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Lavrov N.P. (1985). Snow leopard, or irbis.
Abstract: Snow leopard Uncia uncia Scheber, 1775, has status I, that is rare, non-numerous and endangered species. Information about its distribution, habitats, biology, number, existing and required conservation measures in the RSFSR and USSR is provided. Total population in the USSR is 800 1,000 animals.
Keywords: Ussr; Russia; Red Data book; snow leopard; status; distribution; number; life history characteristics; conservation measures.; 7570; Russian
Liao, Y. F. (1985). The Geographical Distribution of Ounces in Qinghai Province. Acta Theriologica Sinica, 5(3), 183–188.
Abstract: This paper deals with the geographical distribution of ounces (Panthera uncia) in Qinghai Province. Ounces are distributed in 20 counties- Guide, Huzhu, Menyuan, Qilian, Tianjun, Dulan, Golmud, Guinan, Xinghai, Zhidoi, Zadoi, Nangqen, Yushu, Chindu, Qumarleb, Madio, Maqen, Jigzhi, Baima, Darlag. Among them, there fore 4 counties- Qilian, Tianjun, Dulan, Zadoi, in which the number of ounces are bigger. The number of ounces are shown in table 2. There are altogether 73 ounces (40 male, 33 female) which is supported to every park of China for ornamental, they were captured by fellow-villagers, and 44 ounces (23 male, 21 female) of them are below 6 months old, 9 ounces (6 male, 3 female) of them are 1 year old, 2 ounces (male) are 2 years old, and 18 ounces (9 male, 9 female) are adults.
Ounces live at an altitude of 3000-4100 metres above the sea, and prefer to eat Bharal (Pseudois noyour). Its breeding period goes from April to June, the number of embryos being 2-3. A female ounce was successfully reproduced for the first time at Xining People's Park of China, in Spetember, 1984, and she gave birth to 3 young ounces. |
Loginov O. (1995). Status and Conservation of Snow Leopard in Kazakhstan.
Abstract: Snow leopards are to be found in the most extreme eastern, southeastern and southern mountainous regions, including the Altai. Saur, Tarbagatai. Dzhungarian, Alatau, Northern and Western Tian-Shan ranges. The snow leopard or irbis is the most rare in eastern Kazakstan in the ranges of Katunskie Belki, South Altai, Kurchumski, Sarymsakty, Saur and Tarbagatai. Total snow leopard population in Kazakstan is estimated at no more than 100-110 animals, including 20-25 in the central part of the Zailisky-Alatau. Although there are nine protected areas in Kazakstan, snow leopards are only regularly reported
from the Aksu-Dzhabagly and Almaty reserves and occasionally in Markakolsky Reserve. The major threats to the species include: Deliberate poaching with the aim of selling the valuable fur of the snow leopard; habitat loss resulting from the expansion of human activity in its mountain habitat, and deliberate or retaliatory killing by shepherds in response to predation upon livestock. Keywords: Kazakhstan; number; distribution; threats; protected areas; conservation activity; snow leopard.; 7590; Russian
Matyushkin E.N. (1984). Snow leopard, or irbis Uncia uncia Scheber, 1775 (Vol. Vol.1.).
Abstract: Snow leopard Uncia uncia Scheber, 1775, was included in the Red Data Book of the USSR and given status III rare species with small habitat. It provides information about its distribution (from Pamir and West Tien Shan to East Sayans), habitat, biology, number, threats, and existing and required protection measures. Total number in the USSR is about 2,000 animals. There were 194 snow leopards in the zoos throughout the world at the beginning of 1980. In the USSR the species is under protection in nature reserves as follows: Ramit, Chatkal, Besh Aral, Aksu Jabagly, Sary Chelek, Almaty, Altai.
Meklenburtsev R.N. (1949). About ecology of ibex in Pamir (Vol. Vol. 28, edition 5.).
Abstract: Ibex is distributed all over the Pamir mountains, inhabiting rocks and canyons and ascending up to 5,500 m above sea level. In summer, ibex mostly feeds upon sedge and cereals, in winter wormwood. It keeps in herds containing 15 to 30 animals. The coupling period is December; kids being born at the beginning of June. The most dangerous predators are snow leopard and wolf. Ibex is a main commercial game species.
Keywords: Tajikistan; Pamir; ibex; distribution; number; diet; reproductive biology; predators; snow leopard; commercial use.; 7640; Russian
Ming, M., Yun, G., & Bo, W. (2008). Chinese snow leopard team goes into action. Man & the Biosphere, 54(6), 18–25.
Abstract: China, the world's most populous country, also contains the largest number of Snow Leopards of any country in the world. But the survey and research of the snow leopard had been very little for the second half of the 20th century. Until recent years, the members of Xinjiang Snow Leopards Group (XSLG/SLT/XFC) , the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences have been tracking down the solitary animal. The journal reporter does a face-to-face interview with professor Ma Ming who is a main responsible expert of the survey team. By the account of such conversation, we learn the achievements, advances and difficulty of research of snow leopards in the field, Tianshan and Kunlun, Xinjiang, the far west China, and we also know that why the team adopt the infrared camera to capture the animals. Last but not least professor talked about the survival menace faced by the Snow Leopards in Xinjiang.
Mitropolskiy O.V. (1979). The Red Book of the USSR (Rare and endangered bird and animal species in Uzbekistan).
Abstract: Snow leopard is distributed in the Ugam, Pskem, Chatkal, Fergana, Alai, Turkistan, and Hissar ridges. Though there is no precise data concerning number of snow leopard in Uzbekistan it is estimated to range from 15-20 to 50 animals.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; snow leopard; distribution; number.; 7650; Russian
Molyukov M.I. (1989). Irbis.
