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Aripjanov M.P. (1990). Rare mammals of South-West Tien Shan.
Abstract: Rare mammal species such as free-toiled bat, Menzbier's marmot (endemic to the Western Tien Shan), Tien-Shan brown bear, Central Asian otter, Turkestan lynx, snow leopard, and wild sheep inhabit the South-West Tien-Shan (Uzbekistan). Brief data on animal encounters and main threats are given.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; South-West Tien-Shan; rare species; snow leopard; population; species number; poaching; human activity.; 6040; Russian
Bogdanov O.P. (1992). Snow leopard or irbis Uncia Uncia.
Abstract: Snow leopard and its habitat within the USSR and Uzbek SSR are described. Its habitat in the Chatkal and Hissar ridges are described too. Given are data concerning alimentary biology, reproduction, and attitude to man. Female snow leopards become mature at the age of two three years, male at the age of four years. Reproduction occurs once every two years. Presumably, there are 10 animals in the country. Snow leopard is protected in four nature reserves in Uzbekistan and a number of nature reserves in neighbour countries.
Keywords: Ussr; Uzbekistan; Pamir; tien shan; Hissar ridge; Turkestan ridge; Chatkal ridge; juniper forest; snow leopard; species range; hunting; behavior; diet; reproductive activity; number; ibex; mountain sheep.; 6380; Russian
Chubykina, H. L., Shilo, R.A. (1981). A study of diurnal activity rhythms in snow leopards and lynx (Panthera uncia and Felix lynx) at Novosibirsk Zoo. International Zoo Yearbook, 21, 193–196. |
Chundawat, R. S. (1990). Habitat Selection by a Snow Leopard in Hemis National Park, India. In L.Blomqvist (Ed.), (pp. 85–92). Helsinki, Findland: Leif Blomqvist and Helesinki Zoo. |
Fox, J. L., Sinha, S.P., Chundawat, R.S. (1992). Activity patterns and habitat use of ibex in the Himalaya mountains of India. Journal of Mammology, 73(3), 527–534. |
Jackson, R. (1992). SSC Plan for Snow Leopard.
Keywords: physiology; status; distribution; description; behavior; reproduction; mating; breeding; vocalization; gestation; biology; habitat; scrapes; sprays; scat; feces; longevity; homerange; home-range; prey; diet; Cites; Iunc; parks; preserves; reserves; refuge; protected-areas; movements; activity; livestock; herders; depredation; conflict; trade; poaching; hunting; research; captivity; management; zoos; Slims; surveys; transects; browse; home range; home; range; protected area; protected areas; protected; area; areas; 3920; plan; snow; snow leopard; snow-leopard; leopard
Jackson, R. M. (1996). Home Range, Movements and Habitat use of Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia) in Nepal. Ph.D. thesis, University of London, University of London.
Abstract: Home ranges for five radio-tagged snow leopards (Uncia uncia) inhabiting prime habitat in Nepal Himalaya varied in size from 11-37 km2. These solitary felids were crepuscular in activity, and although highly mobile, nearly 90% of all consecutive day movements involved a straight line distance of 2km or less. No seasonal difference in daily movement or home range boundry was detected. While home ranges overlapped substancially, use of common core spaces was temporally seperated, with tagged animals being located 1.9 km or more apart during the smae day. Spatial analysis indicated that 47-55% of use occured within only 6-15% of total home area. The snow leopards shared a common core use area, which was located at a major stream confuence in an area where topography, habitat and prey abundance appeared to be more favorable. A young female used her core area least, a female with two cubs to the greatest extent. the core area was marked significantly more with scrapes, Faeces and other sighn than non-core sites, suggesting that social marking plays an important role in spacing individuals. Snow leopards showed a strong preference for bedding in steep, rocky or broken terrain, on or close to a natural vegetation or landform edge. linear landform features, such as a cliff or major ridgeline, were preferred for travelling and day time resting. This behavior would tend to place a snow leopard close to its preferred prey, blue sheep (Psuedois nayaur), which uses the same habitat at night. Marking was concetrated along commonly travelled routes, particularly river bluffs, cliff ledges and well defined ridgelines bordering stream confluences--features that were most abundant within the core area. Such marking may facilitate mutual avoidance, help maintain the species' solitary social structure, and also enable a relatively high density of snow leopard, especially within high-quality habitat.
