Abdulnazarov A.G. (2002). About status of the Red Book vertebrates in the Zorkul nature reserve.
Abstract: In the nature reserve, there are 18 animal species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Tajikistan including 8 mammal species, one of which, snow leopard, is in the Red List of IUCN. There are 10 Red Book bird species in the nature reserve. Pamir argali is represented by several dozens of isolated groups. No encounters of Tien Shan brown bear, dhole and lynx have been reported in the nature reserve over the last years. A total number of mountain geese were about 400, in the year 2001. Mongolian saker falcon was met twice. Two golden eagles and six lammergeyers were found too.
Abdunazarov B.B. (2002). Biodiversity of mammals in the Western Tien Shan and its conservation.
Abstract: The mammal fauna of Uzbekistan's mountain ecosystems is represented by some 60 species. Data on mammal species composition in the Western Tien Shan (48 species) and Pamir-Alai (57 species) is given. A quantity of species endemic to the mountainous ecosystems of Uzbekistan is defined. Quantities of nine rare species inhabiting the mountain ecosystems, including snow leopard, are given. Number of snow leopard in Pamir-Alai and the Western Tien Shan is estimated to be 30-50 animals.
Adil, A. (1997). Status and Conservation of Snow Leopard in Afghanistan. In R.Jackson, & A.Ahmad (Eds.), (pp. 35–38). Lahore, Pakistan: International Snow Leopard Trust.
An E.S. (1980). The Chatkal Mountain Forest State Nature Reserve. The Kyzylsu Mountain Juniperous State Nature Reserve. The Miraki State Nature Reserve.
Abstract: It describes natural conditions, area, flora and fauna of the three mountain nature reserves in Uzbekistan: Chatkal, Kyzylsu, and Miraki. Siberian mountain ibex, roe deer, wild boar, Turkistan lynx, Tien Shan brown bear, fox, stone marten, Menzbier's marmot, porcupine, ermine, and Tien Shan souslik inhabit the Chatkal nature reserve. Snow leopard can be found in a top rocky part of the ridge. In the Kyzylsu nature reserve, there are 23 mammal species including, among the others, white-clawed bear, snow leopard, Iranian otter, Turkistan lynx, wild-boar, badger, porcupine, long-tailed marmot, hare-tolai, stone marten, Pamiri shrew, and ibex; in the Miraki nature reserve snow leopard, white-clawed bear, ibex, wolf, fox, porcupine, long-tailed marmot, hare-talai, forest dormouse, red pica, and a number of Red Data Book bird species are protected.
Bobrinskiy N.A. (1967). Mountains of Central Asia.
Abstract: It provides a zoogeographical description of Central Asia mountains: Tien Shan (west and east), Pamir, the Turkestan and Hissar ridges, and ruinous mountains in Kyzylkum. Distribution of various animal species over the area under study is described. Data concerning Central Asia sheep, ibex, and snow leopard in the alpine meadow zone, and data concerning the otter (in the Tupalang river basin) and grey partridge is presented. The author noted that generally fauna of Tien Shan, Hissar, and Pamir is similar to that of Inner Asia. The other type of fauna more similar to that of Transcaucasia is typical for Kopet-Dag.
Bogdanov O.P. (1992). Snow leopard or irbis Uncia Uncia.
Abstract: Snow leopard and its habitat within the USSR and Uzbek SSR are described. Its habitat in the Chatkal and Hissar ridges are described too. Given are data concerning alimentary biology, reproduction, and attitude to man. Female snow leopards become mature at the age of two three years, male at the age of four years. Reproduction occurs once every two years. Presumably, there are 10 animals in the country. Snow leopard is protected in four nature reserves in Uzbekistan and a number of nature reserves in neighbour countries.
Buzurukov, A., & Muratov, R. (1994). Snow Leopard Conservation Tajikistan. In J.L.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 29–32). Usa: Inst.
Cunha, S. F. (1994). Summits, snow leopards, farmers, and fighters: Will politics prevent a national park in the high Pamirs of Tajikistan? Focus; New York, 44(1), 17–22.
Abstract: Tajikistan is the smallest, poorest and one of the most culturally diverse of the former Soviet Republics. The physical and cultural geography of the Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan are described, and recent legislative action taken to create a proposed park and civil strife that may stop the park's creation are discussed.
Cunha, S. F. (1997). Hunting of Rare and Endangered Fauna in the Mountains of Post-Soviet Central Asia. In R.Jackson, & A.Ahmad (Eds.), (pp. 110–120). Lahore, Pakistan: Islt.
Din, J. U., Nawaz, M. A., Norma-Rashid, Y., Ahmad, F., Hussain, K., Ali, H., Adli, D., S., H. (2020). Ecosystem Services in a Snow Leopard Landscape: A Comparative Analysis of Two High-elevation National Parks in the Karakoram-Pamir. Bio One, , 11–19.
Abstract: The high-elevation mountain ecosystems in the Karakoram and Pamir mountain ranges encompass enchanting landscapes, harbor unique biodiversity, and are home to many indigenous pastoral societies that rely onecosystem services for their survival. However, our understanding of the value of ecosystem services to a household economy is limited. This information is essential in devising sustainable development strategies and thus merits consideration. In this preliminary study, we attempted to assess and compare the value of selected ecosystem Khunjerab and Qurumbar National Parks (KNP and QNP) in the services of the KNP and QNP) in the Karakoram–Pamir in northern Pakistan using market-based and value transfer methods. Our results indicated that the economic benefits derived from the 2 high-elevation protected areas were US$ 4.6 million (QNP) and US$ 3.8 million (KNP) per year, translating into US$ 5955 and US$ 8912 per household per year, respectively. The monetary benefits from provisioning services constituted about 93% in QNP and 48% in KNP, which vividly highlights the prominence of the economic benefits generated from the protected areas for the welfare of disadvantaged communities. Together with the regulatory and cultural services valued
in this study, the perceived economic impact per household per year was 10–15 times higher than the mean household income per year. Considering the limited livelihood means and escalating poverty experienced by buffer zone communities, these values are substantial. We anticipate that communities’ dependency on resources will contribute to increased
degradation of ecosystems. We propose reducing communities’ dependency on natural resources by promoting sustainable alternative livelihood options and recognizing ecosystem services in cost–benefit analyses when formulating future policies.