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Bo, W. (2000). Snow Leopard Smuggling Aborted.
Abstract: Full Text:
Xining, China Daily, Jan. 31--Police have detained a man for trying to smuggle two dead snow leopards, an endangered species under State protection, through the Xining Railway Station in Northwest China's Qinghai Province. Ma Deliang was stopped by police after he attempted to pass the butchered snow leopards off as beef at a shop in Sichuan Province. Ma later confessed that he bought the dead snow leopards at a local market and wanted to smuggle them to Deyang in Sichuan Province. Police also searched Ma's home and found dear heads, antlers and lynx and fox furs. Snow leopards live in highlands of altitudes between 3,000 to 6,000 metres above sea level. The population of the species has dwindled greatly since the 19th century. |
Bo, W. (2002). Illegal Trade of Snow Leopards in China: An Overview.. Islt: Islt. |
Henschel, P., & Ray, J. (2003). Leopards in African Rainforests: Survey and Monitoring Techniques (Wildlife Conservation Society, Ed.).
Abstract: Monitoring Techniques Forest leopards have never been systematically surveyed in African forests, in spite of their potentially vital ecological role as the sole large mammalian predators in these systems. Because leopards are rarely seen in this habitat, and are difficult to survey using the most common techniques for assessing relative abundances of forest mammals, baseline knowledge of leopard ecology and responses to human disturbance in African forests remain largely unknown. This technical handbook sums up the experience gained during a two-year study of leopards by Philipp Henschel in the Lop‚ Reserve in Gabon, Central Africa, in 2001/2002, supplemented by additional experience from carnivore studies conducted by Justina Ray in southwestern Central African Republic and eastern Congo (Zaire) . The main focus of this effort has been to develop a protocol that can be used by fieldworkers across west and central Africa to estimate leopard densities in various forest types. In developing this manual, Henschel tested several indirect methods to assess leopard numbers in both logged and unlogged forests, with the main effort devoted to testing remote photography survey methods developed for tigers by Karanth (e.g., Karanth 1995, Karanth & Nichols 1998; 2000; 2002), and modifying them for the specific conditions characterizing African forest environments. This handbook summarizes the results of the field testing, and provides recommendations for techniques to assess leopard presence/absence, relative abundance, and densities in African forest sites. We briefly review the suitability of various methods for different study objectives and go into particular detail on remote photography survey methodology, adapting previously developed methods and sampling considerations specifically to the African forest environment. Finally, we briefly discuss how camera trapping may be used as a tool to survey other forest mammals. Developing a survey protocol for African leopards is a necessary first step towards a regional assessment and priority setting exercise targeted at forest leopards, similar to those carried out on large carnivores in Asian and South American forests.
Keywords: forest leopards; african rainforests; survey; monitoring techniques; lope reserve; gabon; central africa; congo; zaire; field testing; populations; wild meat; relative abundance; density; live-trapping; presence and absense surveys; ad-hoc survey; bushmeat; systematic survey; monitoring; individual identification; tracks; Discriminant Function Analysis; genotyping; scat; Hair; Dna; remote photography; camera trapping; capture rates; Trailmaster; Camtrakker; bait; duikers; pigs; elephant; bongo; okapi; human hunters; 5300
Mongolian Biosphere & Ecology Association. (2010). Mongolian Biosphere & Ecology Association Report March 2010.
Abstract: In accordance with order of the Ministry of Nature and Tourism,
zoologists of our association have made surveys in three ways such as reasons why snow leopards attack domestic animals, “Snow leopard” trial operation to count them and illegal hunting in territories of Khovd, Gobi-Altai, Bayankhongor, Uvurkhangai and Umnugobi provinces from September 2009 to January 2010. As result of these surveys it has made the following conclusions in the followings: Reason to hunt them illegally: the principal reason is that administrative units have been increased and territories of administrative units have been diminished. There have been four provinces in 1924 to 1926, 18 since 1965, 21 since 1990. Such situation limits movements of herdsmen completely and pastures digressed much than ever before. As result of such situation, 70% of pastures become desert. Such digression caused not only heads of animals and also number of species. Guarantee is that birds such as owls, cuckoo, willow grouse in banks of Uyert river, Burkhanbuudai mountain, located in Biger soum, Gobi-Altai province, which are not hunted by hunters, are disappearing in the recent two decades. For that reason we consider it is urgently necessary for the government to convert administrative unit structures into four provinces. This would influence herdsmen moving across hundreds km and pastures could depart from digression. Second reason: cooperative movement won. The issues related to management and strengthening of national cooperatives, considered by Central Committee of Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party in the meeting