Ahlborn, G., & Jackson, R. (1987). Marking in Wild Snow Leopards: A preliminary assesment (Vol. No. 13). Seattle: Islt.
Alexander, J., Chen, P., Damerell, P., Youkui, W., Hughes, J., Shi, K., Riordan, P. (2015). Human wildlife conflict involving large carnivores in Qilianshan, China and the minimal paw-print of snow leopards. Biological Conservation, 187, 1–9.
Abstract: In this paper, we assess local perceptions towards snow leopards in North West China using a framework
depicting key conflict domains. We describe the perceived threats posed to humans by the snow leopard
and set them within beliefs and attitudes towards other species within the large carnivore assemblage in
this region. Surveys were conducted in seven villages within Qilianshan National Nature Reserve, Gansu
Province, China, to document reports of snow leopard (Panthera uncia), grey wolf (Canis lupus), Eurasian
lynx (Lynx lynx) and brown bear (Ursus arctos) depredation of livestock, and local attitudes towards each
species. Questionnaire-based interviews were held with 60 households and 49 livestock herders. Herding
of yak, sheep and goats was found to be a common livelihood activity among households in all villages.
Herders reported losing livestock to all four carnivore species. Herders reported that depredation was the
most common event affecting livestock, compared with natural disasters or disease, and represented a
total loss of 3.6% of the livestock population during the previous year. Most (53%) depredation losses were
attributed to lynx, while snow leopards were held responsible for only 7.8% of depredation losses. The
reported impact of snow leopards on herding activities was relatively small and the majority of both
householders and herders expressed positive attitudes towards them and supported measures for their
protection. Households and herders held negative attitudes towards lynx, wolves and bears, however,
most likely due to their perceived threat to livestock and humans. Understanding community perceptions
of threats posed by wildlife is vital for gaining community support for, and engagement in, conflict
Alexander, J. S., Cusack, J. J., Pengju, C, Kun, S., Riordan, P. (2015). Conservation of snow leopards: spill-over benefits for other carnivores? Oryx, (Fauna & Flora International), 1–5.
Abstract: In high-altitude settings of Central Asia the
Endangered snow leopard Panthera uncia has been recognized
as a potential umbrella species. As a first step in assessing
the potential benefits of snow leopard conservation for
other carnivores, we sought a better understanding of the
presence of other carnivores in areas occupied by snow leopards
in China’s Qilianshan National Nature Reserve. We
used camera-trap and sign surveys to examine whether
other carnivores were using the same travel routes as snow
leopards at two spatial scales. We also considered temporal
interactions between species. Our results confirm that other
carnivores, including the red fox Vulpes vulpes, grey wolf
Canis lupus, Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx and dhole Cuon alpinus,
occur along snow leopard travel routes, albeit with low detection
rates. Even at the smaller scale of our camera trap survey
all five carnivores (snow leopard, lynx, wolf, red fox and
dhole) were observed. Kernel density estimates suggested a
high degree of temporal overlap between the snow leopard
and the fox, and the snow leopard and the lynx, as indicated
by high overlap coefficient estimates. There is an opportunity
to consider protective measures at the local scale that would
benefit various species simultaneously. However, it should
also be recognized that snow leopard conservation efforts
could exacerbate human–wildlife conflicts through their protective
effect on other carnivore species.
Alexander, J. S., Shi, K., Tallents, L. A., Riordan, P. (2015). On the high trail: examining determinants of site use by the Endangered snow leopard Panthera uncia in Qilianshan, China. Oryx, (Fauna & Flora International), 1–8.
Abstract: Abstract There is a need for simple and robust techniques for assessment and monitoring of populations of the Endangered snow leopard Panthera uncia to inform the de- velopment of action plans for snow leopard conservation. We explored the use of occupancy modelling to evaluate the influence of environmental and anthropogenic features on snow leopard site-use patterns. We conducted a camera trap survey across  km in Gansu Province, China, and used data from  camera traps to estimate probabilities of site use and detection using the single season occupancy model. We assessed the influence of three covariates on site use by snow leopards: elevation, the presence of blue sheep Pseudois nayaur and the presence of human disturb- ance (distance to roads). We recorded  captures of snow leopards over , trap-days, representing a mean capture success of . captures per  trap-days. Elevation had the strongest influence on site use, with the probability of site use increasing with altitude, whereas the influence of presence of prey and distance to roads was relatively weak. Our findings indicate the need for practical and robust tech- niques to appraise determinants of site use by snow leo- pards, especially in the context of the limited resources available for such work.