Abstract: In a popular form it tells about snow leopard, its geographical distribution, behavioral patterns, food, enemies and competitors, hunting behavior, etc. Given are interesting data concerning the number of ibex killed during one hunt in eastern Pamir (25 30 ibexes), cases of snow leopard's attacking bears and so on. Snow leopard rarely preys on livestock, mainly sheep and goats. Young snow leopards are easily tamed. There are about 2,000 snow leopards in the USSR about 1,500 of them are in Kyrgyzstan.
Keywords: Ussr; snow leopard; distribution; number; diet; behavior.; 7710; Russian
Mongolian Biosphere & Ecology Association. (2010). Mongolian Biosphere & Ecology Association Report March 2010.
Abstract: In accordance with order of the Ministry of Nature and Tourism,
zoologists of our association have made surveys in three ways such as reasons why snow leopards attack domestic animals, “Snow leopard” trial operation to count them and illegal hunting in territories of Khovd, Gobi-Altai, Bayankhongor, Uvurkhangai and Umnugobi provinces from September 2009 to January 2010. As result of these surveys it has made the following conclusions in the followings: Reason to hunt them illegally: the principal reason is that administrative units have been increased and territories of administrative units have been diminished. There have been four provinces in 1924 to 1926, 18 since 1965, 21 since 1990. Such situation limits movements of herdsmen completely and pastures digressed much than ever before. As result of such situation, 70% of pastures become desert. Such digression caused not only heads of animals and also number of species. Guarantee is that birds such as owls, cuckoo, willow grouse in banks of Uyert river, Burkhanbuudai mountain, located in Biger soum, Gobi-Altai province, which are not hunted by hunters, are disappearing in the recent two decades. For that reason we consider it is urgently necessary for the government to convert administrative unit structures into four provinces. This would influence herdsmen moving across hundreds km and pastures could depart from digression. Second reason: cooperative movement won. The issues related to management and strengthening of national cooperatives, considered by Central Committee of Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party in the meeting in March 1953 was the start of cooperatives' movement. Consideration by Yu. Tsedenbal, chairman of Ministers Council, chairman of the MPRP, on report "Result of to unify popular units and some important issues to maintain entity management of agricultural cooperatives" in the fourth meeting by the Central Committee of Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party /MPRP/ on December 16-17, 1959, proclaimed complete victory of cooperative. At the end of 1959, it could unify 767 small cooperative into 389 ones, unify 99.3 % of herdsmen and socialize 73.3 % of animals. The remaining of animals amount 6 million 163 thousands animals, and equals to 26.7% of total animals. This concerned number of animals related to the article mentioned that every family should have not more that 50 animals in Khangai zone and not more 75 animals in Gobi desert. It shows that such number could not satisfy needs of family if such number is divided into five main animals in separating with reproduction animals and adult animals. So herdsmen started hunt hoofed animals secretly and illegally in order to satisfy their meat needs. Those animals included main food of snow leopard such as ibex, wild sheep, and marmot. Third reason is that the state used to hunt ibex, which are main nutrition of snow leopards, every year. The administrative unit of the soum pursued policy to hunt ibex in order to provide meat needs of secondary schools and hospitals. That's why this affected decrease of ibex population. Preciously from 1986 to 1990 the permissions to hunt one thousands of wild sheep and two thousands of ibexes were hunt for domestic alimentary use every year. Not less than 10 local hunters of every soum used to take part in big game of ibexes. Also they hunted many ibexes, chose 3-10 best ibexes and hid them in the mountains for their consummation during hunting. Fourth reason: hunting of wolves. Until 1990 the state used to give prizes to hunter, who killed a wolf in any seasons of the year. Firstly it offered a sheep for the wolf hunter and later it gave 25 tugrugs /15 USD/. Every year, wolf hunting was organized several times especially picking wolf-cubs influenced spread and population of wolves. So snow leopard came to the places where wolves survived before and attack domestic animals. Such situation continued until 1990. Now population of ibexes has decreased than before 1990 since the state stopped hunting wolves, population of wolves increased in mountainous zones. We didn't consider it had been right since it was natural event. However population of ibexes decreased. Fifth reason: Global warming. In recent five years it has had a drought and natural disaster from excessive snow in the places where it has never had such natural disasters before. But Mongolia has 40 million heads of domestic animals it has never increased like such quantity in its history before. We consider it is not incorrect that decrease of domestic animals could give opportunities to raise population of wild animals. Our next survey is to make attempt to fix heads of snow leopards correctly with low costs. Keywords: nature; tourism; surveys; survey; snow; snow leopards; snow leopard; snow-leopards; snow-leopard; leopards; leopard; attack; domestic; Animals; Animal; illegal; illegal hunting; hunting; territory; province; 2010; hunt; 1990; movements; movement; pasture; desert; number; species; birds; river; mountain; hunters; hunter; recent; government; structure; management; national; central; people; Report; gobi; Gobi Desert; reproduction; Adult; meat; food; ibex; wild; wild sheep; sheep; marmot; nutrition; schools; population; use; local; big; big game; big-game; game; 310; mountains; wolves; wolf; Seasons; times; zones; global; Mongolia; 40; history; ecology
Persianova L.A. (1983). Snow leopard, or irbis Uncia uncia Scheber, 1775 (Vol. Vol. 1.).
Abstract: Status of snow leopard in Uzbek Red Data Book is rare species with reducing population. It provides data concerning distribution, habitats, biology, threats, and existing and required snow leopard protection measures in Uzbekistan. This species is distributed in the Kurama, Chatkal, Pskem, Ugam, Turkistan, and Gissar ridges. Its population is about 10 animals. There are two snow leopards in the Tashkent zoo. This species is protected in Zaamin, Kizilsu, Miraka, and Chatkal nature reserves.