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Bogdanov O.P. (1992). Snow leopard or irbis Uncia Uncia.
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Dementiev G.P. (1967). Quadrupeds inhabitants of the mountains.
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Koshkarev E.P. (1990). Key areas of snow leopard's habitat as main conservation objects (Vol. Part. 1.).
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Lesnyak A.P. (1984). Cats in Uzbekistan's fur trade.
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Plyaskin V.E. (1982). Rare Felidae species in the Chatkal valley of the West Tien Shan.
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Sludskiy A.A. (1973). Snow leopard or irbis Pantera (Uncia) uncia Schreber (1776) (Vol. Vol. 34. Hunting mammals of Kazakhstan).
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Sokolov V.E. (1979). Snow leopard genus.
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