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Ale, S. B. (1994). Snow Leopard in Remote Districts of Nepal (Vol. xii). Seattle: Islt. |
Aryal, A. (2009). Final Report On Demography and Causes of Mortality of Blue Sheep (Pseudois nayaur) in Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve in Nepal.
Abstract: A total of 206 individual Blue sheep Pseudois nayaur were estimated in Barse and Phagune blocks of Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve (DHR) and population density was 1.8 Blue sheep/sq.km. There was not significant change in population density from last 4 decades. An average 7 animals/herd (SD-5.5) were classified from twenty nine herds, sheep per herds varying from 1 to 37. Blue sheep has classified into sex ratio on an average 75 male/100females was recorded in study area. The sex ratio was slightly lower but not significantly different from the previous study. Population of Blue sheep was seen stable or not decrease even there was high poaching pressure, the reason may be reducing the number of predators by poison and poaching which has
supported to increase blue sheep population. Because of reducing the predators Wolf Canis lupus, Wild boar population was increasing drastically in high rate and we can observed wild boar above the tree line of DHR. The frequency of occurrence of different prey species in scats of different predators shows that, excluding zero values, the frequencies of different prey species were no significantly different (ö2= 10.3, df = 49, p > 0.05). Most of the scats samples (74%) of Snow leopard, Wolf, Common Leopard, Red fox's cover one prey species while two and three species were present in 18% and 8%, respectively. Barking deer Muntiacus muntjak was the most frequent (18%) of total diet composition of common leopards. Pika Ochotona roylei was the most frequent (28%), and Blue sheep was in second position for diet of snow leopards which cover 21% of total diet composition. 13% of diet covered non-food item such as soil, stones, and vegetable. Pika was most frequent on Wolf and Red fox diet which covered 32% and 30% respectively. There was good positive relationship between the scat density and Blue sheep consumption rate, increasing the scat density, increasing the Blue sheep consumption rate. Blue sheep preference by different predators such as Snow leopard, Common leopard, Wolf and Red fox were 20%, 6%, 13% and 2% of total prey species respectively. Keywords: Report; mortality; blue; blue sheep; blue-sheep; sheep; Pseudois; pseudois nayaur; Pseudois-nayaur; nayaur; Dhorpatan; hunting; reserve; Nepal; biodiversity; research; training; snow; snow leopard; snow-leopard; leopard; conservation; program; population; Population-Density; density; densities; change; Sex; study; area; High; poaching; Pressure; reducing; number; predators; predator; poison; wolf; wolves; canis; Canis-lupus; lupus; wild; wild boar; prey; prey species; prey-species; species; scats; scat; value; fox; cover; deer; diet; leopards; pika; snow leopards; snow-leopards; soil; Relationship
Fox, J. L. (1991). Wildlife Ecology Workshop Held in Indias Himalaya Region (Vol. ix). Seattle: Islt. |
Fox, J. L., & Freeman, H. (1984). An Internationally cooperative fiels study of the snow leopard in Northern India. In L.Blomqvist (Ed.), (Vol. 4, pp. 39–42). Helsinki, Finland: Leif Blomqvist and Helsinki Zoo. |
Freeman, H. (1988). Resolutions Conservation of Snow Leopard, Fifth International Snow Leopard Symposium. (pp. 267–269). Usa. |
International Snow Leopard Trust. (1993). First SLIMS Workshop Held in China (Vol. xi). Seattle: Islt. |
International Snow Leopard Trust. (1999). Snow Leopard News. Seattle, WA: Islt. |
International Snow Leopard Trust. (2000). Snow Leopard News Spring 2000. Seattle, Wa: Islt.
Keywords: Rutherford; Freeman; Morse; Jackson; Hillard; Natural-Partnerships-Program; Pakistan; Islt; Slims; training; Chitrol-Gol; parks; preserves; reserves; protected-areas; surveys; Hemis; Conflict-Resolution-Workshop; conflict; herders; leh; Jammu; Kashmir; Ladakh; corrals; predator; prey; livestock; depradation; human-wildlife-conflict; Uzbekistan; Gissar; Peace-Corps; Mongolia; Macne; fiction; populations; browse; 4390
Izold, J. (2008). Snow Leopard Enterprise: a conservation project that saves an endangered species and supports needy families. Anim.Keepers' Forum, 9(5), 359–364.
