Bogdanov O.P. (1992). Snow leopard or irbis Uncia Uncia.
Abstract: Snow leopard and its habitat within the USSR and Uzbek SSR are described. Its habitat in the Chatkal and Hissar ridges are described too. Given are data concerning alimentary biology, reproduction, and attitude to man. Female snow leopards become mature at the age of two three years, male at the age of four years. Reproduction occurs once every two years. Presumably, there are 10 animals in the country. Snow leopard is protected in four nature reserves in Uzbekistan and a number of nature reserves in neighbour countries.
Dementiev G.P. (1967). Quadrupeds inhabitants of the mountains.
Abstract: All species inhabiting the highlands of Asia are normally referred to as herbivorous or predators. A majority of alpine land species (rodents and ungulates) feeds upon leaves, stalks, and roots of plants. Among widely distributed highland species the most interesting are marmots, red pica, grey vole, argali, and ibex. Argali and ibex are preyed on by snow leopards. There are reasons to believe that these mountain animal species are more ancient than their cognates in a plain. All the way from Central Asia to Europe, species belonging to the eastern and western fauna complexes are observed to interpenetrate.
Koshkarev E.P. (1990). Key areas of snow leopard's habitat as main conservation objects (Vol. Part. 1.).
Abstract: The most vulnerable key areas within the snow leopard habitat are East Kazakhstan (an area of 48,000 square km) with no protected areas network established, and South Siberia (131,000 square km), where snow leopard is protected in three nature reserves. These areas are distant from main part of the habitat, isolated and have more extreme conditions. In Central Asia's key area (213,000 square km) linked to a main Chinese-Afghani part of the habitat, snow leopard was found in 11 nature reserves and two national parks. For reliable protection of this species it would be expedient to strengthen the role of the mountain nature reserves by means of extension and amalgamation of the areas, and other measures.
Lesnyak A.P. (1984). Cats in Uzbekistan's fur trade.
Abstract: Data of distribution, food, and fur trade of Felidae (North Persian leopard, snow leopard, caracal, Turkestan lynx, manul, Turkestan steppe cat, jungle cat [chaus], sand cat) in Uzbekistan is given. Snow leopard is an object of illegal hunting.
Plyaskin V.E. (1982). Rare Felidae species in the Chatkal valley of the West Tien Shan.
Abstract: In 1981, rare Felidae species such as snow leopard, Turkistan lynx, and manul (one encounter recorded) were found in the Besh-Aral nature reserve (the Chatkal valley). Illegal hunting and high concentration of people in some places is emphasized to impact the animal populations.
Sludskiy A.A. (1973). Snow leopard or irbis Pantera (Uncia) uncia Schreber (1776) (Vol. Vol. 34. Hunting mammals of Kazakhstan).
Abstract: A detailed description of the snow leopard habitat in Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, Pakistan, and India is given. Provided are data concerning its distribution and population size in the USSR, Kazakhstan and other neighbour countries, as well as its habitat, catching, and fur trade. Reduction of the snow leopard catching volumes for zoological trade to 10 or less animals is recommended to preserve the species; establish two new highland nature reserves; improve the management of snow leopard raising in captivity.
Sokolov V.E. (1979). Snow leopard genus.
Abstract: Genus Uncia has only one species snow leopard. Described is the length of body, length of tail, body weight, colour, skull, number of teeth, habitat, reproduction, and life expectancy. This species has no essential practical value and is included in the Red Data Book as an endangered species.