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  Author Title Year (up) Publication Volume Pages Links
Pocock,R.I. On the hyoidean apparatus of the lion (F. leo) and related species of felidae 1916 Annals and Magazine of Natural History 8 222-229 details   url
Pocock,R.I., R.I. On the tooth-change, cranial characters, and classification of the snow leopard or ounce (Felis uncia) 1916 Annals and Magazine of Natural History 306-316 details   url
Ward, A.E. Game animals of Kashmir and adjacent hill provinces 1921 J.of Bombay Natural Historical Society. 29 23-35 details   url
Kashkarov D.N. Living conditions and living in various parts of the mountainous Turkestan. Central Asian snow leopard, irbis 1923 Issue 2. The animals of mountainous Turkistan. 3-6 details   url
Burrard, G. Big Game Hunting in the Himalayas and Tibet 1925 details  
Kashkarov D.N. From lake Sary-Chelek to pass Air-Bel. Mammals 1927 21-23 details   url
Stockley, G. Big Game Shooting In the Indian Empire 1928 details  
Laptev M.K. The cats – Felidae 1929 Issue I. 55-60 details   url
Pocock, R.I. Tha panthers and ounces of Asia 1930 Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 84 307-336 details   url
Kogan M.I. The Kazakh SSR. The Kyrgyz SSR. The Uzbek and Tajik SSR. The Turkmen SSR 1931 47, 51-52,55-57, 59, 61-62. details   url
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