Alexander, J. S., Zhang, C., Shi, K., Riordan, P. (2016). A spotlight on snow leopard conservation in China. Integrative Zoology, (11).
Abstract: China holds the greatest proportion of the snow leopard’s (Panthera uncia) global range and is central to their conservation. The country is also undergoing unprecedented economic growth, which increases both the threats to the snow leopard and the opportunities for its conservation. In this paper we aim to review published literature (from 1950 to 2014) in English and Mandarin on snow leopard ecology and conservation in China in order to identify thematic and geographic research gaps and propose research priorities. We first retrieved all publish items that considered snow leopards in China (n = 106). We extracted from these papers 274 reports of snow leopard presence in China. We then reviewed a subset of papers (n = 33) of this literature, which specifically focused on snow leopard ecology and conservation within China. We introduced a thematic framework that allows a structured and comprehensive assessment of findings. This framework recognizes 4 critical and interrelated topics underpinning snow leopard ecology and conservation: habitat (distribution and protected area coverage); prey (distribution and abundance, predator–prey relationships); human interactions (hunting and trade, livestock interactions and conflicts); and the underlying policy context. Significant gains in knowledge as well as research gaps and priorities are discussed with reference to our framework. The modest quantity and limited scope of published research on the snow leopard in China calls for a continued and intensified effort to inform and support national conservation policies.
Alexander, S., A., Zhang, C., Shi, K., Riordan, P. (2016). A granular view of a snow leopard population using camera traps in Central China. Biological Conservation, (197), 27–31.
Abstract: Successful conservation of the endangered snow leopard (Panthera uncia) relies on the effectiveness of monitoring programmes. We present the results of a 19-month camera trap survey effort, conducted as part of a longterm study of the snow leopard population in Qilianshan National Nature Reserve of Gansu Province, China. Weassessed the minimumnumber of individual snowleopards and population density across different sampling periods using spatial capture–recapture methods. Between 2013–2014, we deployed 34 camera traps across an area of 375 km2, investing a total of 7133 trap-days effort. Weidentified a total number of 17–19 unique individuals
from photographs (10–12 adults, five sub-adults and two cubs). The total number of individuals identified and estimated density varied across sampling periods, between 10–15 individuals and 1.46–3.29 snow leopards per 100 km2 respectively. We demonstrate that snow leopard surveys of limited scale and conducted over short sampling periods only present partial views of a dynamic and transient system.We also underline the challenges in achieving a sufficient sample size of captures and recaptures to assess trends in snow leopard population size and/or density for policy and conservation decision-making
Anonymous. (1992). International Specialists Discuss China's Threatened Cats.
Anonymous. (1994). Resolutions Conservation of Snow Leopard, Seventh International Snow Leopard Symposium. In J.L.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 329–331). Usa: Islt.
Anonymous. (1996). Animal Kingdom in North Gansu.
Abstract: A corner of northwest China's Gansu province has become a haven for hundreds of wild and rare animals. They are being helped by the 10,000 strong population who are doing their best to help preserve their neighbors from the animal kingdom. The natural environment in the northern part of the province is said to be well suited to wild animals. Inside the Mongolia Autonomous County of Northern Gansu has become home to 174 various kinds of wild animals, 32 of them under state protection. The animal inhabitants include white lipped deer, wild yak, snow leopard, lynx, brown bear, argali sheep, snow pheasant and Tibetan Gazelle, and they are often found roaming the county's mountainous pasture areas.
Anonymous. (2000). Snow Leopard Smuggler Detained in Northwest China.
