Allayarov A.M. (1963). Materials on geographical distribution of wild cats in Uzbekistan.
Abstract: It describes the distribution and habitats of eight Felidae species in Uzbekistan, such as snow leopard, leopard, lynx, caracal, chaus, manul, sand cat, and steppe cat.
Gromov I.M. (1963). Felis (Uncia) uncia Schreber (1776) leopard or irbis (Vol. Part.2.).
Abstract: An identification table for genus and species of mammals of USSR is given. The taxonomy, morphology, distribution and life history are described. The features of snow leopard Felis (Uncia) uncia, distribution, biology and practical value are described.
Ishunin G.I. (1963). Game mammals and birds of northern slopes of the Turkestan ridge.
Abstract: There are 27 mammal species in the mountains of Turkestan ridge, 17 of which are good for trade or sport hunting. However, many of them have become non-numerous because of overhunting or destruction of their natural complexes (forest cutting, erosion, etc.). In Turkestan ridge of Uzbekistan, snow leopard is protected only in the Zaamin nature reserve.
Jie, Z., & Zongwei, W. (1963). Qinghai Fauna. Journal of Animal, 15(1), 125–137.
Juneys, V. (1963). Zur fortpflanzung des schneeleoparden (Uncia uncia) im zoologischen garten. D. Zoologischen Garten, , 303–306.
Kuznetzov B.A. (1963). Materials on mammal fauna in Central Asia. Central Asian mountainous province.
Abstract: It provides a list of mammals of Central Asia (species and sub-species) indicating their main habitats, and undertakes an attempt to zone fauna of Central Asia based on data collected by the world science community concerning distribution of various mammal species over the country. Snow leopard Uncia uncia Schr. was indicated to inhabit the mountains of Central Asia.
Petrov B.M. (1963). Game fauna in western extremities of the Tien Shan and specific issues of its enrichment and use.
Abstract: It provides a brief description of game fauna in the West Tien Shan including the Ugam, Pskem, Chatkal, and Kurama ridges, characterized by high diversity and practical value of predatory mammal species (including snow leopard), Artiodactyls, rodents and birds. There arises a question of game fauna enrichment and game management regulating on this territory.