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Anonymous. (1999). Livestock Predation Control Workshop.
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Aromov B. (1982). Materials on background animals of the Kyzylsu nature reserve.
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Bhatnagar, Y. V. (2008). Relocation from wildlife reserves in the Greater and Trans-Himalayas: Is it necessary? (Vol. 6).
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Esipov A.V. (1995). Status and Conservation of Snow Leopard in Uzbekistan.
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Esipov A.V. (2003). The 56th anniversary of the Chatkal reserve (Vol. 15).
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Esipov A.V. (2000). Current state of snow leopard and its main preys in Hissar nature reserve.
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Esipov A.V. (2002). Distribution and Numbers of the Siberian Ibex in the Hissar Nature Reserve, Uzbekistan.
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