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Pohl, J. (1996). Tracking the Big Cat. Juneau Empire (AK), 5.
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Schaller, G. B. (1976). Mountain mammals in Pakistan. Oryx, 13, 351–356.
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Kitchener, S. L., Meritt, & Rosenthal, M. (1975). Observations on the breeding and husbandry of snow leopards, Panthera uncia. Int.Zoo Yearbook, 15, 212–217.
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Mongolian Biosphere & Ecology Association. (2010). Mongolian Biosphere & Ecology Association Report March 2010.
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Bowling, B. (2004). The Legal Status of Snow Leopards in Afghanistan. United Nations Environment Programme.
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McCarthy, T. (2000). Ecology and Conservation of Snow Leopards, Gobi Brown Bears, and Wild Bactrian Camels in Mongolia. Ph.D. thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, .
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Naumov S.P. (1948). The cats – Felidae. Mountain regions of USSR.
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Fox, J. L. (1974). An ecological survey of the proposed Langtang National Park.
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Jackson, R., & Ahlborn, G. (1989). Snow leopards (Panthera- uncia) in Nepal – home range and movements. National Geographic Research, 5(2), 161–175.
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Karesh, W. B., & Asterino, R. (1988). Mandibular osteomyelitis in a snow leopard (Panthera-uncia) with a review of osteomyelitis in other species and man. Journal Of Zoo Animal Medicine, 19(3), 137–142.
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Roth, T. L., Swanson, W. F., & Wildt, D. E. (1995). Snow leopard (Panthera unica) sperm longevity in vitro is not influenced by protein or energy source supplements but is affected by buffer source. Theriogenology, 43(1), 309.
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Fox, J. L. (1997). Conflict between predators and people in Ladakh. Cat News, 17, 18.
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O'Brien, S. J. (2003). Tears of the Cheetah: And Other Tales from the Genetic Frontier. New York: Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Press.
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De Groot, H., Van Swieten, P., & Aalberse, R. C. (1990). Evidence for a Fel d I-like molecule in the “big cats” (Felidae species). J Allergy Clin Immunol, 86(1), 107–116.
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Berenstein, F. (1984). The snow leopard. Fusion in an Elaborated Delusional Fantasy. Am J Psychoanal, 44(4), 377–397.
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Roth, T. L., Armstrong, D. L., Barrie, M. T., & Wildt, D. E. (1997). Seasonal effects on ovarian responsiveness to exogenous gonadotrophins and successful artificial insemination in the snow leopard (Uncia uncia). Reprod Fertil Dev, 9(3), 285–295.
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Thorel, M. F., Karoui, C., Varnerot, A., Fleury, C., & Vincent, V. (1998). Isolation of Mycobacterium bovis from baboons, leopards and a sea-lion. Vet Res, 29(2), 207–212.
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Oli, M. K. (1994). Snow leopards and blue sheep in Nepal: Densities and predator: prey ratio. Journal of Mammalogy, 75(4), 998–1004.
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Johnson, W. E., Dratch, P. A., Martenson, J. S., & O'Brien, S. J. (1996). Resolution of recent radiations within three evolutionary lineages of Felidae using mitochondrial restriction fragment length polymorphism variation. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 3(2), 97–120.
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