Jinguo, Z. (1994). Case report on vesicular calculus of snow leopard. In J.L.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 209–212). Usa: Islt.
Mazoomdaar, J. (2011). Cat Among the People. Open, (8 August), 40–45.
Jackson, R., & Ahlborn, G. (1989). Catching a ghost (the snow leopard). International Wildlife., 19(3), 30.
Ishunin G.I. (1964). Cats.
Abstract: It provides information about the cat family species in Uzbekistan (steppe cat Felis libyca, reed cat Felis chaus, Turkistan lynx Felis lynx isabellina, manul Felis manul, sand cat Felis margarita, Turan tiger Felis tigris virgata, Middle Asia leopard Felis pardus tullianus, and snow leopard Felis uncia. Snow leopard is distributed over the Hissar ridge, and the mountains of Kuydytavak, Khoddjachilimakhram, Zardalyupaz, Khodjapiriyah and Belata. Trade significance of snow leopard is negligent. In the Sary-Asia district one skin was traded in 1934 and 1935, three in 1936, four in 1937, one in 1946, and two in 1947.
Zakirov A. (1974). Cats.
Abstract: It describes a fauna complex of the Fergana valley in Uzbekistan. Three cat family species are found there (wild cat, Turkistan lynx and snow leopard). Snow leopard (Uncia uncia) inhabits eastern part of the Chatkal ridge in the mountains of Akchala. Known are cases of snow leopard's preying on sheep in summer but such cases are extremely rare and the harm is negligent. This is a highly endangered species and therefore full prohibition of shooting the animals is required.
Lesnyak A.P. (1984). Cats in Uzbekistan's fur trade.
Abstract: Data of distribution, food, and fur trade of Felidae (North Persian leopard, snow leopard, caracal, Turkestan lynx, manul, Turkestan steppe cat, jungle cat [chaus], sand cat) in Uzbekistan is given. Snow leopard is an object of illegal hunting.
Denis, A. (1964). Cats of the World. In B. Campbell (Ed.), Cats of the World (Vol. 1). Constable.
Shrestha, A., Thapa, K., Subba, S. A., Dhakal, M., Devkota, B. P., Thapa, G. J., Shrestha, S., Malla, S., Thapa, K. (2019). Cats, canines, and coexistence: dietary differentiation between the sympatric Snow Leopard and Grey Wolf in the western landscape of Nepal Himalaya. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 11(7), 13815–13821.
Abstract: Understanding the dietary habits of sympatric apex carnivores advances our knowledge of ecological processes and aids their conservation. We compared the diets of the sympatric Snow Leopard Panthera uncia and Grey Wolf Canis lupus using standard micro-histological analyses of scats collected from the western complex of Nepal Himalaya. Our study revealed one of the highest recorded contributions of livestock to the diet of top predators (55% for Grey Wolf and 39% for Snow Leopard) and high dietary overlap (0.82) indicating potential exploitative or interference competition. Their diet composition, however, varied significantly based on their consumption of wild and domestic prey. Limitation in data precludes predicting direction and outcome of inter-specific interactions between these predators. Our findings suggest a high rate of negative interaction with humans in the region and plausibly retaliatory killings of these imperilled predators. To ensure the sustained survival of these two apex carnivores, conservation measures should enhance populations of their wild prey species while reducing livestock losses of the local community through preventive and mitigative interventions.
Kolosov A.M. (1975). Central Asia.
Abstract: It describes a mammal species composition in the mountain ecosystems of Central Asia Kopetdag, Hissaro-Alai and Pamir, Tien Shan, and Tarbagatai ridge. Data on distribution and population number is presented.
Ammosov, B. (1973). Central Asia mountains. Snow leopard or irbis.
Abstract: All natural zones are represented in the mountains of Central Asia: deserts, semi-deserts, steppes, meadows, forests and shrubs, sub-alpine zones, alpine zones. Irbis (snow leopard) is a typical inhabitant of highlands. In the USSR, snow leopard is distributed in the mountains of Central Asia and southern Siberia. Outside the country this species is met in the Himalayas, Tibet, mountains of Mongolia. It is rare everywhere. The annual world trade is less than 1,000 animals. Being a non-numerous species, it causes negligible damage to farming and hunting industry.