Jackson, R. M., & Ahlborn, G. (1988). Observations on the Ecology of Snow Leopard in West Nepal. In H.Freeman (Ed.), (pp. 65–87). India: Snow Leopard Trust and Wildlife Institute of India.
Abstract: This summary of a four year field study by Jackson and Ahlborn begging in 1982 and concluding in 1985, discusses behaviour, trapping and tracking techniques, home range, activity patterns, prey and habitat and survey methods.
Keywords: Nepal; field study; predator; prey; home-range; habitat; tracking; trapping; radio-collars; behavior; activity; patterns; sign; scrapes; feces; marking; markings; browse; home range; home; range; radio; collar; radio collar; collars; radio collars; research; 1670
Jafri, R. H., & Shah, F. (1994). The role of education and research in the conservation of snow leopard and its habitat in Northern Pakistan. In J.L.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 273–277). Usa: Islt.
Keywords: Pakistan; Khunjerab; protected-areas; parks; reserves; refuge; education; ibex; Marco-Polo-sheep; hunting; predator; prey; diet; marmot; activity; Nepal; Chitral-Gol; war; land-use; climate; blue-sheep; home-range; Disease; blue; sheep; browse; Marco-Polo; protected; area; areas; land use; land; 3120
Jain, N., Wangchuk, R., & Jackson, R. (2003). An Assessment of CBT and Homestay Sites in Spiti District, Himachal Pradesh.
Abstract: The survey described in this report builds upon prior CBT activities undertaken by The Mountain Institute (TMI) in partnership with the Snow Leopard Conservancy (SLC) in Ladakh, supported by a grant from UNESCO (with co-financing from SLC). Under the evolving concept of “Himalayan Homestays”, initially developed and tested in Ladakh, it is proposed that activities be expanded to selected states in India in a strategic and effective way. Himalayan Homestays are part of a larger integrated program to link snow leopard conservation with local livelihoods in Asia.
Keywords: assessment; Himachal; himachal pradesh; Himachal-Pradesh; United; Organization; survey; Report; activities; activity; mountain; Tmi; snow; snow leopard; snow-leopard; Snow Leopard Conservancy; leopard; Ladakh; States; India; Himalayan; program; conservation; local; livelihood; asia
Jumaev T. (1989). Fauna. Nature protection in mountains and nature reserves.
Abstract: Uzbekistan's mountain fauna is characterized by the presence of species endemic to Central Asia, and species typical for Mediterranean, India, Afghanistan, the mountains of Central Asia, Mongolia, Siberia, and other neighbouring countries and regions. Of 300 mammals of the USSR, more than 120 inhabit mountains of Central Asia. More diverse is the bird fauna (500 species) and fish fauna. The mountain species are distributed according to the highland zoning. The fauna of highland zone is very peculiar: brown bear, snow leopard, ermine, weasel, wolf, Siberian ibex, argali, and marmot. The following species are under protection in the mountain nature reserves in Uzbekistan: Siberian ibex, roe-deer, Menzbier's marmot, stone marten, ermine, Turkistan lynx, Tien Shan brown bear, Severtsev's sheep, wild boar, marbled polecat, steppe cat, porcupine, snow leopard, otter, badger, long-tailed marmot, marchor, urial, etc. Development of the area resulted in disappearance of Caspian tiger and dhole. The endangered species are cheetah, North Persian leopard, striped hyena, houbara bustard; extremely endangered are Transcaspian urial, marchor, otter, black stock, etc.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; fauna; endemics; altitudinal zonality; nature reserves; human activity; snow leopard.; 7020; Russian
Kydyraliev A.K. (1970). Some animal species' habitat alteration in the Central Tien Shan (Vol. Part 1.).