Abstract: Police have detained a man for trying to smuggle two snow leopards through the Xining Railway Station in northwest China's Qinghai Province. Ma Deliang was stopped by police after he attempted to pass the butchered snow leopards off as “beef” at a shop in Sichuan in southwest China. Suspicious of the contents in Ma's big sack, police asked experts from the local forestry bureau to check the meat and they found it to be flesh of two snow leopards, an endangered species on top state protection. Ma later confessed that he bought the dead snow leopards at a local market and wanted to smuggle them to Deyang, a city in southwest China's Sichuan province. Police also searched Ma's home and found dear heads, antlers and lynx and fox furs. Snow leopards live in highlands of altitudes between 3,000 to 6, 000 m above sea level. The population of the species has dwindled greatly since the 19th century.
Bangjie, T., & Bingxing, Q. (1994). The Status and Problems of Snow Leopards in Captivity in China. In J.L.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 149–156). Usa: Islt.
Bangjie, T., & Yanfa, L. (1988). The Status of Captive Snow Leopards in China. In H.Freeman (Ed.), (pp. 151–166). India: International Snow Leopard Trust and Wildlife Institute of India.
Bo, W. (2000). Snow Leopard Smuggling Aborted.
Abstract: Full Text:
Xining, China Daily, Jan. 31--Police have detained a man for trying to smuggle two dead snow leopards, an endangered species under State protection, through the Xining Railway Station in Northwest China's Qinghai Province. Ma Deliang was stopped by police after he attempted to pass the butchered snow leopards off as beef at a shop in Sichuan Province. Ma later confessed that he bought the dead snow leopards at a local market and wanted to smuggle them to Deyang in Sichuan Province. Police also searched Ma's home and found dear heads, antlers and lynx and fox furs. Snow leopards live in highlands of altitudes between 3,000 to 6,000 metres above sea level. The population of the species has dwindled greatly since the 19th century.
Cai, G., Liu, Y., & O'Gara, B. W. (1990). Observations of large mammals in the Qaidam Basin and its peripheral mountainous area in the Peoples Republic of China. Canadadian J.Zool., 68, 2021–2024.
Farrington, J. (2005). A Report on Protected Areas, Biodiversity, and Conservation in the Kyrgyzstan Tian Shan with Brief Notes on the Kyrgyzstan Pamir-Alai and the Tian Shan Mountains of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and China. Ph.D. thesis, , Kyrgyzstan.
Abstract: Kyrgyzstan is a land of towering mountains, glaciers, rushing streams, wildflowercovered meadows, forests, snow leopards, soaring eagles, and yurt-dwelling nomads. The entire nation lies astride the Tian Shan1, Chinese for “Heavenly Mountains”, one of the world's highest mountain ranges, which is 7439 m (24,400 ft) in elevation at its highest point. The nation is the second smallest of the former Soviet Central Asian republics. In
spite of Kyrgyzstan's diverse wildlife and stunning natural beauty, the nation remains little known, and, as yet, still on the frontier of international conservation efforts. The following report is the product of 12 months of research into the state of conservation and land-use in Kyrgyzstan. This effort was funded by the Fulbright Commission of the U.S. State Department, and represents the most recent findings of the author's personal environmental journey through Inner Asia, which began in 1999. When I first started my preliminary research for this project, I was extremely surprised to learn that, even though the Tian Shan Range has tremendous ecological significance for conservation efforts in middle Asia, there wasn't a single major international conservation organization with an office in the former Soviet Central Asian republics. Even more surprising was how little awareness there is of conservation issues in the Tian Shan region amongst conservation workers in neighboring areas who are attempting to preserve similar species assemblages and ecosystems to those found in the Tian Shan. Given this lack of awareness, and the great potential for the international community to make a positive contribution towards improving the current state of biodiversity conservation in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia, I have summarized my findings on protected areas and conservation in Kyrgyzstan and the Tian Shan of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Xinjiang in the chapters below. The report begins with some brief background information on geography and society in the Kyrgyz Republic, followed by an overview of biodiversity and the state of conservation in the nation, which at the present time closely parallels the state of conservation in the other former Soviet Central Asian republics. Part IV of the report provides a catalog of all major protected areas in Kyrgyzstan and the other Tian Shan nations, followed by a list of sites in Kyrgyzstan that are as yet unprotected but merit protection. In the appendices the reader will find fairly comprehensive species lists of flora and fauna found in the Kyrgyz Republic, including lists of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, trees and shrubs, wildflowers, and endemic plants. In addition, a
draft paper on the history and current practice of pastoral nomadism in Kyrgyzstan has been included in Appendix A. While the research emphasis for this study was on eastern Kyrgyzstan, over the course of the study the author did have the opportunity to make brief journeys to southern Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Xinjiang. While falling short of being a definitive survey of protected areas of the Tian Shan, the informational review which
follows is the first attempt at bringing the details of conservation efforts throughout the entire Tian Shan Range together in one place. It is hoped that this summary of biodiversity and conservation in the Tian Shan will generate interest in the region amongst conservationists, and help increase efforts to protect this surprisingly unknown range that forms an island of meadows, rivers, lakes, and forests in the arid heart of Asia.
