Abstract: This study was part of an expedition to the Altai mountains in the Kosh Agach region of the Altai Republic, run by Biosphere Expeditions from 20 June to 13 August 2004. The aim was to conduct a continuing survey of snow leopard (Uncia uncia) in this area, as well as surveying the snow leopard's primary prey species, argali (Ovis ammon) and Siberian ibex (Capra sibirica), together with secondary prey species.
Using the Snow Leopard Information Management System (SLIMS) developed by the International Snow Leopard Trust (ISLT), presence/absence surveys (SLIMS form 1) of snow leopard and prey species, as well as relative abundance studies (SLIMS form 2), were conducted throughout the study period across the entire survey area (approximately 200 sq km). Interviews with local, semi-nomadic herders also formed an important part of the research procedure. The expedition also collected data for extended mammal, bird and plant inventories.
No evidence was found implying a resident animal and/or more than one snow leopard in the research area. The only finding of one rather old scat sample (very likely belonging to the species), shows that snow leopards recorded in the year before may have left the area, been poached or visit it only sporadically. However, surveys show that the habitat is varied and capable of sustaining a healthy prey base for snow leopard, This, together with evidence from local people, confirmed the importance of the study area as a habitat for snow leopard and as a corridor for snow leopard dispersal. The survey area urgently needs protection but involving the local community is vital if conservation initiatives are to succeed.
Abstract also available in Russian.