Abstract: Irrigation and drainage activity in Tien Shan led some bird species to disappear. Number of species to build their nests in tree holes has dropped. Mongolian sandpiper and black-bellied sand grouse disappeared in the steppe areas. Great bustard, formerly nesting in this area, can now be rarely seen only in migration. The direct anthropogenic influence resulted in shrinkage of game animal and bird populations such as moral, goitered gazelle, argali, snow leopard, and stone marten.
Keywords: Kyrgyzstan; tien shan; human influence; water conservation activity; decline; range; number; birds; mammals; game species; moral; argali; snow leopard.; 7540; Russian
Loginov O. (1995). Status and Conservation of Snow Leopard in Kazakhstan.
Abstract: Snow leopards are to be found in the most extreme eastern, southeastern and southern mountainous regions, including the Altai. Saur, Tarbagatai. Dzhungarian, Alatau, Northern and Western Tian-Shan ranges. The snow leopard or irbis is the most rare in eastern Kazakstan in the ranges of Katunskie Belki, South Altai, Kurchumski, Sarymsakty, Saur and Tarbagatai. Total snow leopard population in Kazakstan is estimated at no more than 100-110 animals, including 20-25 in the central part of the Zailisky-Alatau. Although there are nine protected areas in Kazakstan, snow leopards are only regularly reported
from the Aksu-Dzhabagly and Almaty reserves and occasionally in Markakolsky Reserve. The major threats to the species include: Deliberate poaching with the aim of selling the valuable fur of the snow leopard; habitat loss resulting from the expansion of human activity in its mountain habitat, and deliberate or retaliatory killing by shepherds in response to predation upon livestock. Keywords: Kazakhstan; number; distribution; threats; protected areas; conservation activity; snow leopard.; 7590; Russian
McCarthy, T., Fuller, T., & Munkhtsog, B. (2005). Movements and activities of snow leopards in Southwestern Mongolia (Vol. 124).
Abstract: Four adult (2M:2F) snow leopards (Uncia uncia) were radio-monitored (VHF; one also via satellite) year-round during 1994-1997 in the Altai Mountains of southwestern Mongolia where prey densities (i.e., ibex, Capra siberica) were relatively low (0.9/km2). Marked animals were more active at night (51%) than during the day (35%). Within the study area, marked leopards showed strong a.nity for steep and rugged terrain, high use of areas rich in ungulate prey, and a.nity for habitat edges. The satellite-monitored leopard moved more than 12 km on 14% of consecutive days monitored. Home ranges determined by standard telemetry techniques overlapped substantially and were at least 13-141 km2in size. However, the satellite-monitored individual apparently ranged over an area of at least 1590 km2, and perhaps over as much as 4500 km2. Since telemetry attempts from the ground were
frequently unsuccessful dx¬ 72%_, we suspect all marked animals likely had large home ranges. Relatively low prey abundance in the area also suggested that home ranges of >500 km2were not unreasonable to expect, though these are >10-fold larger than measured in any other part of snow leopard range. Home ranges of snow leopards may be larger than we suspect in many areas, and thus estimation of snow leopard conservation status must rigorously consider logistical constraints inherent in telemetry studies, and the relative abundance of prey. Keywords: snow leopard; Uncia uncia; Mongolia; satellite radio-telemetry; home range; activity patterns; 6310
Namgay, K. (2007). Snow Leopard and Prey Population Conservation in Bhutan.
