Abstract: It describes natural conditions, area, flora and fauna of the three mountain nature reserves in Uzbekistan: Chatkal, Kyzylsu, and Miraki. Siberian mountain ibex, roe deer, wild boar, Turkistan lynx, Tien Shan brown bear, fox, stone marten, Menzbier's marmot, porcupine, ermine, and Tien Shan souslik inhabit the Chatkal nature reserve. Snow leopard can be found in a top rocky part of the ridge. In the Kyzylsu nature reserve, there are 23 mammal species including, among the others, white-clawed bear, snow leopard, Iranian otter, Turkistan lynx, wild-boar, badger, porcupine, long-tailed marmot, hare-tolai, stone marten, Pamiri shrew, and ibex; in the Miraki nature reserve snow leopard, white-clawed bear, ibex, wolf, fox, porcupine, long-tailed marmot, hare-talai, forest dormouse, red pica, and a number of Red Data Book bird species are protected.