Marma, B. B., Yunchis, V.V. (1969). Biology of the snow leopard (Panthera uncia uncia). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 47(11), 1689–1694.
Abstract: The methods to obtain progeny of the snow-leopard (Panthera uncia uncia) in captivity were being elaborated in the zoological garden of Kaunas, Lithuanian SSR. The blood characteristics for snow-leopards is given and compared to that for African lions and Sumatran tigers. A series of internal, external and clinical indices is established. The rut lasts for 5-7 day, the duration of pregnancy equals 98 days. The duration of lactation varies from 3 to 4 months. Sexual maturity is attained on the 3rd-4th year. From 1960 to 1967 in zoological ghardens of the world abuot 29 snow-leopards were born. 14 of them -- in the Kauna zoological garden.