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Author Koshkarev, E.P.
Title On the environment-related stability of snow leopard (Uncia uncia) populations in connection with their distribution in the natural habitats and changes for spread within the USSR Type Journal Article
Year 1990 Publication Int.Ped.Book of Snow Leopards Abbreviated Journal
Volume 6 Issue Pages 37-50
Keywords Tein-Shan; distribution; population; Ussr; former-soviet-republic; Russia; snow-leopard; Uncia-uncia; browse; former soviet republic; former; soviet; republic; uncia; 900
Abstract The stability of animal populations in respect of the influence of the environment is well known to be conditioned by their location in the natural habitat and their ability to establish new territories. In the peripheral regions of natural habitat, however-in the zone that is ecologically least favourable-the situation of the animal is most unstable. This is due to increased pressure of environmental factors which favour neither a high frequency of contacts between individuals belonging to sperate populations nor an increase in the number of such contatcs and their stabilization. In our opinion, this describes the situation that has come about in certain regions inhabited by the snow leopard in the Soviet Union.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes (up) Tien Shan High Mountain Physical and Geographical Station, Academy of Science of the Kirghisian Societ Socialist Republic, Village of Pokrovka, Kirghisian SSR, USSR (full text at URL)Document Type: English Approved no
Call Number SLN @ rana @ 158 Serial 574
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