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Lui, C. -guang, Zheng, C. -wu, & Ren, J. -rang. (2003). Research Foods and Food Sources About Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia) (Vol. 31).
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Rode, J., Lambert, C., Marescot, L., Chaix, B., Beesau, J., Bastian, S., Kyrbashev, J., Cabanat, A.L. (2021). Population monitoring of snow leopards using camera trapping in Naryn State Nature Reserve, Kyrgyzstan, between 2016 and 2019. Global Ecology and Conservation, 31(e01850), 1–6.
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Kazensky, C. A., Munson, L., & Seal, U. S. (1998). The effects of melengestrol acetate on the ovaries of captive wild felids. Journal-of-Zoo-and-Wildlife-Medicine, 29(1), 1–5.
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Kinsel, M. J., Kovarik, P., & Murnane, R. D. (1998). Gastric spiral bacteria in small felids. Journal-of-Zoo-and-Wildlife-Medicine, 29(2), 214–220.
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Rothschild, B. M., Rothschild, C., & Woods, R. J. (1998). Inflammatory arthritis in large cats: An expanded spectrum of spondyloarthropathy. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 29(3), 279–284.
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Clyde, V. L., Ramsay, E. C., & Bemis, D. A. (1997). Fecal shedding of Salmonella in exotic felids. J.Zoo Wildl.Med, 28(2), 148–152.
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Meklenburtsev R.N. (1949). About ecology of ibex in Pamir (Vol. Vol. 28, edition 5.).
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Sharma, K. (2008). The mysterious irbis. Sanctuary Asia, 28(6), 52–57.
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Broder, J., MacFadden, A., Cosens, L., Rosenstein, D., & Harrison, T. (2008). Use of Positive Reinforcement Conditioning to Monitor Pregnancy in an Unanesthetized Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia) via Transabdominal Ultrasound (Vol. 27).
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Sunquist, F. (1997). Where cats and herders mix. (snow leopards in Tibet and Mongolia). International Wildlife, 27(1), 27–33.
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