Abdunazarov, B. B. (1990). Composition and numbers of the rare terrestrial vertebrates and prospects of their preservation in Uzbekistan. Nature reserves in the USSR: Their present and future..
Abramov V.K. (1974). Ecological basis of the conservation of large predators in USSR (Vol. Vol.I.).
Abstract: Problems of conservation of large predators (Felis tigris L., Panthera pardus L., Felis uncia Schreb., Acinonyx jubatus Schreb., Hyaena h¢…†n… L., Cuon alpinus Pall., Ursus maritimus Phipps, U.tibetanus Cuv.) inhabiting territory of USSR are discussed.
Akimushkin I. (1971). Snow leopard or irbis.
Abstract: The biology of snow leopard is described in a popular form. Information of distribution, behavior and reproductive biology, etc. is given.
Akimushkin I. (1988). Snow leopard or irbis.
Abstract: Snow leopard behavioral patterns, food preferences, and reproduction are described in a popular way. The population of snow leopard is defined to be 1,000 animals. A reason for the population decline is hunting for the sake of beautiful fur.
Andriuskevicius, A. (1980). Occurrance of Snow Leopards in the Soviet Union. International Pedigree Book of Snow Leopards, 2, 59–69.
Abstract: Outlines status and distribution of snow leopard in USSR, including comments on reserves created for the species.
Aramov, B. (1997). The Biology of the Snow Leopard in the Gissarsky Nature Reserve. In R. and A. A. Jackson (Ed.), (pp. 108–109). Lahore, Pakistan: Islt.
Aromov, B. (1982). The Materials of the Numbers of Dispersed Animal Species in Kyzylsu Nature Reserve..
Bannikov A.G. (1971). Genus Panthera.
Abstract: It gives the description of genus Panthera: lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar and snow leopard. The mountains of Central Asia and South Siberia limit the habitat of snow leopard in the USSR. This species is also distributed in the Himalayas, Tibet, and mountains of Mongolia. In summer, it lives at 3,660 3,970 m above sea level, while in winter, following the ungulates; snow leopard descends to 1,800 m. In the Himalayas, it ascends up to 5,500 m above sea level in summer. In Djungar and Talas Ala-Tau, snow leopard keeps at 600 1,200 m. It takes refuge in caves and cracks of rocks. Snow leopard is mostly active in twilights and night, rarer in daylight, and preys on ungulates, hares, marmots, and others. The coupling period is winter or early spring. A gestation is about 90 days. It has 3 5 cubs in a litter.
Bannikov A.G. (1973). Snow leopard (irbis). Felis uncia.
Abstract: Irbis is distributed in highlands of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Altai. It preys mainly on wild sheep and ibex, marmots, pica, snow-cock, rarer other ungulates, rodents and birds. Sometimes it attacks domestic sheep. At the beginning of spring this species is on heat, gestation period being 90 100 days. Female bears two three (to five) cubs. The litter splits in one year. The animal sheds hair twice a year. It has a low population and therefore hunting for snow leopard is prohibited.
Bannikov A.G. (1982). We must save them.
Abstract: It describes the USSR's fauna species included in the Red Data Book and gives an assessment of endangered species conservation practices throughout the world. It says about ways and perspectives of conservation and rehabilitation of rare animals in the USSR. It provides brief information concerning snow leopard's biology, distribution, number, opportunities for captive breeding, and international conservation activities aimed to protect this species.