The mammals are Tien Shan brown bear, Central Asian otter, Turkistan lynx, snow leopard, and goitered gazelle. Nesting bird fauna includes the following species: black stork, Turkistan white stork, short toed eagle, booted eagle, golden eagle, bearded vulture, black vulture, griffon vulture, saker falcon, houbara bustard, and eagle owl. Migrating and wintering bird species are dalmatian pelican, rose pelican, mute swan, osprey, tawny eagle, imperial eagle, pin-tailed sandgrouse; and possibly Bonnli's eagle and Barbary falcon that have not been seen here since 1950-s. Rare reptiles are represented by two species: desert monitor and Central Asian cobra.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; Kashkadarya region; rare species; mammals; birds; reptiles; fishes; snow leopard.; 5760; Russian
Alibekov L.A. (1978). Fauna.
Abstract: Represented is fauna of big salt-marsh valleys and pre-Kyzylkum area, a tier of low desert foothill valleys, tiers of lowland ridges, deeply cut hillside midlands, and cold highlands of the watershed ridge-top tier in the Jizak region of Uzbekistan. The highest tier of the Jizak region, a habitat of snow leopard, Menzbier's marmot, Siberian ibex, sometimes wild Tajik sheep coming from the East, bear ascending from lower elevations, and wolf in summer, has the most adverse living conditions. Central Asia argali and stone marten inhabit in central part of the North Nurata ridge.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; Jizak region; fauna; landscape; biotic factors; fishes; reptiles; birds; insects; mammals; snow leopard.; 5970; Russian
An E.S. (1980). The Chatkal Mountain Forest State Nature Reserve. The Kyzylsu Mountain Juniperous State Nature Reserve. The Miraki State Nature Reserve.
Abstract: It describes natural conditions, area, flora and fauna of the three mountain nature reserves in Uzbekistan: Chatkal, Kyzylsu, and Miraki. Siberian mountain ibex, roe deer, wild boar, Turkistan lynx, Tien Shan brown bear, fox, stone marten, Menzbier's marmot, porcupine, ermine, and Tien Shan souslik inhabit the Chatkal nature reserve. Snow leopard can be found in a top rocky part of the ridge. In the Kyzylsu nature reserve, there are 23 mammal species including, among the others, white-clawed bear, snow leopard, Iranian otter, Turkistan lynx, wild-boar, badger, porcupine, long-tailed marmot, hare-tolai, stone marten, Pamiri shrew, and ibex; in the Miraki nature reserve snow leopard, white-clawed bear, ibex, wolf, fox, porcupine, long-tailed marmot, hare-talai, forest dormouse, red pica, and a number of Red Data Book bird species are protected.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; mountain nature reserves; Western Tien Shan; Pamir-Alai; Hissar ridge; Chatkal nature reserve; Kyzylsu nature reserve; Miraki nature reserve; relief; climate; soil; flora; fauna; mammals; birds; reptiles; fishes; territorial protection; rare species; snow leopard.; 6020; Russian
Aromov B. (2004). Hissar state nature reserve.
Abstract: Presented is history of the Hissar nature reserve's establishment, physic and geographic description, types of soils, flora and fauna The 28 species of mammals, 103 nested birds, 19 amphibians and reptiles and 2 fishes are presented in nature reserve. Number of snow leopard assessed as 2-3 families, bear 130 individuals, wild boar 460, Turkestan lynx 90,ibex 1700 individuals.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; Hissar nature reserve; mammals; birds; amphibians; reptiles; number; snow leopard; Lynx; bear; wild boar; ibex.; 6090; Russian
Artykbaev P.K. (1981). Fauna.
Abstract: Uzbekistan's fauna includes 97 mammal species (insectivorous six species, Cheiroptera 20, hare type species 2, rodents 37, ungulates 8); 379 bird species, of which 184 are passerine; 58 reptile species; 69 fish species. Species inhabiting sand deserts, clay deserts, and mountains are listed. The following mammal species inhabit the alpine zone: bear, snow leopard, ermine, weasel, wolf, Siberian mountain ibex, wild sheep, Menzbier's marmot and long-tailed marmot, voles, red pica. The following game species are listed in the Red Book: bear, leopard, lynx, snow leopard, cheetah, caracal, otter, marbled polecat, goitered gazelle, Bukhara deer, marchor, and wild sheep (there are two wild sheep sub-species in the country Bukhara and Kizilkum wild sheep).
Bogdanov O.P. (1989). The Chatkal state mountain forest biosphere reserve. The Hissar nature reserve.
Abstract: In a popular form it describes the origination, nature and fauna of the Chatkal nature reserve. Habitats and ecology of Menzbier's marmot, water-snake, forest dormouse, and fox are described. It also indicates mammal and bird species listed in the Red Book of the USSR black vulture, griffon vulture, bearded vulture, golden eagle, snow leopard, Turkestan lynx, and Tien-Shan brown bear. There are 23 mammal species in the Hissar nature reserve. Ecology of snow leopard and Siberian mountain ibex is described. In the year 1977, 15 Turkestan lynx, about 25 Tien-Shan brown bears, five to seven snow leopards, and 120 150 Siberian mountain ibex were counted in the nature reserve.
