Adil, A. (1997). Status and Conservation of Snow Leopard in Afghanistan. In R.Jackson, & A.Ahmad (Eds.), (pp. 35–38). Lahore, Pakistan: International Snow Leopard Trust.
Ahmad, A. (1994). Protection of Snow Leopards through Grazier Communities:Some Examples from WWF-Pakistan's Projects in the Northern Areas. In J.L.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 265–272). Usa: International Snow Leopard Trust.
Abstract: Snow leopards occur near the snow line in northern Pakistan in the districts of Swat, Dir and Chitral of the Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP), Muzaffarabad district in Azad Kashmir and Gilgit and Baltistan districts in the Northern Areas. Although a number of protected areas are present in the form of national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and game reserves (Table 1) where legal protection is available to all wildlife species, including snow leopards, the status of this endangered species is not improving satisfactorily. The reasons are many and range from direct persecution by livestock owners to the less than strict management of protected areas.
Because of remote and inaccessible locations and lack of proper communication with local communities, government officials and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) concerned with conservation find it difficult to obtain statistics on mortality of snow leopards. However, the killing of snow leopards is not uncommon. Because of the close and long-term association between local villagers and snow leopards, it is only through the support and cooperation of these peoples that protection of this endangered species can be assured against most of the existing threats. The effects of such cooperation has been clearly shown through some of the conservation projects of World Wildlife Fund (WWF) – Pakistan. Details of such projects and certain lessons that can be learned from these and similar projects are discussed in this paper.
Ahmad, A. (1997). Community-Based Natural Resources Management in Northern Pakistan. In R.Jackson and A.Ahmad (Ed.), (pp. 148–154). Lahore, Pakistan: Islt.
Ahmad, I., Hunter, D. O., & Jackson, R. (1997). A Snow Leopard and Prey Species Survey in Khunjerab National Park, Pakistan. In R.Jackson, & A.Ahmad (Eds.), (pp. 92–95). Lahore, Pakistan: Islt.
Ahmad, S., Ali, H., Asif, M., Khan, T, Din, N., Rehman, E. U., Hameed, S., Din, J. U., Nawaz, M. A. (2022). Spatial density pattern of Himalayan Ibex (Capra sibirica) in Pakistan. Global Ecology & Conservation, 39(e02288), 1–12.
Abstract: Mountain ungulates perform a key role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems as they are the primary consumers of vegetation and prey for large predators. The mountain ranges of northern Pakistan are home to six species of mountain ungulates, and the Himalayan ibex (Capra sibirica), hereafter ibex, is the most abundant among them. This study was conducted in three administrative regions of northern Pakistan, viz. Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), to generate a range-wide density pattern map of ibex. A double-observer survey was conducted in 25 study sites during 2018–2021 across the ibex distribution range, covering an area of about 35,307 km2, by walking transects totaling 1647 km. Within the ibex range where the survey was not conducted due to financial and logistical constraints, we obtained species population information from local wildlife departments’ most recent annual survey data. The aim was to generate a density map for the entire ibex range. Using the BBRe-capture package in program R, we estimated an ibex population of 7639 (95 % CI) with a mean density of 0.21/km2 in the surveyed area. Combining with the secondary data from un-surveyed areas, the total population estimate for the country came to 10,242 ibex. The largest population densities were observed in four valleys (Shimshal, Gulkin-Hussaini, Khyber, and Khunjerab) of the Karakoram-Pamir range, followed by the Hindu Kush range (Chitral Wildlife Division [WD]). The central and eastern parts of the Karakoram range had moderate to low densities, while the Himalayan range (e.g., Astore Valley) supported a small population. The mean herd size was 15 individuals (range: 5–41), and the average detection probability of observers A and B was 0.69 and 0.48, respectively. The average male and young ratios per 100 females were estimated to be 75 and 81, respectively. The range-wide density map developed during the study provided an evidence for the impact of trophy hunting programs and an objective tool for range-wide conservation planning of the species.
Aizin B.M. (1969). Siberian ibex Capra sibirica Pall.
Abstract: It describes status of ibex in Kyrgyzstan, its distribution, behavioral patterns, enemies and competitors, etc. The enemies of ibex are snow leopard and wolf. All year round snow leopard preys on ibex its main food object and, therefore, should there be ibexes, snow leopards would be somewhere around. In winter, a considerable number of ibex dies from wolves. Sometimes dogs prey on ibex, too. Golden eagles and bearded vultures prey on young ibexes. However, poachers remain the most dangerous enemy.
Anonymous. Central Asian Republic Snow Leopard Specialists Plan Joint Conservation Strategy.
Aramov, B. (1997). The Biology of the Snow Leopard in the Gissarsky Nature Reserve. In R. and A. A. Jackson (Ed.), (pp. 108–109). Lahore, Pakistan: Islt.
Aromov B. (1995). The Biology of the Snow Leopard in the Hissar Nature Reserve.
Abstract: The work contains data on biology snow leopard in Hissar nature reserve, Uzbekistan. The number of snow leopards in this reserve has increased from two or four in 1981 to between 13 and 17 individuals in 1994. Since 1981, snow leopards have been sighted 72 times and their tracks or pugmarks 223 times. In the Hissar Nature Reserve snow leopards largely feed on ibex. Over a period of 14 years, 92 kills and remains of ibex aged from one to thirteen years of age have been examined. Other records of predation, by the number of events observed, include 33 cases of juvenile and mature horses, 25 long-tailed marmot (Marmota caudata). 18 Himalayan snowcock (Tetraogallus himalayemis), 17 domestic goat, 13 wild boar (Sus scrofa), five domestic sheep and three incidents involving cattle. Twenty-two attacks on domestic flocks were reported, and these occurred during both the daytime and at night. Snow leopards usually mate between the 20th of February and March 20th. The offspring are born in late April to May, and there are usually two per litter (23 encounters), although a single litter of three has also been recorded.
Aromov B. (2004). Hissar state nature reserve.
Abstract: Presented is history of the Hissar nature reserve's establishment, physic and geographic description, types of soils, flora and fauna The 28 species of mammals, 103 nested birds, 19 amphibians and reptiles and 2 fishes are presented in nature reserve. Number of snow leopard assessed as 2-3 families, bear 130 individuals, wild boar 460, Turkestan lynx 90,ibex 1700 individuals.