Kreuzberg-Mukhina, E., Bikova, E., & Esipov, A. Regional Meeting on the Protection of Snow Leopard.
Kreuzberg-Mukhina, E., Esipov, A., Aromov, B., Bykova, E., & Vashetko, E. (2002). Snow Leopard and Its Protection in Uzbekistan.. Islt: Islt.
Kreuzberg-Mukhina, E., Esipov A.V., Bykova, E. A., Vashetko, E. V., & Aromov, B. (2003). Development of the national Action Plan for the conservation of Snow Leopard in Uzbekistan. Report: 1-51 (Vol. 1-51). Uzbekistan.
Abstract: This document is the final report on the ISLT Project “Development of national Action plan for the conservation of Snow Leopard in Uzbekistan” and a Conservation Strategy for the Snow leopard in Uzbekistan. It includes biology and current status, limiting factors, existing and necessary conservation measures.