Abstract: The World Conservation Union listed the snow leopard (Uncia uncia) as endangered in 1974. With as few as 3,500 snow leopards left in the wild, scientists placed the snow leopard on the IUCN Red List of critically endangered species shared by animals such as the giant panda and tiger. In an effort to save the snow leopard from extinction, former zoo employee Helen Freeman founded the Snow Leopard Trust in 1981. The Snow Leopard Trust works to save this elusive cat by incorporating community-based conservation projects. One of these project Leopard Enterprise (SLE), impacts poverty stricken communities in Mongolia, Kyrgyz Republic, and Pakistan. It assists over 300 families in its conservation efforts. The economic incentives provided via SLE have led participating communities not to harm the snow leopard or its prey, and to practice sustainable herding. Since the project began in 1997, the number of snow leopards harmed around the communities' territories has dropped to near zero. Additionally, the annual income of families that utilize the benefits of SLE has increased by 25% to 40%. SLE creates this economic benefit by providing the training and equipment necessary to make desirable products from the wool of herd animals. Snow Leopard Trust then purchases these handicraft items from the local people and them globally. Zoos can expand their conservation efforts by simply offering these items in their gift shops. Woodland Park Zoo (WPZ) was the first zoological institution to sell the products, and WPZ continues to generate revenue from them. SLE is a golden opportunity for zoos to increase revenue, assist poor families, and save an endangered species and fragile ecosystem.
Keywords: snow; snow leopard; snow-leopard; leopard; conservation; project; endangered; endangered species; endangered-species; species; Support; union; uncia; Uncia uncia; Uncia-uncia; snow leopards; snow-leopards; leopards; wild; Iucn; Animals; Animal; tiger; extinction; former; zoo; Freeman; trust; work; cat; community-based; projects; Sle; impact; poverty; community; Mongolia; Kyrgyz; Kyrgyz-Republic; republic; Pakistan; 300; economic; incentives; prey; sustainable; herding; number; territory; income; training; products; wool; local; local people; people; zoos; Woodland-Park-Zoo; park; zoological; ecosystem
Jack, R. (2008). DNA Testing and GPS positioning of snow leopard (Panthera uncia) genetic material in the Khunjerab National Park Northern Areas, Pakistan.
Abstract: The protection of Snow Leopards in the remote and economically disadvantaged Northern Areas of Pakistan needs local people equipped with the skills to gather and present information on the number and range of individual animals in their area. It is important for the success of a conservation campaign that the people living in the area are engaged in the conservation process. Snow Leopards are elusive and range through inhospitable terrain so direct study is difficult. Consequently the major goals for this project were twofold, to gather information on snow leopard distribution in this area and to train local university students and conservation management professionals in the techniques used for locating snow leopards without the need to capture or even see the animals. This project pioneered the use of DNA testing of field samples collected in Pakistan to determine the distribution of snow leopards and to attempt to identify individuals. These were collected in and around that country's most northerly national park, the Kunjurab National Park, which sits on the Pakistan China border. Though the Northern Areas is not a well developed part of Pakistan, it does possess a number of institutions that can work together to strengthen snow leopard conservation. The first of these is a newly established University with students ready to be trained in the skills needed. Secondly WWF-Pakistan has an office in the main town and a state of the art GIS laboratory in Lahore and already works closely with the Forest Department who manage the national park. All three institutions worked together in this project with WWF providing GIS expertise, the FD rangers, and the university students carrying out the laboratory work. In addition in the course of the project the University of the Punjab in Lahore also joined the effort, providing laboratory facilities for the students. As a result of this project maps have been produced showing the location of snow leopards in
two areas. Preliminary DNA evidence indicates that there is more than one animal in this relatively small area, but the greatest achievement of this project is the training and experience gained by the local students. For one student this has been life changing. Due to the opportunities provided by this study the student, Nelofar gained significant scientific training and as a consequence she is now working as a lecturer and research officer for the Center for Integrated Mountain Research, New Campus University of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan Keywords: project; snow; snow leopard; snow-leopard; leopard; network; conservation; program; Dna; Gps; panthera; panthera uncia; Panthera-uncia; uncia; Khunjerab; Khunjerab-National-Park; national; national park; National-park; park; areas; area; Pakistan; protection; snow leopards; snow-leopards; leopards; local; local people; people; information; number; range; Animals; Animal; study; distribution; management; professional; techniques; capture; use; field; country; China; border; work; art; Gis; Forest; manage; Wwf; maps; map; location; training; research; mountain