Abstract: Snow leopard conservation work in Bhutan dates back to 1999 and 2000 when the International Snow Leopard Trust-in collaboration with the Royal Government of Bhutan and World Wildlife Fund-initiated a training workshop. More than 30 government staff were trained in SLIMS survey techniques. As a part of the training exercise, a preliminary survey on snow leopard was also carried out using the SLIMS methods in Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Park. Based on the survey results, we estimated there was a population of 100 snow leopards in the wild and 10,000 km2 of habitat. In 2005, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) organized the WWF/South Asia Regional Workshop on Snow leopard Conservation in Bhutan. Both regional (Bhutan, India, China, Nepal and Pakistan) and international experts revisited the snow leopard programs and developed a work plan for the overall conservation of the snow leopard in the region. This led to WWF's Regional Snow leopard Conservation Strategy. WWF is pleased to submit our final report to the International Snow Leopard Trust on the oneyear, $8,000 grant in support of Snow Leopard and Prey Population Conservation in Bhutan. With the support of the Snow Leopard Trust, we have made great strides towards achieving our goal for this project: To determine the current status of snow leopard and ungulate prey populations in prime snow leopard habitats. Major accomplishments and activities completed thanks to the generous support of the International Snow Leopard Trust include:
Signed of a Terms of Reference between Royal Government, International Snow Leopard Trust – India, World Wildlife Fund and International Snow Leopard Trust -US; Developed a joint revised project work plan; and Purchased basic field supplies and equipment needed for the surveys planned. Keywords: 2000; 30; activities; activity; asia; Bhutan; China; conservation; dates; Dorji; field; government; habitat; habitats; India; International; International-Snow-Leopard-Trust; international snow leopard trust; Jigme; Jigme-Dorji; leopard; leopards; methods; national; National-park; national park; Nepal; Pakistan; park; plan; population; populations; prey; program; programs; project; region; regional; Report; Slims; snow; snow-leopard; snow-leopards; snow leopard; snow leopards; staff; status; strategy; Support; survey; surveys; techniques; training; trust; ungulate; us; using; wild; wildlife; work; workshop; world-wildlife-fund; world wildlife fund; Wwf
Oberosler, V., Tenan, S., Groff, C., Krofel, M., Augugliaro, C., Munkhtsog, B., Rovero, F. (2021). First spatially‐explicit density estimate for a snow leopard population in the Altai Mountains. Biodiversity and Conservation, , 15.
Abstract: The snow leopard Panthera uncia is an elusive and globally-threatened apex predator occurring in the mountain ranges of central Asia. As with other large carnivores, gaps in data on its distribution and abundance still persist. Moreover, available density estimates are often based on inadequate sampling designs or analytical approaches. Here, we used camera trapping across a vast mountainous area (area of the sampling frame 850 km2; analysed habitat extent 2600 km2) and spatially-explicit capture-recapture (SECR) models to provide, to our knowledge, the first robust snow leopard population density estimate for the Altai Mountains. This region is considered one of the most important conservation areas for snow leopards, representing a vast portion of suitable habitat and a key ecological corridor. We also provide estimates of the scale parameter (σ) that reflects ranging behaviour (activity range) and baseline encounter probability, and investigated potential drivers of density and related parameters by assessing their associations with anthropogenic and environmental factors. Sampling yielded 9729 images of snow leopards corresponding to 224 independent detections that belonged to a minimum of 23 identified adult individuals. SECR analysis resulted in an overall density of 1.31 individuals/100 km2 (1.15%–1.50 95% CI), which was positively correlated with terrain slope. This estimate falls within the mid-values of the range of density estimates for the species globally. We estimated significantly different activity range size for females and males (79 and 329 km2, respectively). Base- line encounter probability was negatively associated with anthropogenic activity. Our study contributes to on-going efforts to produce robust global estimates of population abundance for this top carnivore.
Oshmarin P.G. (1990). Traces in nature.
Abstract: Traces of vital activity of various animal species such as footprints, faeces, food remains, etc. are identified. It also provides information about hunting behavior of predators. Snow leopards would hunt along rather than in groups. Near the remains of prey they leave pieces of skin, skull of victim remaining untouched.
Keywords: Traces of vital activity; hunting behavior; snow leopard.; 7820; Russian
Raghavan, B., Bhatnagar, Y., & Qureshi, Q. (2003). Interactions between livestock and Ladakh urial (Ovis vignei vignei); final report.
