Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Special protected areas (nature reserves, natural and national parks, zakazniks, natural monuments) |
2002 |
91-92 |
Abdunazarov B.B. |
Composition, structure and population of rare terrene vertebrate animals and their conservation perspectives in the nature reserves of Uzbekistan |
1990 |
182-184 |
Abdusalamov I.A. |
Required protection measures for rare and endangered vertebrate species in Tajikistan |
2001 |
N 2 (143) |
40-48 |
Abzalov A.A. |
Principles of the nature reserve establishment in Uzbekistan |
1976 |
20-22 |
Ahmad, I.; Hunter, D.O.; Jackson, R. |
A Snow Leopard and Prey Species Survey in Khunjerab National Park, Pakistan |
1997 |
92-95 |
Andriuskevicius, A. |
Occurrance of Snow Leopards in the Soviet Union |
1980 |
International Pedigree Book of Snow Leopards |
2 |
59-69 |
Anonymous |
Protection Funded for Himalayan Snow Leopards, Bears |
1999 |
Anonymous |
Resolutions Conservation of Snow Leopard, Seventh International Snow Leopard Symposium |
1994 |
329-331 |
Aromov, B. |
The Materials of the Numbers of Dispersed Animal Species in Kyzylsu Nature Reserve |
1982 |
Buzurukov, A.; Muratov, R. |
Snow Leopard Conservation Tajikistan |
1994 |
29-32 |
Esipov, A. |
Status and Conservation of Snow Leopard in Uzbekistan |
1997 |
48-49 |
Farrington, J. |
A Report on Protected Areas, Biodiversity, and Conservation in the Kyrgyzstan Tian Shan with Brief Notes on the Kyrgyzstan Pamir-Alai and the Tian Shan Mountains of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and China |
2005 |
1-276 |
Fox, J.L.; Nurbu, C. |
Hemis, a national park for snow leopards in India's Trans-Himalaya |
1990 |
Int.Pedigree Book of Snow Leopards |
6 |
71-84 |
Ganguli-Lachungpa, U. |
Dead snow leopard (Uncia uncia) at Yabuk, Dongkung (5500M) in North Sikkim |
1999 |
Green, M.J.B. |
Protected areas and snow leopards: their distribution and status |
1987 |
Tiger Paper |
14 |
1-10 |
Gurung, C.P. |
Ecotourism: Nepal's Experience |
1997 |
170-177 |
Hillard, D. |
Launching a snow leopard study in the Qomolangma Nature Reserve |
1992 |
Snow Line |
10 |
8-9 |
Ishunin G.I. |
Protected areas and waters of Uzbekistan |
1979 |
49-63 |
Ishunin G.I. |
Nature reserves and sanctuaries in Uzbekistan |
1978 |
55-61 |
Jackson, R. |
Community Participation: Tools and Examples |
2000 |
1-9 |
Jackson, R. |
Managing people-wildlife conflict in Tibet's Qomolangma National Nature Preserve |
1999 |
Jackson, R. |
SSC Plan for Snow Leopard |
1992 |
Jackson, R. |
A wildlife survey of the Qomolangma Nature Preserve, Tibetian Autonomous Region, Peoples Republic of China |
1991 |
Jackson, R.; Fox, J.L. |
Snow Leopard Conservation: Accomplishments and Research Priorities |
1997 |
128-144 |
Jackson, R.; Hunter, D.; Emmerich, C. |
SLIMS: An Information Management System for Promoting the Conservation of Snow Leopards and Biodiversity in the Mountains of Central Asia |
1997 |
75-91 |