Ahlborn, G., & Jackson, R. M. (1988). Marking in Free-Ranging Snow Leopards in West Nepal: A preliminary assesment. In H.Freeman (Ed.), (pp. 25–49). India: Snow Leopard Trust and the Wildlife Institute of India.
Abstract: Describes and Quantifies snow leopard marking behaviour, based primarily on sign, gatherd during a four year study in Nepal. Emphasis is on scrapes and spray markings, detailing their frequency of occurence realtive to habitat characteristics and season. Both sexes mark intensively, sign abundance is associated with intensity of use, and sign is concentrated along breaks in terrain.
Ahmad, I., Hunter, D. O., & Jackson, R. (1997). A Snow Leopard and Prey Species Survey in Khunjerab National Park, Pakistan. In R.Jackson, & A.Ahmad (Eds.), (pp. 92–95). Lahore, Pakistan: Islt.
Blomqvist, L., & Nystrom, V. (1980). On identifying snow leopards, Panthera uncia, by their facial markings. International Pedigree Book of Snow Leopards, , 159–167.
Jackson, R. M., & Ahlborn, G. (1988). Observations on the Ecology of Snow Leopard in West Nepal. In H.Freeman (Ed.), (pp. 65–87). India: Snow Leopard Trust and Wildlife Institute of India.
Abstract: This summary of a four year field study by Jackson and Ahlborn begging in 1982 and concluding in 1985, discusses behaviour, trapping and tracking techniques, home range, activity patterns, prey and habitat and survey methods.
McCarthy, T. (1999). Snow leopard conservation project, Mongolia: WWF Project Summary of Field Work.
Ming, M., Munkhtsog, B., Xu, F., Turghan, M., Yin, S. -jing, & Wei, S. - D. (2005). Markings as Indicator of Snow Leopard in Field Survey, in Xinjiang.
Abstract: The Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia) was a very rare species in China. The survey on the markings of Snow Leopard in Ahay and Tianshan Mountains is the major activity of the Project of Snow Leopard in Xinjiang, supported by International Snow Leopard Trust(ISLT)and Xinjiang Conservation Fund(XCF). During the field work from Sep to Nov 2004 the Xinjiang Snow Leopard Group(XSLG) set 67 transects of a total length of 47 776 m with mean transect length is 7 1 3 m at 9 locations.Total of 1 l 8 markings of Snow Leopards were found in 27 transects the mean density is 247km. The markings of Snow Leopard included the pug marks or footprints, scrapes, feces, bloodstain, scent spray, urine, hair or fur, claw rake, remains of prey corpse, sleep site, roar and others. From the quantity and locations of marks the XSLG got the information on habitat selection distribution region and relative abundance of the Snow Leopard in the study areas. The survey also provided knowledge on distribution and abundance of major prey potential conservation problems and human attitudes to Snow Leopards by taking 200 questionnaires in the study areas.
Schaller, G. B., Tserendeleg, J., & Amarsana, G. (1994). Observations on snow leopards in Mongolia. In J.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 33–42). Usa: Islt.