in March 1953 was the start of cooperatives' movement. Consideration by Yu. Tsedenbal, chairman of Ministers Council, chairman of the MPRP, on report "Result of to unify popular units and some important issues to maintain entity management of agricultural cooperatives" in the fourth meeting by the Central Committee of Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party /MPRP/ on December 16-17, 1959, proclaimed complete victory of cooperative. At the end of 1959, it could unify 767 small cooperative into 389 ones, unify 99.3 % of herdsmen and socialize 73.3 % of animals. The remaining of animals amount 6 million 163 thousands animals, and equals to 26.7% of total animals. This concerned number of animals related to the article mentioned that every family should have not more that 50 animals in Khangai zone and not more 75 animals in Gobi desert. It shows that such number could not satisfy needs of family if such number is divided into five main animals in separating with reproduction animals and adult animals. So herdsmen started hunt hoofed animals secretly and illegally in order to satisfy their meat needs. Those animals included main food of snow leopard such as ibex, wild sheep, and marmot. Third reason is that the state used to hunt ibex, which are main nutrition of snow leopards, every year. The administrative unit of the soum pursued policy to hunt ibex in order to provide meat needs of secondary schools and hospitals. That's why this affected decrease of ibex population. Preciously from 1986 to 1990 the permissions to hunt one thousands of wild sheep and two thousands of ibexes were hunt for domestic alimentary use every year. Not less than 10 local hunters of every soum used to take part in big game of ibexes. Also they hunted many ibexes, chose 3-10 best ibexes and hid them in the mountains for their consummation during hunting. Fourth reason: hunting of wolves. Until 1990 the state used to give prizes to hunter, who killed a wolf in any seasons of the year. Firstly it offered a sheep for the wolf hunter and later it gave 25 tugrugs /15 USD/. Every year, wolf hunting was organized several times especially picking wolf-cubs influenced spread and population of wolves. So snow leopard came to the places where wolves survived before and attack domestic animals. Such situation continued until 1990. Now population of ibexes has decreased than before 1990 since the state stopped hunting wolves, population of wolves increased in mountainous zones. We didn't consider it had been right since it was natural event. However population of ibexes decreased. Fifth reason: Global warming. In recent five years it has had a drought and natural disaster from excessive snow in the places where it has never had such natural disasters before. But Mongolia has 40 million heads of domestic animals it has never increased like such quantity in its history before. We consider it is not incorrect that decrease of domestic animals could give opportunities to raise population of wild animals. Our next survey is to make attempt to fix heads of snow leopards correctly with low costs. Keywords: nature; tourism; surveys; survey; snow; snow leopards; snow leopard; snow-leopards; snow-leopard; leopards; leopard; attack; domestic; Animals; Animal; illegal; illegal hunting; hunting; territory; province; 2010; hunt; 1990; movements; movement; pasture; desert; number; species; birds; river; mountain; hunters; hunter; recent; government; structure; management; national; central; people; Report; gobi; Gobi Desert; reproduction; Adult; meat; food; ibex; wild; wild sheep; sheep; marmot; nutrition; schools; population; use; local; big; big game; big-game; game; 310; mountains; wolves; wolf; Seasons; times; zones; global; Mongolia; 40; history; ecology
Namgail, T. (2004). Interactions between argali and livestock, Gya-Miru Wildlife Sanctuary, Ladakh, India, Final Project Report.
Abstract: Livestock production is the major land-use in Ladakh region of the Indian Trans-Himalaya, and is a crucial sector that drives the region's economy (Anon, 2002). Animal products like meat and milk provide protein to the diet of people, while products like wool and pashmina (soft fibre of goats) find their way to the international market. Such high utility of livestock and the recent socio-economic changes in the region have caused an increase in livestock population (Rawat and Adhikari, 2002; Anon. 2002), which, if continue apace, may increase grazing pressure and deteriorate pasture conditions. Thus, there is an urgent need to assess the impact of such escalation in livestock population on the regions wildlife. Although, competitive interaction between wildlife and livestock has been studied elsewhere in the Trans-Himalaya (Bhatnagar et al., 2000; Mishra, 2001; Bagchi et al., 2002), knowledge on this aspect in the Ladakh region is very rudimentary. The rangelands of Ladakh are characterised by low primary productivity (Chundawat & Rawat, 1994), and the wild herbivores are likely to compete with the burgeoning livestock on these impoverished rangelands (Mishra et al., 2002). Thus, given that the area supports a diverse wild ungulate assemblage of eight species (Fox et al., 1991b), and an increasing livestock population (Rawat and Adhikari, 2002), the nature of interaction between wildlife and livestock needs to be assessed. During this project, we primarily evaluated the influence of domestic sheep and goat grazing on the habitat use of Tibetan argali Ovis ammon hodgsoni in a prospective wildlife reserve in Ladakh.
