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McCarthy, T. (1999). Snow Leopard Conservation Plan for the Republic of Mongolia.
Keywords: Mongolia; conservation; legal-status; Iunc; Cites; distribution; status; Altay; gobi; parks; preserves; habitat; reserves; refuge; protected-area; poaching; hunting; trade; furs; pelts; skins; coats; bones; trapping; livestock; herders; killing; habitat-fragmentation; threats; Disease; prey; diet; Mne; laws; education; management; Macne; Wwf; Islt; regulations; monitoring; Slims; tourism; conflict; browse; legal status; legal; protected; area; fragmentation; world wildlife fund; international snow leopard trust; 3890
McCarthy, T. (1999). Snow leopard conservation project, Mongolia: WWF Project Summary of Field Work.
Keywords: irbis-enterprises; Mongolia; gobi; Altai; Altay; habitat; status; distribution; Uvs; conservation; parks; preserves; refuge; protected-area; herders; livestock; predator; prey; field-work; field-study; field-studies; training; Slims; transects; sign; sprays; scrapes; markings; population; browse; irbis; enterprises; protected; area; field work; field; work; field study; study; 3870
McCarthy, T., & Munkhtsog, B. (1997). Preliminary Assessment of Snow Leopard Sign Surveys in Mongolia. In R.Jackson, & A.Ahmad (Eds.), (pp. 57–65). Lahore, Pakistan: Islt. |
Namgay, K. (2007). Snow Leopard and Prey Population Conservation in Bhutan.
Abstract: Snow leopard conservation work in Bhutan dates back to 1999 and 2000 when the International Snow Leopard Trust-in collaboration with the Royal Government of Bhutan and World Wildlife Fund-initiated a training workshop. More than 30 government staff were trained in SLIMS survey techniques. As a part of the training exercise, a preliminary survey on snow leopard was also carried out using the SLIMS methods in Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Park. Based on the survey results, we estimated there was a population of 100 snow leopards in the wild and 10,000 km2 of habitat. In 2005, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) organized the WWF/South Asia Regional Workshop on Snow leopard Conservation in Bhutan. Both regional (Bhutan, India, China, Nepal and Pakistan) and international experts revisited the snow leopard programs and developed a work plan for the overall conservation of the snow leopard in the region. This led to WWF's Regional Snow leopard Conservation Strategy. WWF is pleased to submit our final report to the International Snow Leopard Trust on the oneyear, $8,000 grant in support of Snow Leopard and Prey Population Conservation in Bhutan. With the support of the Snow Leopard Trust, we have made great strides towards achieving our goal for this project: To determine the current status of snow leopard and ungulate prey populations in prime snow leopard habitats. Major accomplishments and activities completed thanks to the generous support of the International Snow Leopard Trust include:
Signed of a Terms of Reference between Royal Government, International Snow Leopard Trust – India, World Wildlife Fund and International Snow Leopard Trust -US; Developed a joint revised project work plan; and Purchased basic field supplies and equipment needed for the surveys planned. Keywords: 2000; 30; activities; activity; asia; Bhutan; China; conservation; dates; Dorji; field; government; habitat; habitats; India; International; International-Snow-Leopard-Trust; international snow leopard trust; Jigme; Jigme-Dorji; leopard; leopards; methods; national; National-park; national park; Nepal; Pakistan; park; plan; population; populations; prey; program; programs; project; region; regional; Report; Slims; snow; snow-leopard; snow-leopards; snow leopard; snow leopards; staff; status; strategy; Support; survey; surveys; techniques; training; trust; ungulate; us; using; wild; wildlife; work; workshop; world-wildlife-fund; world wildlife fund; Wwf
Poyarkov, A. D. (2002). Some Aspects of Snow Leopard Research Methodology.. Islt: Islt. |
ud Din, J. (2008). Assessing the Status of Snow Leopard in Torkhow Valley, District Chitral, Pakistan: Final Technical Report.
Abstract: This study was aimed at assessing the status of Snow leopard, its major prey base, and the extent of human-Snow leopard conflict and major threats to the wildlife in north Chitral (Torkhow valley) Pakistan. Snow leopard occurrence was conformed through sign transect surveys i.e. SLIMS. Based on the data collected the number of Snow leopards in this survey block (1022 Kmý) is estimated to be 2-3 animals. Comparing this estimate with the available data from other parts of the district the population of snow leopard in Chitral district was count to be 36 animals. Livestock depredation reports collected from the area reflect the existence of human-snow leopard conflict and 138 cases were recorded affecting 102 families (in a period of eight years, 2001-2008). Ungulates (Himalayan Ibex) rut season surveys were conducted in coordination with NWFP Wildlife department. A total of 429 animals were counted using direct count (point method) surveys. Other snow leopard prey species recorded include marmot, hare, and game birds. Signs of other carnivores i.e. wolf, jackal, and fox were also noticed. Major threats to the survival of wildlife especially snow leopard reckoned include retaliatory killing (Shooting, Poisoning), poaching, loss of natural prey, habitat degradation (over grazing, fodder and fuel wood collection), lack of awareness, and over population. GIS map of the study area was developed highlighting the area searched for Snow leopard and its prey species. Capacity of the Wildlife Department staff was built in conducting SLIMS and ungulate surveys through class room and on field training. Awareness regarding the importance of wildlife conservation was highlighted to the students, teachers and general community through lectures and distribution of resource materials developed by WWF-Pakistan.
Keywords: status; snow; snow leopard; snow-leopard; leopard; valley; chitral; Pakistan; Report; study; prey; Base; conflict; threats; threat; wildlife; sign; transect; surveys; survey; Slims; Data; number; snow leopards; snow-leopards; leopards; Animals; Animal; population; livestock; livestock depredation; livestock-depredation; depredation; area; Case; ungulates; ungulate; Himalayan; himalayan ibex; ibex; rut; using; prey species; prey-species; species; marmot; game; birds; carnivores; carnivore; wolf; wolves; jackal; fox; survival; retaliatory; retaliatory killing; retaliatory-killing; killing; poisoning; poaching; loss; habitat; habitat degradation; habitat-degradation; degradation; grazing; collection; awareness; Gis; map; staff; field; training; conservation; community; distribution; resource; project; network; program