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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Abzalov A.A. Principles of the nature reserve establishment in Uzbekistan 1976 20-22 details   url
Anonymous Red Data Book: Snow leopard, Schreber, 1776 1976 Red Data Book details   url
Asai, K. Animals waiting for salvation 1976 11 details   url
Bold, A.; Dorzhzunduy, S. Report on Snow Leopards in the Southern Spurs of the Gobi Altai 1976 11 27-43 details  
Camp, V. The winter pussycat 1976 Zoosounds XII 6 details   url
Lanier, D.L.; Dewsbury, D.A. A quantitative study of copulatory behaviour of large Felidae 1976 Behavioural-Processes 1 327-333 details   url
Olney, P.J.S. 1976 International Zoo Yearbook: Snow leopard, Panthera uncia 1976 1976 International Zoo Yearbook 16 436 details   url
Oryx USSR trade in rare species 1976 International Zoo News 23 30 details   url
Pokrovski, V.S. The Snow Leopard Large Predators 1976 details  
Pokrovskiy V.S. Snow leopard, or irbis 1976 82-98 details   url
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