Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Abdusalamov I.A. |
Required protection measures for rare and endangered vertebrate species in Tajikistan |
2001 |
N 2 (143) |
40-48 |
Abdusaljamov I.A., Mirzobakhodurova S.R. |
Conservation strategy of rare and endanger vertebrate species of Tajikistan republic |
2001 |
Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Republic Tajikistan |
2 |
40-48 |
Allen, P. |
Irbis Enterprises: A Project of the International Snow Leopard Trust |
2001 |
6 |
1-3 |
Anonymous |
Snow leopard conservancy annual report, 2001 |
2001 |
1-8 |
Anonymous |
Snow leopard conservation: a NABU project in Kyrgyzstan |
2001 |
Oryx |
35 |
354-355 |
Anonymous |
Snow leopard in Mongolia |
2001 |
Pamphlet. |
1-27 |
Aristov A.A. |
Genus Irbises Uncia Gray, 1854. Irbis or snow leopard Uncia uncia (Schreber, 1775) |
2001 |
329-336 |
Aromov, B. |
Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia) in Hissar Nature Reserve |
2001 |
Issue 3 |
121-125 |
Bajimaya, S. |
Snow leopard manual: field study techniques for the kingdom of Nepal |
2001 |
1-77 |
Dexel, B. |
Snow leopard conservation: a NABU project in Kyrgyzstan |
2001 |
Oryx |
35 |
354-355 |
Feh, C. |
Ecology and social structure of the Gobi khulan Equus hemionus subsp. in the Gobi B. National Park, Mongolia |
2001 |
Biological Conservation |
101 |
51-61 |
Froede, K. and Jackson, R. |
Snow Leopard Manual Field Study Techniques for the Kingdom Nepal |
2001 |
1-69 |
Han, X. Miquelle, D. G., Zhang, E., Jones, M., and Jin, T.. |
Far eastern leopard and Siberian tiger conservation measures. |
2001 |
102-103 |
International Snow Leopard Trust |
Snow Leopard News Spring 2001 |
2001 |
Snow Leopard News |
International Snow Leopard Trust |
Snow Leopard News Summer 2001 |
2001 |
Snow Leopard News |
International Snow Leopard Trust |
Snow Leopard News Fall 2001 |
2001 |
Snow Leopard News |
Jackson, R., Wangchuk, R. |
Linking Snow Leopard Conservation and People-Wildlife Conflict Resolution: Grassroots Measures to Protect the Endangered Snow Leopard from Herder Retribution |
2001 |
Endangered Species UPDATE |
18 |
138-141 |
Khan, A.A. |
Strategic plan for the conservation of the snow leopard in Pakistan |
2001 |
1-17 |
Kolbintsev V.G. |
Modern status of endangered vertebrates in Aksu Jabagly nature reserve |
2001 |
Vol.8. |
139-140 |
Koshkarev E. |
About snow leopard |
2001 |
Vol. 8. |
148-151 |
Kovshar A.F. |
About the necessity to alter the border of Aksu Jabagly nature reserve |
2001 |
Vol. 8. |
15-23 |
Kovshar A.F. |
About representativeness of terrain vertebrate fauna in the Aksu Jabagly nature reserve for the whole West Tien Shan region |
2001 |
Vol.8. |
97-99 |
Kreuzberg-Mukhina E.A. |
The Endangered species and Snow Leopard Conservation problems. Schoolbook |
2001 |
27 |
Lama, T.T. |
Snow Leopard Conservation Annual Progress Report |
2001 |
Mehta, J.; Heinen, J.T. |
Does community-based conservation shape favorable attitudes among locals? An empirical study from Nepal |
2001 |
Environmental Management |
28 |
165-177 |