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Yanushevich A.I. (1977). To be protected by the Red Data Book.
Abstract: The Red Data Book of the USSR includes 111 mammal species and 67 bird species. The following species inhabit or from time to time come into Kyrgyzstan: free-toiled bat, Menzbier's marmot, red dog, Tien Shan brown bear, marbled polecat, Central Asia otter, Turkistan lynx, manul, snow leopard, antelope, Tien-Shan wild sheep, and bison; Dalmatian pelican, rose pelican, black stork, flamingo, bar-headed goose, white-headed duck, osprey, short-toed eagle, tawny eagle, imperial eagle, golden eagle, white-tailed eagle, Pallas's sea eagle, bearded vulture, Himallayan griffon, Sociable plover, Saker falcon, Peregrine falcon, great bustard, houbara, little bustard, etc.
Keywords: Kyrgyzstan; Red Data book; birds; mammals; snow leopard.; 8610; Russian
Sultanov G.S. (1984). The Red Book of Uzbekistan and animal protection issues.
Abstract: Due to development of new lands and increased anthropogenic pressure animals are displaced from their habitats. Intense poaching caused dying away a number of animals such as Turan tiger, moral, and kulan in Uzbekistan at the end of 19th beginning of 20th century. The endangered species are marchor, cheetah, lynx, snow leopard, caracal, and cobra. Species put on the verge of a total extermination are included in the national Red Data Book (22 mammal species, 31 bird species, five reptile and five fish species). The introduction of some species such as raccoon, European fallow deer, nylghau, and chinchilla was unsuccessful.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; rare species; habitats; poaching; introduction; re-introduction; mammals; birds; reptiles; fishes; snow leopard.; 8360; Russian
Vashetko E.V. (1996). On the fauna of terrestrial vertebrates inhabiting Hissar Nature Reserve (Vol. Issue 1.).
Abstract: The data on the species composition, numbers and distribution of the terrestrial vertebrates over territory Hissar nature reserve are discussed. About 60 species of amphibians, reptiles and mammals have been recorded in the reserve as a result of our own researches and the analyses of communication. There were recorded 5-7 individuals of snow leopard in Kyzylsu site of nature reserve and 15 individuals in Miraki site of nature reserve in 1979-1981.
Chichikin Yu.N. (1968). Ways to enrich game fauna of Kyrgyzstan.
Abstract: In Kyrgyzstan, there are 106 mammal and 111 bird species. 40 mammal and 70 bird species are game ones. Resources of some of them were undermined due to over-hunting. Moral, goitered gazelle, pheasant have disappeared; argali, roe deer, and wild boar have become not numerous. In order to protect game fauna and regulate hunting of wild animals, hunting was prohibited at lake Issyk-Kul (1948); hunting for moral, goitered gazelle, swan, bar-headed goose, pheasant, snow leopard, bear, and argali was prohibited too (1952, 1956 and 1958).
Keywords: Kyrgyzstan; game species; birds; mammals; snow leopard.; 6450; Russian
Gvozdev E.V. (1989). Dzhungarsky nature reserve.
Abstract: Fauna of the mammals in Dzungarian Ala Tau included 54 species, from them in IUCN Red book, the Red Data book of USSR and Kazakh Red Data Book listed snow leopard, dhole, brown bear, Central Asian otter, Turkestan lynx, manul, argali, marbled polecat and stone marten. Institute of geography of Kazakhstan offers the project on creation of protected territory on Dzungarian Ala Tau for biodiversity conservation and increase in number of rare and disappearing species.
Keywords: Kazakhstan; Dzungarian Ala Tau; biodiversity; mammals; snow leopard; protected area creation.; 6850; Russian
Epifanov V.M. (1968). Fauna.
Abstract: There are three fish species, two amphibian species, nine reptile, 97 bird species, and 23 mammal species, including snow leopard, in the Chatkal reserve. A list of animals and their brief description is provided.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; Western Tien Shan; Chatkal nature reserve; fishes; amphibians; reptiles; birds; mammals; snow leopard.; 6540; Russian
Ognev S.I. (1951). The cats (Felidae).
Abstract: A list of mammals of the USSR fauna by orders is presented. Data of distribution and ecology mainly concerns the species of commercial value. From this viewpoint the Felidae species such as tiger, leopard, snow leopard, and lynx are referred to a category of accidentally hunted species of low commercial value.
Keywords: Ussr; fauna; mammals; Cats; game species; accidentally hunted species; snow leopard.; 7800; Russian
Abdunazarov B.B. (2002). Biodiversity of mammals in the Western Tien Shan and its conservation.
Abstract: The mammal fauna of Uzbekistan's mountain ecosystems is represented by some 60 species. Data on mammal species composition in the Western Tien Shan (48 species) and Pamir-Alai (57 species) is given. A quantity of species endemic to the mountainous ecosystems of Uzbekistan is defined. Quantities of nine rare species inhabiting the mountain ecosystems, including snow leopard, are given. Number of snow leopard in Pamir-Alai and the Western Tien Shan is estimated to be 30-50 animals.
Kashkarov D.N. (1927). From lake Sary-Chelek to pass Air-Bel. Mammals.
Abstract: The author provides results of the expedition in the vicinity of lake Sary-Chelek, Kyrgyzstan. With reference to the local people he indicates the presence of irbis (Leopardus uncia), bear (Ursus leuconyx), dhole (Cyon alpinus) around Air-Bel. Livestock attracts the predators and every day shepherds find one sheep missing.
Keywords: Kyrgyzstan; fauna; mammals; snow leopard.; 7080; Russian
Novikov L.K. (1972). Mammals.
Abstract: History of establishment of the nature reserves in Uzbekistan, climate, flora and fauna are described. Status of mammals in Chatkal nature reserve is described. Here inhabited marten, weasel, ermine, badger, brown bear, wild ibex and snow leopard.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; protected areas; Chatkal nature reserve; mammals; snow leopard.; 7770; Russian