Epifanov V.M. (1968). Fauna.
Abstract: There are three fish species, two amphibian species, nine reptile, 97 bird species, and 23 mammal species, including snow leopard, in the Chatkal reserve. A list of animals and their brief description is provided.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; Western Tien Shan; Chatkal nature reserve; fishes; amphibians; reptiles; birds; mammals; snow leopard.; 6540; Russian
Farrington, J. (2005). A Report on Protected Areas, Biodiversity, and Conservation in the Kyrgyzstan Tian Shan with Brief Notes on the Kyrgyzstan Pamir-Alai and the Tian Shan Mountains of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and China. Ph.D. thesis, , Kyrgyzstan.
Abstract: Kyrgyzstan is a land of towering mountains, glaciers, rushing streams, wildflowercovered meadows, forests, snow leopards, soaring eagles, and yurt-dwelling nomads. The entire nation lies astride the Tian Shan1, Chinese for “Heavenly Mountains”, one of the world's highest mountain ranges, which is 7439 m (24,400 ft) in elevation at its highest point. The nation is the second smallest of the former Soviet Central Asian republics. In
spite of Kyrgyzstan's diverse wildlife and stunning natural beauty, the nation remains little known, and, as yet, still on the frontier of international conservation efforts. The following report is the product of 12 months of research into the state of conservation and land-use in Kyrgyzstan. This effort was funded by the Fulbright Commission of the U.S. State Department, and represents the most recent findings of the author's personal environmental journey through Inner Asia, which began in 1999. When I first started my preliminary research for this project, I was extremely surprised to learn that, even though the Tian Shan Range has tremendous ecological significance for conservation efforts in middle Asia, there wasn't a single major international conservation organization with an office in the former Soviet Central Asian republics. Even more surprising was how little awareness there is of conservation issues in the Tian Shan region amongst conservation workers in neighboring areas who are attempting to preserve similar species assemblages and ecosystems to those found in the Tian Shan. Given this lack of awareness, and the great potential for the international community to make a positive contribution towards improving the current state of biodiversity conservation in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia, I have summarized my findings on protected areas and conservation in Kyrgyzstan and the Tian Shan of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Xinjiang in the chapters below. The report begins with some brief background information on geography and society in the Kyrgyz Republic, followed by an overview of biodiversity and the state of conservation in the nation, which at the present time closely parallels the state of conservation in the other former Soviet Central Asian republics. Part IV of the report provides a catalog of all major protected areas in Kyrgyzstan and the other Tian Shan nations, followed by a list of sites in Kyrgyzstan that are as yet unprotected but merit protection. In the appendices the reader will find fairly comprehensive species lists of flora and fauna found in the Kyrgyz Republic, including lists of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, trees and shrubs, wildflowers, and endemic plants. In addition, a draft paper on the history and current practice of pastoral nomadism in Kyrgyzstan has been included in Appendix A. While the research emphasis for this study was on eastern Kyrgyzstan, over the course of the study the author did have the opportunity to make brief journeys to southern Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Xinjiang. While falling short of being a definitive survey of protected areas of the Tian Shan, the informational review which follows is the first attempt at bringing the details of conservation efforts throughout the entire Tian Shan Range together in one place. It is hoped that this summary of biodiversity and conservation in the Tian Shan will generate interest in the region amongst conservationists, and help increase efforts to protect this surprisingly unknown range that forms an island of meadows, rivers, lakes, and forests in the arid heart of Asia. Keywords: Report; protected; protected areas; protected area; protected-areas; protected-area; areas; area; biodiversity; conservation; Kyrgyzstan; Tian; Tian-Shan; shan; Pamir-Alai; mountains; mountain; Kazakhstan; Uzbekistan; China; environmental; study; former; soviet; central; Central Asia; asia; land; Forest; snow; snow leopards; snow leopard; snow-leopards; snow-leopard; leopards; leopard; Chinese; range; republic; wildlife; International; research; land-use; land use; recent; inner; project; ecological; Middle; Middle Asia; Organization; awareness; region; preserve; species; ecosystems; ecosystem; potential; community; Biodiversity conservation; Xinjiang; information; Kyrgyz; Kyrgyz-Republic; protection; flora; fauna; mammals; birds; reptiles; amphibians; endemic; plants; plant; history; Southern; survey; protect; river; heart
Kovshar A.F. (1969). Aksu Jabagly nature reserve.
Abstract: In territory of reserve and surrounding foothills 238 birds, 42 mammals, 9 reptiles, 2 amphibious and 2 fishes are registered. The mammal: argali, wild ibex, roe deer, red deer, a wild boar, snow leopard, steppe cat, a stone marten, ermine, red fox, badger, long-tailed marmot and Menzbier's marmot. Irbis is rare in reserve. Ibexes (numerous spesies) and wild sheep are main prey of the snow leopard. With the beginning of ibexes migration snow leopards follow them.