Abstract: The Ladakh urial (Ovis vignei vignei) is a highly endangered animal (IUCN Red List 2000) listed in the Appendix 1 of CITES and Schedule 1 of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act 1972. Its numbers had been reduced to a few hundred individuals in the 1960s and 70s through hunting for trophies and meat (Fox et al. 1991, Mallon 1983, Chundawat and Qureshi 1999, IUCN Red List 2000). However, with the protection bestowed by the IWPA 1972, and resultant decrease in hunting, the population seems to have shown a marginal increase to about 1000-1500 individuals in its range in Ladakh (Chundawat and Qureshi 1999, IUCN Red List 2000). Although the species had in the past, been able to coexist with the predominantly Buddhist society of Ladakh, the recent increase in the population of both humans and their livestock has placed immense pressures on its habitat (Shackleton 1997, Chundawat and Qureshi 1999, Raghavan and Bhatnagar 2003). This is especially important considering that the Ladakh urial habitat coincides with the areas of maximum human activity in terms of settlements, agriculture, pastoralism and development, in Ladakh (Fox et al. 1991, Chundawat and Qureshi 1999, Raghavan and Bhatnagar 2003). Increased developmental activities such as construction of roads, dams, and military bases in these areas have also increased the access to their habitat. This has consequently made the species more vulnerable to the threats of poaching and habitat destruction (Fox et al. 1991, Chundawat and Qureshi 1999, Raghavan and Bhatnagar 2002). Pressure from increased livestock grazing is one of the major threats faced by the species today (Shackleton 1997, Fox et al. 1991, Mallon 1983, IUCN Red List 2000 Chundawat and Qureshi 1999, Raghavan and Bhatnagar 2003). In the impoverished habitat provided by the Trans-Himalayas, there is great competition for the scarce resources between various animal species surviving here (Fox 1996, Mishra 2001). The presence of livestock intensifies this competition and can either force the species out of its niche (competitive exclusion) by displacing it from that area or resource, or lead to partitioning of resources between the species, spatially or temporally, for coexistence (Begon et al. 1986, Gause 1934).
Keywords: Interactions; interaction; livestock; Ladakh; urial; ovis; endangered; Animal; Iucn; 2000; Cites; indian; wildlife; protection; number; 1960; 70; hunting; meat; fox; Chundawat; population; range; species; recent; humans; Human; Pressure; habitat; areas; area; human activity; activity; activities; agriculture; pastoralism; development; dam; Base; threats; threat; poaching; grazing; trans-himalaya; transhimalaya; Competition; resource; presence; India; project; International; international snow leopard trust; International-Snow-Leopard-Trust; snow; snow leopard; snow-leopard; leopard; trust; program
Salvatori, M., Oberosler, V., Augugliaro, C., Krofel, M., Rovero, F. (2022). Effects of free-ranging livestock on occurrence and interspecific interactions of a mammalian community. Ecological-Applications., (e2644), 1–13.
Abstract: Mammalian communities inhabiting temperate grasslands are of conservation concern globally, especially in Central Asia, where livestock numbers have dramatically increased in recent decades, leading to overgrazing and land-use change. Yet, how this pervasive presence of livestock herds affects the community of wild mammals remains largely unstudied. We used systematic camera trapping at 216 sites across remote, mountainous areas of the Mongolian Altai Mountains to assess the spatial and temporal patterns of occurrence and the interspecific relationships within a mammalian community that includes different categories of livestock. By adopting a recently proposed multispecies occupancy model that incorporates interspecific correlation in occupancy, we found several statistically strong correlations in occupancy among species pairs, with the majority involving livestock. The sign of such associations was markedly species-dependent, with larger wild species of conservation concern, namely, snow leopard and Siberian ibex, avoiding livestock presence. As predicted, we found evidence of a positive correlation in occupancy between predators and their respective main prey. Contrary to our expectations, a number of intraguild species pairs also showed positive co-occurrence, with no evidence of spatiotemporal niche partitioning. Overall, our study suggests that livestock encroaching into protected areas influences the whole local community of wild mammals. Though pastoralism has coexisted with wildlife for millennia in central Asian grasslands, our findings suggest that policies and practices to decrease the pressure of livestock husbandry on wildlife are needed, with special attention on large species, such as the snow leopard and its wild prey, which seem to be particularly sensitive to this pervasive livestock presence.
