Ahlborn, G., & Jackson, R. (1987). Marking in Wild Snow Leopards: A preliminary assesment (Vol. No. 13). Seattle: Islt.
Ahlborn, G., & Jackson, R. M. (1988). Marking in Free-Ranging Snow Leopards in West Nepal: A preliminary assesment. In H.Freeman (Ed.), (pp. 25–49). India: Snow Leopard Trust and the Wildlife Institute of India.
Abstract: Describes and Quantifies snow leopard marking behaviour, based primarily on sign, gatherd during a four year study in Nepal. Emphasis is on scrapes and spray markings, detailing their frequency of occurence realtive to habitat characteristics and season. Both sexes mark intensively, sign abundance is associated with intensity of use, and sign is concentrated along breaks in terrain.
Ahmad, I., Hunter, D. O., & Jackson, R. (1997). A Snow Leopard and Prey Species Survey in Khunjerab National Park, Pakistan. In R.Jackson, & A.Ahmad (Eds.), (pp. 92–95). Lahore, Pakistan: Islt.
Dhungel, S. (1994). Conservation of the Snow Leopard in Nepal. In J. L. Fox, & D. Jezing (Eds.), (pp. 47–50). Usa: Islt.
Fox, J. L. (1989). A review of the status and ecology of the snow leopard (Panthera uncia).
Fox, J. L., & Chundawat, R. S. (1997). Evaluation of Snow Leopard Sign Abundance in the Upper Indus Valley. In R.Jackson, & A.Ahmad (Eds.), (pp. 66–74). Lahore, Pakistan: Islt.
Fox, J. L., Sinha, S. P., Chundawat R.S., & Das, P. K. (1988). A Field Survey of Snow Leopard Presence and Habitat use in Northwestern India. In H.Freeman (Ed.), (pp. 99–111). India: International Snow Leoaprd Trust and Wildlife Institute of India.
Abstract: During November 1985 through July1996, a survey of snow leopard presence and ecology was conducted in selected areas of the states of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh in north-western India. The study was carried out under the auspices of the Wildlife Institute of India in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the International Snow Leopard Trust. The objectives of the survey were essentially determine the relative presence of the snow leopard and its associated prey species,investigate human interaction with the snow leopard and select an appropriate site for more intensive studies of the snow leopard and its ecosystem.
Fox, J. L., Sinya, S. P., Chundawat, R. S., & Das, P. K. (1986). A Survey of Snow Leopard and Associated Species in the Himalaya of Northwestern India, Project Completion Report.
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Jackson, R., & Fox, J. L. (1997). Snow Leopard Conservation: Accomplishments and Research Priorities. In R.Jackson, & A.Ahmad (Eds.), (pp. 128–144). Pakistan: Islt.