Keywords: Interactions; interaction; argali; livestock; Gya-Miru; wildlife; sanctuary; sanctuaries; Ladakh; India; project; Report; land-use; land use; region; indian; trans-himalaya; transhimalaya; economy; Animal; products; meat; diet; people; wool; goats; goat; International; High; recent; change; population; grazing; Pressure; pasture; impact; 2000; knowledge; primary; Chundawat; wild; area; Support; ungulate; species; fox; nature; domestic; sheep; habitat; habitat use; use; tibetan; Tibetan argali; ovis; Ovis ammon hodgsoni; ammon; reserve; international snow leopard trust; International-Snow-Leopard-Trust; snow; snow leopard; snow-leopard; leopard; trust; program
Raghavan, B., Bhatnagar, Y., & Qureshi, Q. (2003). Interactions between livestock and Ladakh urial (Ovis vignei vignei); final report.
Abstract: The Ladakh urial (Ovis vignei vignei) is a highly endangered animal (IUCN Red List 2000) listed in the Appendix 1 of CITES and Schedule 1 of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act 1972. Its numbers had been reduced to a few hundred individuals in the 1960s and 70s through hunting for trophies and meat (Fox et al. 1991, Mallon 1983, Chundawat and Qureshi 1999, IUCN Red List 2000). However, with the protection bestowed by the IWPA 1972, and resultant decrease in hunting, the population seems to have shown a marginal increase to about 1000-1500 individuals in its range in Ladakh (Chundawat and Qureshi 1999, IUCN Red List 2000). Although the species had in the past, been able to coexist with the predominantly Buddhist society of Ladakh, the recent increase in the population of both humans and their livestock has placed immense pressures on its habitat (Shackleton 1997, Chundawat and Qureshi 1999, Raghavan and Bhatnagar 2003). This is especially important considering that the Ladakh urial habitat coincides with the areas of maximum human activity in terms of settlements, agriculture, pastoralism and development, in Ladakh (Fox et al. 1991, Chundawat and Qureshi 1999, Raghavan and Bhatnagar 2003). Increased developmental activities such as construction of roads, dams, and military bases in these areas have also increased the access to their habitat. This has consequently made the species more vulnerable to the threats of poaching and habitat destruction (Fox et al. 1991, Chundawat and Qureshi 1999, Raghavan and Bhatnagar 2002). Pressure from increased livestock grazing is one of the major threats faced by the species today (Shackleton 1997, Fox et al. 1991, Mallon 1983, IUCN Red List 2000 Chundawat and Qureshi 1999, Raghavan and Bhatnagar 2003). In the impoverished habitat provided by the Trans-Himalayas, there is great competition for the scarce resources between various animal species surviving here (Fox 1996, Mishra 2001). The presence of livestock intensifies this competition and can either force the species out of its niche (competitive exclusion) by displacing it from that area or resource, or lead to partitioning of resources between the species, spatially or temporally, for coexistence (Begon et al. 1986, Gause 1934).
Keywords: Interactions; interaction; livestock; Ladakh; urial; ovis; endangered; Animal; Iucn; 2000; Cites; indian; wildlife; protection; number; 1960; 70; hunting; meat; fox; Chundawat; population; range; species; recent; humans; Human; Pressure; habitat; areas; area; human activity; activity; activities; agriculture; pastoralism; development; dam; Base; threats; threat; poaching; grazing; trans-himalaya; transhimalaya; Competition; resource; presence; India; project; International; international snow leopard trust; International-Snow-Leopard-Trust; snow; snow leopard; snow-leopard; leopard; trust; program
Wingard, J. R., & Zahler, P. (2006). Silent Steppe: The Illegal Wildlife Trade Crisis in Mongolia (East Asia and Pacific Environment and Social Development Department, Ed.). Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
Abstract: The current study in Mongolia is truly groundbreaking, in that it shows that the problem of commercial wildlife trade is also vast, unsustainable, and a major threat to wildlife populations in other areas. This paper's Executive Summary briefs the topics of wildlife trade in Mongolia, fur trade, medicinal trade, game meat trade, trophy and sport hunting, trade chains and markets, trade sustainability, impacts of wildlife trade on biodiversity conservation, impacts of trade on rural livelihoods, enabling wildlife management, and management recommendations. The main content of the paper includes: wildlife trade survey methods, a history of wildlife trade in Mongolia, wildlife take and trade today, enabling wildlife management, and recommendations and priority actions. The recommendations have been divided into six separate sections, including (1) cross-cutting recommendations, (2) international trade enforcement, (3) domestic trade enforcement, (4) hunting management, (5) trophy and sport hunting management, and (6) community-based approaches. Each section identifies short-term, long-term, and regulatory goals in order of priority within each subsection.
Keywords: steppe; illegal; wildlife; trade; Mongolia; study; threat; populations; population; areas; area; fur; fur trade; fur-trade; game; meat; hunting; Chain; impact; biodiversity; Biodiversity conservation; conservation; rural; livelihood; Wildlife-Management; management; survey; survey methods; methods; history; action; International; enforcement; domestic; community-based; approach