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Filla, M., Lama, R. P., Filla, T., Heurich, M., Balkenhol, N., Waltert, M., Khorozyan, I. (2022). Patterns of livestock depredation by snow leopards and effects of intervention strategies: lessons from the Nepalese Himalaya. Wildlife Research, .
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Korablev, M. P., Poyarkov, A. D., Karnaukhov, A. S., Zvychaynaya, E. Y., Kuksin, A. N., Malykh, S. V., Istomov, S. V., Spitsyn, S. V., Aleksandrov, D. Y., Hernandez-Blanco, J. A., Munkhtsog, B., Munkhtogtokh, O., Putintsev, N. I., Vereshchagin, A. S., Becmurody, A., Afzunov, S., Rozhnov, V. V. (2021). Large-scale and fine-grain population structure and genetic diversity of snow leopards (Panthera uncia Schreber, 1776) from the northern and western parts of the range with an emphasis on the Russian population. Conservation Genetics, .
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Koju. N. P,, Bashyal, B., Pandey, B. P., Shah, S. N., Thami, S., Bleisch, W. V. (2020). First camera-trap record of the snow leopard Panthera uncia in Gaurishankar Conservation Area, Nepal. Oryx, , 1–4.
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Johansson, O., Ausilio, G., Low, M., Lkhagvajav, P., Weckworth, B., Sharma, K. (2020). The timing of breeding and independence for snow leopard females and their cubs. Mammalian Biology, .
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Chetri, M., Odden, M., Devineau, O., McCarthy, T., Wegge, P. (2020). Multiple factors influence local perceptions of snow leopards and Himalayan wolves in the central Himalayas, Nepal. PeerJ, , 1–18.
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Atzeni, L., Cushman, S. A., Bai, D., Wang, J., Chen, P., Shi, K., Riordan, P. (2020). Meta-replication, sampling bias, and multi-scale model selection: A case study on snow leopard (Panthera uncia) in western China. Ecology and Evolution, , 1–27.
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Sumiya, G., Buyantsog, B., & WWF Mongolia Country Office. (2002). Conservation of Snow Leopard in the Turgen and Tsagaan Shuvuut Mountains Through Local Involvement.. Islt: Islt.
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Schaller, G. B. (1987). Status of large mammals in the Taxkorgan Reserve, Xinjiang, China. Biological-Conservation, 42(1), 53–71.
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Poyarkov, A. D., & Subbotin, A. E. (2002). The Snow Leopard Status in Russia.. Islt: Islt.
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Poyarkov, A. D., Samoylova, G. S., & Subbotin, A. E. (2002). Evaluation of Potential Habitats of Snow Leopard (Uncia Uncia, Schreb.) In Altay-Khangay-Sayan Region and in Territory of Russian Federation: GIS Approach.. Islt: Islt.
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