Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Adil, A. |
Status and Conservation of Snow Leopard in Afghanistan |
1997 |
35-38 |
Ahmad, A. |
Protection of Snow Leopards through Grazier Communities:Some Examples from WWF-Pakistan's Projects in the Northern Areas |
1994 |
265-272 |
Allen, P. |
Conservation Increases Crafts Income |
2002 |
Winter, 2002 |
7 |
Allen, P. |
Irbis Enterprises: A Project of the International Snow Leopard Trust |
2001 |
6 |
1-3 |
Allen, P. |
WWF Progress Report: Irbis Enterprises Snow Leopard Conservation Incentive Project |
1999 |
Anandakrishnan, M.B. |
The snow leopard: Elusive and endangered |
1998 |
The Environmental Magazine |
9 |
18-19 |
Anonymous |
Snow Leopard Smuggler Detained in Northwest China |
2000 |
Anonymous |
Livestock Predation Control Workshop |
1999 |
Anonymous |
Trade continues in snow leopard skins |
1996 |
Snow Line |
Xiv |
Anonymous |
International Specialists Discuss China's Threatened Cats |
1992 |
Anonymous |
In Mongolia, Taking Stock of Rare Animals |
1990 |
Anonymous |
Central Asian Republic Snow Leopard Specialists Plan Joint Conservation Strategy |
Aripjanov M.P. |
Rare mammals of South-West Tien Shan |
1990 |
80-81 |
Aryal, A. |
Final Report On Demography and Causes of Mortality of Blue Sheep (Pseudois nayaur) in Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve in Nepal |
2009 |
1-53 |
Bangjie, T.; Bingxing, Q. |
The Status and Problems of Snow Leopards in Captivity in China |
1994 |
149-156 |
Bartlett, L. |
Good News for the Bad and the Ugly at CITES Conference |
1997 |
Berezovikov N.N. |
Rare and endangered birds and animals of South Altai |
1982 |
27-30 |
Blomqvist, L.; Dexel, B. |
In Focus: Declining numbers of wild snow leopards |
2006 |
EAZA Zoo News |
26-27 |
Bo, W. |
Illegal Trade of Snow Leopards in China: An Overview |
2002 |
Bo, W. |
Snow Leopard Smuggling Aborted |
2000 |
Braden, K. |
Illegal recreational hunting in Russia: the role of social norms and elite violators |
2015 |
Eurasian Geography and Economics |
Buzurukov, A.; Muratov, R. |
Snow Leopard Conservation Tajikistan |
1994 |
29-32 |
Bykova E.A. |
Method of questionnaire design used for the collecting of primary data on threatened species with the example of snow leopard |
2004 |
208-214 |
Chernogaev E.A. |
Materials on rare and protected species of the Kyzylsu nature reserve |
1978 |
39-40 |
Chundawat, R.S.; Rodgers W.A.; Panwar, H.S. |
Status Report on Snow Leopard in India |
1988 |
113-120 |