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Aizin B.M. (1985). Snow leopard.
Abstract: Snow leopard is a rare and endangered species, distributed in all mountain ridges of Kyrgyzstan. Its population is 1,400 animals, density being 0.2 0.5 animal per 1,000 ha. Its population was noticed to decrease in some ridges because of decreasing populations of mountain ungulates. 200 snow leopards were caught for the purpose of zoo-export over the last 20 years. This species is protected in the nature reserves Sary Chelek, Besh Aral, and natural park Ala Archa.
Keywords: Kyrgyzstan; Red Data book; snow leopard; status; distribution; biology; number; fluctuation; protection.; 5930; Russian
Allabergenov E. (1991). The cat family. 1991.
Abstract: It provides field signs and brief comparative characteristic of cat species in Uzbekistan, five of which are included in the Red Data Book of Uzbekistan and the USSR: lynx, caracal, manul, snow leopard and cheetah. Snow leopard is protected in the Zaamin, Chatkal, and Gissar nature reserves. A snow leopard female bears up to five cubs (normally two three) once in two years. Gestation period is 90 days. Female suckles her cubs until they reach the age of three four months.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; Red Data book; endangered mammals; Cats; snow leopard; 5950; Russian
Bannikov A.G. (1982). We must save them.
Abstract: It describes the USSR's fauna species included in the Red Data Book and gives an assessment of endangered species conservation practices throughout the world. It says about ways and perspectives of conservation and rehabilitation of rare animals in the USSR. It provides brief information concerning snow leopard's biology, distribution, number, opportunities for captive breeding, and international conservation activities aimed to protect this species.
Keywords: Ussr; endangered species; Red Data book; snow leopard; biology; distribution; number; captive breeding; conservation.; 6160; Russian
Bekenov A.B. (2002). About the IUCN categories and criteria for animals inclusion in Red Data Books and lists (project INTAS 99-1483).
Abstract: Uncia uncia in Kazakhstan is defined as EN C 2a(i); D1. The International Red List (2000) attributes this species to EN C 2a, which is an example of concurrence in the assessments at regional and global levels.
Keywords: Kazakhstan; Red Data book; categories of threat; assessment; snow leopard.; 6220; Russian
Cherkasova M.V. (1982). Predators.
Abstract: Among species included in the Red Data Book of the USSR, predators occupy the first place; of them, unconditional leadership belongs the cat family species. Nine of eleven species of the family are referred to as rare and endangered ones. In the past snow leopard (Uncia uncia) inhabited all mountains on the south of the USSR from Tien Shan and Pamir to Transbaikalia. Now it no longer inhabits many of its previous habitats and has become rare, everywhere. Its total population in the USSR is no more than 1000 animals. At the beginning of XX century there were cases that such an amount of snow leopard (i.e. 1,000) was hunted during one year. Until recently, hunting the species was allowed all year round and even encouraged.
Keywords: Ussr; Red Data book; mammals; carnivores; Cats; snow leopard.; 6420; Russian
Esipov A.V. (2003). Snow Leopard (Irbis) (Vol. Vol. II. Animals.).
Abstract: Critically Endangered l (CR C2a(i); D), locally distributed western subspecies of Central Asian species. It occurs in Western Tien Shan and Western Pamir Alay. It inhabits middle and high belts of the mountains. It prefers watersheds and rocky talus slopes. It never was numerous; last decades the numbers have been decreasing. In 1980's-1990's in Hissar nature reserve 5-11 individuals were counted, in 1970's-1980's in Chatkal nature reserve the 1-3 specimens were observed. Perhaps, total number is 20-30 individuals. The threats are development of high mountain pastures, decreasing of prey numbers, human persecution and poaching. Included in the IUCN Red List [EN] and in Appendix I of CITES.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; Red Data book; category of threat; number; distribution; threats; snow leopard.; 6650; Russian
Grachev Yu.A. (1996). Snow leopard (Vol. Vol.1.Animals. Part 1.Vertebrates.).
Abstract: Status: rare (Category III). Distribution: Tien Shan mountains, Tarbagatai, Saur and Altai mountains. Total number in Kazakhstan does not exceed 200 individuals. The main threats are poaching and reduction number of preys. In Almaty Zoo captive breeding was successful in 1976 and 1985. Snow leopard is protected in Aksu Jabagly, Almaty and Markakol nature reserves. To ensure the survival of the species it is necessary to establish a reserve in Dzhungar mountains and to improve protection in existing nature reserves.
Ishunin G.I. (1980). Snow leopard.
Abstract: In Uzbekistan, snow leopard is preserved along the Ugam, Pskem, Chatkal, Tirkestan, and Hissar ridges. Ibex is a main prey of the predator. It also preys on argali, wild boar, hares, roe-deers, rodents, kekliks (partridge), and rarely livestock. Catching the animals in the country is limited and exercised under special permissions.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; Red Data book; snow leopard; distribution; preys; biology; use.; 6920; Russian
Kaletskiy A. (1978). They must live (Vol. N 11.).
Abstract: Among large predators included in the Red Data Book of the USSR and Red List of IUCN the author describes snow leopard. A population of snow leopard in the USSR is estimated to be 500 animals, and no more than 1,000 in the world. In the past, irbis was believed to be a harmful animal and hunting for this species was encouraged. Today, population of the predator is reducing because of poaching and decreasing number of species it preys on such as ibex, wild sheep, wild boar, and marmots. The situation is exacerbated by biological features of this species first of all its slow rate of reproduction. It is concluded that snow leopard needs urgent protection measures since the species is on the verge of disappearance.
Keywords: Ussr; Red Data book; endangeres species; threats; conservation measures; snow leopard.; 7050; Russian
Kovshar A.F. (1982). A problem of conservation of rare and endangered vertebrate animals in the mountains of southeast Kazakhstan.
Abstract: Of 27 vertebrate animal species inhabiting the mountains of southeastern Kazakhstan and included in the Red Data Book of the USSR (1978) and Red Data Book of Kazakhstan (1978), 11 are mammals (free-toiled bat, Menzbier's marmot, dhole, Tien Shan brown bear, stone marten, otter, Turkistan lynx, snow leopard, manul, and argali). Snow leopard is met in the nature reserves Aksu Jabagly and Almaty. In the Almaty nature reserve snow leopard migrates outside the protected area following the ungulates. The extension of the nature reserve would improve the protection.
Keywords: Kazakhstan; Red Data book; protected areas; snow leopard.; 7390; Russian