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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Miraki Reservation, Chatkal Reservation 1978 9-11 details   url
An E.S. The Chatkal Mountain Forest State Nature Reserve. The Kyzylsu Mountain Juniperous State Nature Reserve. The Miraki State Nature Reserve 1980 19-21 details   url
Bogdanov O.P. The Chatkal state mountain forest biosphere reserve. The Hissar nature reserve 1989 11-28 details   url
Dustov J. Evaluation of current status of large mammals in the Chatkal nature reserve 2002 89-92 details   url
Epifanov V.M. Fauna 1968 29-33 details   url
Esipov A.V. The 56th anniversary of the Chatkal reserve 2003 15 15 details   url
Esipov V.M. Chatkal biosphere nature reserve. Buffer zones needed badly 1990 Vol.1. 294-296 details   url
Esipov V.M. The status and perspective protection and rehabilitation of natural ecosystems in the Chatkal state biosphere nature reserve under the State Committee for Agriculture and Industry of the USSR 1986 15-17 details   url
Esipov V.M. Chatkal mountain-forest nature reserve 1979 64-68 details   url
Esipov V.M. The nature reserve in the spurs of Tien Shan 1978 Vol.8. 8 details   url
Esipov V.M. Chatkal nature reserve 1969 486-494 details   url
Krasilnikov N. Nature reserve 1988 174-176 details   url
Kreuzberg-Mukhina, E.; Esipov A.V.; Bykova, E.A.; Vashetko, E.V.; Aromov, B. Development of the national Action Plan for the conservation of Snow Leopard in Uzbekistan. Report: 1-51 2003 1-51 1-52 details   url
Moiseev V. Around Tien Shan and Hissaro-Alai 1993 7-14 details   url
Novikov L.K. Mammals 1972 20-24 details   url
Rashek V.A. The Chatkal State nature reserve. Aksu Jabagly nature reserve 1980 157-161 details   url
Tursunov Kh. The Ugam-Chatkal national park. The Chatkal state biosphere nature reserve 2003 7-10 details   url
Vyrypaev V.A. The influence of sarcoptosis on the population of Capra sibirica Pall. in Western Tien Shan 1974 Vol. II. 292-293 details   url
Zheleznyakov D.F. Order Predators 1958 Edition 1. 110-112 details   url
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