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Ishunin G.I. (1979). A problem of original fauna conservation in Uzbekistan.
Abstract: Fauna of Uzbekistan is represented by species being common for south deserts (Indian honey badger, striped hyena, cheetah, caracal), tugai forest (riverine forest) (Bukhara deer, jackal, chaus, tiger), Palaearctic steppes (corsac, steppe polecat, marbled polecat, steppe cat, saiga), deserts of Africa and Middle East (sand cat, tridactylous African jerboa) and steppes of Central Asia (dhole, snow leopard, ibex). There are many foxes, large susliks, and muskrats there. Before hunting was prohibited a very few animals belonging to rare species such as bear, otter, leopard, snow leopard, lynx, roe deer, Bukhara deer, markhor, Asian moufflon, argali, Menzbier's marmot, and sometimes honey badger, caracal, manul, and cheetah, were shot.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; mammals; origin; game species; snow leopard.; 6910; Russian
Ishunin G.I. (1984). Hunting and nature conservation in Uzbekistan (history and current status).
Abstract: Origination of fauna complexes in Uzbekistan from the Mustier period to present time is described. The remains of brown bear, cave hyena, wolf, fox, corsac, stone marten, badger, and snow leopard were found in cave Amankutan (western extremities of the Zaravshan ridge). Cattle breeding and farming has begun since mesolite; cave bear, Stenon horse, Pleistocene donkey, camel and aurochs dropped from the region's fauna, while marchor and striped hyena moved to the Hissar ridge, Babatag and Kugitang mountains from south; jackal, chaus, tiger, and Iranian otter settled along the river valleys. In the Neolith and Bronze Age cattle breeding and farming continued to develop, while hunting was less important. Mass hinting for animals in the time of Alexander the Great, Chingiz Khan, and Babur, the ruler of Fergana, is described. Mass extermination of kulan, goitered gazelle, saiga, and other game species also took place later more than 12,000 saigas were killed during one hunt at the end of 19th century in the Volga region. Animals also die from natural disasters the “djut”. Data concerning a current status of goitered gazelle, saiga, Bukhara deer, marchor, Severtsev's sheep, and urial is given.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; origin; fauna; fossils; mesolite; late Stone Age; the Bronze Age; hunting; agriculture; stock-raising; natural calamity; conservation; hunting farm; snow leopard.; 6930; Russian
Ishunin G.I. (1989). The Felids family Felidae Gray, 1821.
Abstract: Zoolites of the Felidae family are known from the Upper Eocene Lower Pliocene in Eurasia, Africa, and North America. Two sub-families are know to inhabit the territory of the USSR and adjacent territories: the extinct sabre-toothed Felidae species Machairodontia and now existing Felidae species. In the USSR the extinct Felidae species were found to exist in Upper Miocene, Upper and Middle Pliocene, and Pleistocene. In Eurasia panthers has been know since early Pliocene. Three species were found in Uzbekistan – the extinct cave lion Felidae sd†l…†… (Goldfuss, 1810), and now existing P…nth†a… tigris, P…nth†a… pardus. The ancient finds and modern habitats are briefly described. Genus Uncia is represented by one species snow leopard or irbis. Probably it appeared in later Pliocene or Pleistocene in the mountain of Central Asia. In Uzbekistan, remains of snow leopard were found in the Samarqand region in the layer of Upper Pleistocene or Holocene. Probably it moved into the area in Pleistocene or the period of glacier removal in the Western Tien Shan mountains, Turkestan, Zeravshan, and Hissar ridges.
Keywords: Ussr; Felidae; Miocene; Pliocene; Pleistocene; Holocene; origin; Uzbekistan; Genus Uncia; snow leopard; specie range; Western Tien Shan; Hissar ridge; Zeravshan ridge; Turkestan ridge.; 6980; Russian
Kashkarov D.N. (1935). The cat family (Felidae).
Abstract: A taxonomic characteristic of family Felidae is given. A brief description of the origin and distribution of modern Felidae species is provided. Snow leopard (Felis uncia) is noticed to be met in the mountains of Central Asia. It says that though being a rare species, snow leopard, together with leopard and tiger, causes a considerable damage by exterminating large ungulates and sometimes attacking man.
Keywords: Felidae; taxonomy; origin; snow leopard; distribution; preys.; 7100; Russia
Pfeil, A., Lucker, H., & Pfeil, I. (2004). Leiomyoma in the urinary bladder of a female snow leopard (Uncia uncia, Schreber, 1776). Tier„rztliche Praxis Kleintiere, 32(1), 40–44.
Abstract: Summary
A leiomyoma of the urinary bladder in a 14-year-old female snow leopard exhibiting bloody vaginal discharge was removed by partial cystectomy. Gravel (struvite) was found in the urine of the inflammatory bladder. Additionally ovario-hysterectomy was performed. Histological findings showed a glandular-cystic hyperplasia. Tumors of the bladder are very rare in cats. Specifically the benign tumors of the bladder very often have no clinical relevance and rarely result in bladder dysfunction. Therefore they might remain undiagnosed in many cases, particularly since the diagnostic procedure in big cats is very extensive. Leiomyoma of the bladder in snow leopards have not been described yet. The present paper describes the surgery performed, the succeeding therapy, the struvit prophylaxis, and discusses the aetiology of the leiomyoma's origin on the basis of current literature. Zusammenfassung Bei einer 14-j„hrigen Schneeleopardin mit blutigem Vaginalausfluss wurde ein Leiomyom der Blase durch partielle Zystektomie entfernt. Im Urin und in der entzndeten Blase konnte Grieá (Struvit) nachgewiesen werden. Gleichzeitig wurde eine Ovariohysterektomie durchgefhrt. Der histologische Befund ergab eine glandul„r-zystische Hyperplasie des Endometriums. Tumoren der Harnblase sind bei Katzen sehr selten. Vor allem benigne Blasentumoren haben oft keine klinische Relevanz und fhren selten zu Blasenfunktionsst”rungen. Es ist daher m”glich, dass sie insbesondere bei Groákatzen wegen der aufwendigen Diagnostik bersehen werden. Leiomyome in der Blase sind beim Schneeleoparden bisher nicht beschrieben. In diesem Artikel werden die durchgefhrte Operation, die folgende Therapie und Struvitprophylaxe beschrieben sowie m”gliche Žtiologien der Entstehung des Leiomyoms anhand der Literatur diskutiert. Keywords: Bladder; captive; diagnostic; Female; german; leopard; origin; snow-leopard; snow-leopards; snow leopard; snow leopards; surgery; therapy; uncia; Uncia-uncia; Uncia uncia; urinary; veterinary; zoo