Keywords: Kazakhstan; Aksu Jabagly nature reserve; fauna; mammals; birds; reptiles; amphibians; fishes; snow leopard; prey species.; 7330; Russian
Kovshar A.F. (1982). A problem of rare and endangered animal species in Kazakhstan.
Abstract: The Red Book of the Kazakh SSR includes 91 rare and endangered vertebrate animal species: 30 mammal, 48 bird, eight reptile, one amphibian, and four fish species. 26 species (Menzbier's marmot, marten species, lynx, snow leopard, and other species) became rare because of a direct anthropogenic pressure. The prohibition of hunting, conservation and rehabilitation of their habitats, reproduction in enclosures and preservation of some species' genomes is a way that would conserve rare species, the authors believe.
Kovshar A.F. (1982). Preservation of gene pool of rare and endangered animal species.
Abstract: The rare species are protected in six nature reserves in Kazakhstan, including 9 mammals, 29 birds, and one reptile species. More than 20 rare and endangered species inhabiting Kazakhstan cannot be met within the nature reserves. The point is to establish a network of state nature reserves, particularly in steppe and desert area of the country.
Keywords: Kazakhstan; gene pool; rare species; mammals; ungulates; carnivores; snow leopard; rodents; birds; reptiles; amphibians; fishes.; 7360; Russian
Persianova L.A. (1980). About the Red Book listing rare and endangered animal and plant species.
Abstract: The Red Book includes data of rare and endangered fauna and flora species. The species are sub-divided into five categories by threat. Volume 1 of the Red Book of the Uzbek SSR includes 22 mammal species, 31 bird species, five reptile and five fish species. Among them there are endemic species and species included in the International Red list. Snow leopard is referred to a category of endangered species.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; Red Data book; flora; fauna; rare species; categories of threat; mammals; birds; reptiles; fishes; snow leopard.; 7870; Russian
Sosnovskiy I.P. (1981). Backstage of the Zoo.
Abstract: It describes the Moscow Zoo services organization in a popular form; examples from every day work of the technical staff and zoo technical and veterinary service, animals' behaviour outside the cages are given.
Keywords: Russia; Moscow Zoo; zootechnik service; veterinary service; reptiles; birds; mammals; carnivores; snow leopard.; 8300; Russian
Sultanov G.S. (1984). The Red Book of Uzbekistan and animal protection issues.
Abstract: Due to development of new lands and increased anthropogenic pressure animals are displaced from their habitats. Intense poaching caused dying away a number of animals such as Turan tiger, moral, and kulan in Uzbekistan at the end of 19th beginning of 20th century. The endangered species are marchor, cheetah, lynx, snow leopard, caracal, and cobra. Species put on the verge of a total extermination are included in the national Red Data Book (22 mammal species, 31 bird species, five reptile and five fish species). The introduction of some species such as raccoon, European fallow deer, nylghau, and chinchilla was unsuccessful.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; rare species; habitats; poaching; introduction; re-introduction; mammals; birds; reptiles; fishes; snow leopard.; 8360; Russian
Vashetko E.V. (1996). On the fauna of terrestrial vertebrates inhabiting Hissar Nature Reserve (Vol. Issue 1.).
Abstract: The data on the species composition, numbers and distribution of the terrestrial vertebrates over territory Hissar nature reserve are discussed. About 60 species of amphibians, reptiles and mammals have been recorded in the reserve as a result of our own researches and the analyses of communication. There were recorded 5-7 individuals of snow leopard in Kyzylsu site of nature reserve and 15 individuals in Miraki site of nature reserve in 1979-1981.
Yanushevich A.I., C. Y. N. (1969). Sary Chelek nature reserve.
Abstract: It provides data concerning location, climate, landscapes, altitude zoning, flora and fauna of the Sary Chelek nature reserve. Currently in nature reserve recorded 41 mammals, 157 birds, 5 reptiles, 2 amphibians and 5 fishes. Snow leopard, wild ibex, argali and dhole inhabited in alpine zone. Number of ibex is 400 individuals.
Keywords: Kyrgyzstan; Sary Chelek nature reserve; mammals; birds; reptiles; amphibians; fishes; snow leopard; wild ibex.; 8630; Russian
Yazan Yu.P. (1980). The Almaty state nature reserve.
Abstract: History of the Alma-Ata nature reserve establishment, its location physical and geographic data, climate, and vegetation zones are described. Fauna of the protected area is represented by 64 mammal species, and about 200 bird species. Briefly described are behavioural patterns of roe deer, moral, wild boar, Siberian ibex, snow leopard, lynx, brown bear, and marten, and other mammals of the mountainous area.
Keywords: Kazakhstan; Almaty nature reserve; establishment; climate; physiographic factors; plants; Animals; insects; reptiles; birds; mammals; snow leopard.; 8590; Russian