Kashkarov D.N. (1935). The cat family (Felidae).
Abstract: A taxonomic characteristic of family Felidae is given. A brief description of the origin and distribution of modern Felidae species is provided. Snow leopard (Felis uncia) is noticed to be met in the mountains of Central Asia. It says that though being a rare species, snow leopard, together with leopard and tiger, causes a considerable damage by exterminating large ungulates and sometimes attacking man.
Kashkarov D.N. (1932). Order Carnivora- Carnivores. Family Felidae-Cats.
Abstract: Snow leopard inhabits Tien Shan, Pamir, Bukhara and possibly Kopet-dag, as well as the Altai, Tibet, and northern slopes of the Himalayas. It preys on ibex, wild sheep, roe deer, hare, keklik (partridge), snow-cock and porcupine and sometimes attacks livestock. Snow leopard is not considered a dangerous animal since even being wounded, it would escape from men and could only rush to the attack when deadlocked.
Kashkarov D.N. (1927). From lake Sary-Chelek to pass Air-Bel. Mammals.
Abstract: The author provides results of the expedition in the vicinity of lake Sary-Chelek, Kyrgyzstan. With reference to the local people he indicates the presence of irbis (Leopardus uncia), bear (Ursus leuconyx), dhole (Cyon alpinus) around Air-Bel. Livestock attracts the predators and every day shepherds find one sheep missing.
Kashkarov D.N. (1923). Living conditions and living in various parts of the mountainous Turkestan. Central Asian snow leopard, irbis (Vol. Issue 2. The animals of mountainous Turkistan.).
Abstract: It describes fauna of the mountainous Turkestan. Irbis is met in Tien Shan, Pamir, Bukhara and Kopet-Dag. Apart from Turkistan, it lives in the Altai, Tibet and on northern slopes of the Himalayas. In Kopet-Dag, this species is met with another panther Caucasian leopard. It preys on ibex, wild sheep, roe deer, keklik (partridge), snow-cock and porcupine. It also attacks small livestock. Normally this species would never attack the man though hunters mentioned some cases that evidence otherwise.