Fox, J. L. (1989). A review of the status and ecology of the snow leopard (Panthera uncia).
Fox, J. L. (1994). Snow leopard conservation in the wild – a comprehensive perspective on a low density and highly fragmented population. In J.Fox, & J.Du (Eds.), (pp. 3–15). Usa: Islt.
Green, M. J. B. (1994). Protecting the mountains of Central Asia and their snow leopard populations. In J.L.Fox, & Du Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 223–239). International Snow Leopard Trust and Chicago Zoological Society.
Green, M. J. B., & Zhimbiev, B. (1997). Transboundary Protected Areas and Snow Leopard Conservation. In R.Jackson and A.Ahmad (Ed.), (pp. 194–202). Lahore, Pakistan: Islt.
Harris, R. B. (1994). A note on snow leopards and local people in Nangqian County, Southern Qinghai Province. In J.L.Fox, & D. Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 79–84). Usa: Islt.
Harris, R. B., Pletscher, D. H., Loggers, C. O., & Miller, D. J. (1999). Status and trends of Tibetan plateau mammalian fauna, Yeniugou, China. Biological Conservation, 87, 13–19.
Abstract: We conducted surveys focusing on the unique and vulnerable ungulate species in Yeniugou, Qinghai province, China, during September 1997 to compare population estimates with those from the early 1990s. The status of two ungulate species appeared essentially unchanged since 1990ñ1992: wild yak Bos grunniens (about 1200 to 1300 animals) and Tibetan gazelle Procapra picti- caudata. The status of one ungulate species, the white-lipped deer Cervus albirostris, appeared to improve, from a very few to close to 100. We are unsure how the status of the Tibetan wild ass Equus kiang compares with that of the early 1990s. The status of three species declined during the period: blue sheep Pseudois nayaur and argali Ovis ammon declined slightly (possibly due to a weather event), and the Tibetan antelope Pantholops hodgsoni declined dramatically (probably due primarily to poaching), from over 2000 estimated in 1991 to only two seen during 1997. Poaching of antelope has become a serious problem throughout the Tibetan plateau in recent years, and this survey provides evidence that an entire subpopulation can disappear (either through mortality, movement away from human disturbance or a combination) within a relatively short time-frame. That some species (e.g. wild yak, white-lipped deer) continue to thrive in Yeniugou is heartening, but even they remain vulnerable to market-driven poaching.#1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hongguang, H., & Yongfu, X. (1994). Captive snow leopards in the Chongqing Zoo. In J.L.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 191–193). Usa: Islt.
Hung, L., Talipu, Hua, L., Mingjiang, Q., & Schaller, G. B. (1985). A Snow Leopard Survey in the Taxkorgan Region, XInjiang, China.
Hunter, D. O., & Jackson, R. (1997). A Range-Wide Model of Potential Snow Leopard Habitat. In R.Jackson, & A.Ahmad (Eds.), (pp. 51–56). Lahore, Pakistan: Islt.
Hunter, D. O., Jackson, R., Freeman, H., & Hillard, D. (1994). Project snow leopard: a model for conserving central Asia biodiversity. In J.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 247–252). Usa: International Snow Leopard Trust.