Salvatori, M., Tenan, S., Oberosler, V., Augugliaro, C., Christe, P., Groff, C., Krofel, M., Zimmermann, F., Rovero, F. (2021). Co-occurrence of snow leopard, wolf and Siberian ibex under livestock encroachment into protected areas across the Mongolian Altai. Biological Conservatio, 261(109294), 1–14.
Abstract: In countries such as Mongolia, where globalization of the cashmere market has spurred herders to massively increase their livestock numbers, an important conservation concern is the effect of livestock encroachment on wildlife. This is especially important inside protected areas (PAs), which often represent the last refugia for threatened large mammals. We used camera-traps to sample four areas with different protection status across the Mongolian Altai Mountains, and targeted a predator-prey system composed of livestock, one large herbivore, the Siberian ibex, and two large carnivores, the snow leopard and the wolf. To determine the effect of livestock on habitat use by the wild species and their spatio-temporal co-occurrence we applied an occupancy framework explicitly developed for modelling interacting species. We recorded a widespread presence of domestic animals in the PAs, and observed avoidance of sites used by livestock by snow leopard and ibex, while wolves tended to co-occur with it. Snow leopard and ibex showed clear mutual co-occurrence, indicating a tight predator-prey relationship. Results provide evidence that, at the scale of sites sampled primarily to maximise snow leopard detections, grazing livestock interferes with wild species by inducing avoidance in snow leopards, and attraction in wolves. We suggest that (1) PAs management should enforce real grazing limitations on the ground, especially in the core areas of the parks; (2) new policies incorporating wildlife conservation into government subsidies to pastoralists should be envisaged, to prevent increasing displacement of snow leopards and ibex; (3) as wolves co- occurred with livestock, with the potential for human-wildlife conflicts, we encourage the use of a set of prevention techniques to mitigate livestock depredation.
Schaller, G. B., Tserendeleg, J., & Amarsana, G. (1994). Observations on snow leopards in Mongolia. In J.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 33–42). Usa: Islt.
Keywords: Mongolia; gobi; Altay; Altai; survey; surveys; habitat; scrapes; markings; feces; spray; distribution; status; park; parks; reserve; reserves; refuge; activity; conservation; home-range; protected-areas; movements; predator; prey; diet; livestock; herders; ibex; argali; hunting; poaching; trapping; killing; browse; home range; protected areas; protected; 2710
Sloane, A., Kelly, C., McDavitt, S., & Marples, N. (1998). Big cats in captivity: a quantitative analysis of enrichment. Adv.Etho, 33, 43.
Abstract: Studies on three species of big cats at Dublin Zoo have led to firm conclusions about the effects of certain forms of enrichment, some of which will be presented here. Lions, jaguars, and snow leopards were studied over two years and their behaviours quantified using focal animal sampling during selected hours during daylight. By comparison of these activity budgets with and without the enrichments being present, it was possible to identify the exact behavioural changes caused by each enrichment method, and to quantify these changes. In this contribution we present results showing that the presence of a platform in both lion and jaguar enclosures dramatically reduced stereotypic pacing behaviour. We will demonstrate that the effects of short term enrichment devices may have a wide range of effects on behaviours which outlast the presence of the stimulus. For instance scents added to the cage, or food/play items such as horse hides, hidden fish or ice-blocks often reduce pacing and increase resting later in the day, even after the cats have ceased using the enrichment items. This reduction in pacing and increase in resting time often meant that the amount of the enclosure used per hour was actually reduced with the presence of new stimuli, as result opposite to what might have been expected. The results of these studies will be discussed in relation to effective animal management.
Keywords: abnormal-behavior; behavior; captive-animal-care; endangered; threatened-species; zoos; enrichment; abnormal; captive; Animal; care; threatened; species; browse; 1280; study; big; big cats; Cats; cat; zoo; effects; Lions; lion; jaguar; snow; snow leopards; snow leopard; snow-leopards; snow-leopard; leopards; leopard; behaviour; using; activity; activities; change; presence; enclosures; range; scent; cage; horse; hides; management
Subbotin, A. E., & Istomov, S. V. (2009). The population status of snow leopards Uncia uncia (Felidae, Carnivora) in the western Sayan Mountain Ridge. Doklady Biologicl Sciences, 425, 183–186.
