Chichikin Yu.N. (1968). Ways to enrich game fauna of Kyrgyzstan.
Abstract: In Kyrgyzstan, there are 106 mammal and 111 bird species. 40 mammal and 70 bird species are game ones. Resources of some of them were undermined due to over-hunting. Moral, goitered gazelle, pheasant have disappeared; argali, roe deer, and wild boar have become not numerous. In order to protect game fauna and regulate hunting of wild animals, hunting was prohibited at lake Issyk-Kul (1948); hunting for moral, goitered gazelle, swan, bar-headed goose, pheasant, snow leopard, bear, and argali was prohibited too (1952, 1956 and 1958).
Epifanov V.M. (1968). Fauna.
Abstract: There are three fish species, two amphibian species, nine reptile, 97 bird species, and 23 mammal species, including snow leopard, in the Chatkal reserve. A list of animals and their brief description is provided.
Frueh, R. (1968). A note on breeding snow leopards at the Saint Louis Zoo. Int.Zoo Yearbook, 8, 74–76.
Abstract: Breif comments on physical characteristics of the young, care and reproductive behavior of snow leopards
Kolosov A.M. (1968). The mountains of Central Asia.
Abstract: It provides description of main game animals in the USSR, considers a matter of rare species conservation, as well as keeping, breeding and feeding the species and enriching fauna by means of acclimatization. Snow leopard is indicated to inhabit the Tien-Shan Mountains along with species such as ibex, roe deer, moral, lynx, and others, and the mountains of Siberia along with argali, ibex, lynx, sable, glutton, etc.
Marma B.B.and Yunchis V.V. (1968). A contribution to biology of the Snow-leopard (Panthera uncia uncia) (by observations in captivity) (Vol. XLVII, issue 11.).
Abstract: The methods to obtain the progeny of the snow leopard (Panthera uncia uncia) in captivity were being elaborated in the zoological garden of Kaunas, Lithuanian SSR. The blood characteristics for snow leopards is given and compared to that for African lions and Sumatrian tigers. A series of internal, external and clinical indices is established. The rat lasts for 5-7 day, the duration of pregnancy equals 98 days. The duration of lactation varies from 3 to 4 months. Sexual maturity is attained on the 3rd-4th year. From 1960 to 1967 in zoological garden of the world about 29 snow leopards were born, 14 of them in the Kaunas zoological garden.
Marma, B. B., & Yunchis, V. V. (1968). Observations on the breeding, management and physiology of Snow leopards (Panthera u. uncia) at Kaunas Zoo from 1962 to 1967. In C. Jarvis, & R. Biegler (Eds.), Canids and Felids in Captivity (pp. 66–73). Zoological Society of London.
Mazak, V. (1968). A comment on the proposed preservation o the generic name Panthera oken (Mammalia, Carnivora). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 25(2/3).
Singh, B. (1968). Snow leopard or the ounce. In Wildlife of Himachal Pradesh (pp. 29–57).
Abstract: Also include conservation and management of wildlife chapter.
Publicity Forestry Division.
Author is Chief Conservator of Forests
Yanushevich A.I., T. Y. S. (1968). Mountain animals.
Abstract: Fauna of invertebrate and vertebrate species in highlands of Kyrgyzstan is described. Mammals are represented by ibex and mountain sheep, snow leopard, dhole, stone marten, Royle's mountain vole, picas, bear, grey and long-tailed marmot; birds are represented by black and griffon vultures, Egyptian vulture, snow-cocks, chukars, rose finch, swallows, swifts, etc. A brief description of their way of life is given.