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Author | Title | Year | Publication | Volume | Pages |
Ricciuti, E.R. | This fragile earth/Part II: Mountains besieged | 1976 | International Wildlife | 24-33 | |
Rowell, G. | China's Wildlife Lament | 1983 | International Wildlife | 13 | 4-11 |
Jackson, R.; Ahlborn, G. | Catching a ghost (the snow leopard) | 1989 | International Wildlife. | 19 | 30 |
Schaller, G. | Saving China's Wildlife | 1990 | International Wildlife | 1 | 30-41 |
Sunquist, F. | Where cats and herders mix. (snow leopards in Tibet and Mongolia) | 1997 | International Wildlife | 27 | 27-33 |