Abstract: The snow leopard (Uncia uncial Schreber, 1776) is the most poorly studied species of the cat family in the world and, in particular, in Russia, where the northern periphery of the species area (no more than 3% of it) is located in the Altai-Hangai-Sayan range [1]. It is generally known that the existing data on the Russian part of the snow leopard population have never been a result of targeted studies; at best, they have been based on recording the traces of the snow leopard vital activity [2]. This is explained by the snow leopard's elusive behavior, inaccessibility of its habitats for humans, and its naturally small total numbers in the entire species area. All published data on the population status of the snow leopard in Russia, from the first descriptions of the species [3-6] to the latest studies [7, 8] are subjective, often speculative, and are not confirmed by
quantitative estimates. It is obvious, however, that every accurate observation of this animal is of particular interest [9]. The purpose of our study was to determine the structure and size of the population group presumably inhabiting the Western Sayan mountain ridge at the northern boundary of the species area Keywords: population; status; snow; snow leopards; snow leopard; snow-leopards; snow-leopard; leopards; leopard; uncia; Uncia uncia; Uncia-uncia; Felidae; Carnivora; Sayan; mountain; Russian; Test; species; cat; Russia; area; range; Data; study; activity; activities; behavior; habitats; habitat; humans; Human; number; description; Animal; structure
The Snow Leopard Conservancy. (2002). A Learning Tour of the CBN (Corbett, Nainital and Binsar) Eco-tourism Initiative Sites by Villagers from Hemis National Park and the Surrounding Area (18-28th November 2002) (R. Wangchuk, & J. Dadul, Eds.) (Vol. SLC Field Document Series No 5). Leh, Ladakh, India.
Abstract: Ladakh lies between the Great Himalayas and the formidable Karakoram mountains.
Its unique landscape and rich cultural heritage have been a great attraction to tourists all over the world. Apart from its uniqueness it has a rich Trans-Himalayan bio-diversity and is home to the rare and elusive snow leopard. It opened to tourism in 1974 with a handful of tourists and has gone up to the present number of about 18,000 visitors annually. Ecotourism started in Ladakh in mid 80s in the form of conservation of traditional architecture when local communities realized the importance of their rich culture and traditions being valued by the visiting tourists. However, while tourism became a major source of income to people in Leh, most of the benefits stayed with outside (Delhi) based travel agents thus leaving out the rural masses. During the last three years Snow Leopard Conservancy and The Mountain Institute have been initiating ecotourism activities with local communities in the Hemis National Park as an alternate livelihood and an indirect way to compensate losses of livestock from predatory animals. However, local people while venturing into such new initiatives have tended to be like blind men that are being led by NGO's so that they do not stumble along their paths. Keywords: Ladakh; Himalayas; Himalaya; Karakoram; mountains; mountain; landscape; tourists; trans-himalayan; transhimalayan; biodiversity; home; snow; snow leopard; snow-leopard; leopard; tourism; number; ecotourism; 80; conservation; traditional; local; community; Culture; income; people; leh; travel; rural; Snow Leopard Conservancy; ecotourism activities; ecotourism-activities; activities; activity; Hemis; national; national park; National-park; park; livelihood; loss; livestock; Animals; Animal; local people; NGO's; eco-tourism; villagers; area
Tserendeleg, J. (1994). On Protection and Survey of Snow Leopards in Mongolia. In J.L.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 43–46). Usa: Islt.
Keywords: Mongolia; transects; survey; habitat; conservation; distribution; irbis; herders; Altay; Altai; predator; prey; ibex; argali; hunting; pelts; skins; furs; coats; killing; behavior; activity; scrapes; feces; scat; sprays; mating; breeding; gestation; Pregnancy; browse; Macne; blood-sucking; poison; Blood; sucking; 2890