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Allayarov A.M. (1963). Materials on geographical distribution of wild cats in Uzbekistan.
Abstract: It describes the distribution and habitats of eight Felidae species in Uzbekistan, such as snow leopard, leopard, lynx, caracal, chaus, manul, sand cat, and steppe cat.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; Felidae; distribution; habitats; snow leopard.; 5980; Russian
Flint V.E. (1970). The cats – Felidae.
Abstract: Description of 12 cats species from USSR (Felis silvestris, Felis libyca, Felis euptilura, Felis chaus, Felis lynx, Felis caracal, Felis •…‹u1, Felis margarita, Felis tigris, Felis pardus, Felis uncia, Aci‹Œ‹¢o jub…tus) is given. Snow leopard inhabited in mountain ridges of Kazakhstan, Middle Asia, Altai and Sayan.
Keywords: Ussr; Felidae; taxonomy; distribution; snow leopard.; 6700; Russian
Hussain, S. (2000). Protecting the snow leopard and enhancing farmers' livelihoods: A pilot insurance scheme in Baltistan. Mountain-Research-and-Development., 20, 226–231.
Abstract: Snow leopards that prey on poor farmers' livestock pose a twofold problem: they endanger farmers' precarious mountain livelihoods as well as the survival of the snow leopard as a unique species since farmers engage in retaliatory killings. Project Snow Leopard (PSL), a recent pilot initiative in Baltistan, involves a partnership between local farmers and private enterprise in the form of an insurance scheme combined with ecotourism activities. Farmers jointly finance the insurance scheme through the payment of premiums per head of livestock they own, while the remaining funds are provided by profits from trekking expeditions focusing on the snow leopard. The insurance scheme is jointly managed by a village management committee and PSL staff. The scheme is structured in such a way that villagers monitor each other and have incentives to avoid cheating the system.
Keywords: Uncia-uncia; snow-leopard; Felidae; protection; Human; Hominidae; farmer; livestock; Mammalia; Project-snow-leopard; economic-evaluation; ecotourism-activities; farmer-livelihood; insurance-scheme; mountain-livelihood; retaliatory-killings; snow leopard; browse; Uncia uncia; uncia; project snow leopard; economic evaluation; evaluation; economic; ecotourism activities; ecotourism; activities; farmer livelihood; livelihood; mountain livelihood; mountain; retaliatory killings; retaliatory; killings; 20
Ishunin G.I. (1989). The Felids family Felidae Gray, 1821.
Abstract: Zoolites of the Felidae family are known from the Upper Eocene Lower Pliocene in Eurasia, Africa, and North America. Two sub-families are know to inhabit the territory of the USSR and adjacent territories: the extinct sabre-toothed Felidae species Machairodontia and now existing Felidae species. In the USSR the extinct Felidae species were found to exist in Upper Miocene, Upper and Middle Pliocene, and Pleistocene. In Eurasia panthers has been know since early Pliocene. Three species were found in Uzbekistan – the extinct cave lion Felidae sd†l…†… (Goldfuss, 1810), and now existing P…nth†a… tigris, P…nth†a… pardus. The ancient finds and modern habitats are briefly described. Genus Uncia is represented by one species snow leopard or irbis. Probably it appeared in later Pliocene or Pleistocene in the mountain of Central Asia. In Uzbekistan, remains of snow leopard were found in the Samarqand region in the layer of Upper Pleistocene or Holocene. Probably it moved into the area in Pleistocene or the period of glacier removal in the Western Tien Shan mountains, Turkestan, Zeravshan, and Hissar ridges.
Keywords: Ussr; Felidae; Miocene; Pliocene; Pleistocene; Holocene; origin; Uzbekistan; Genus Uncia; snow leopard; specie range; Western Tien Shan; Hissar ridge; Zeravshan ridge; Turkestan ridge.; 6980; Russian
Johnson, W. E., Eizirik, E., Pecon-Slattery, J., Murphy, W. J., Antunes, A., Teeling, E., et al. (2006). The Late Miocene Radiation of Modern Felidae: A Genetic Assessment (Vol. 311).
Abstract: Modern felid species descend from relatively recent (G11 million years ago) divergence and speciation events that produced successful predatory carnivores worldwide but that have confounded taxonomic classifications. A highly resolved molecular phylogeny with divergence dates for all living cat species, derived from autosomal, X-linked, Y-linked, and mitochondrial gene segments (22,789 base pairs) and 16 fossil calibrations define eight principal lineages produced through at least 10 intercontinental migrations facilitated by sea-level fluctuations. A ghost lineage analysis indicates that available felid fossils underestimate (i.e., unrepresented basal branch length) first occurrence by an average of 76%, revealing a low representation of felid lineages in paleontological remains. The phylogenetic performance of distinct gene classes showed that Y-chromosome segments are appreciably more informative than mitochondrial DNA, X-linked, or autosomal genes in resolving the rapid Felidae species radiation.
Keywords: carnivore; classification; divergence; Dna; Felidae; fossil; lineages; Miocene; mitochondrial; Molecular; phylogeny; radiation; taxonomic
Kashkarov D.N. (1935). The cat family (Felidae).
Abstract: A taxonomic characteristic of family Felidae is given. A brief description of the origin and distribution of modern Felidae species is provided. Snow leopard (Felis uncia) is noticed to be met in the mountains of Central Asia. It says that though being a rare species, snow leopard, together with leopard and tiger, causes a considerable damage by exterminating large ungulates and sometimes attacking man.
Keywords: Felidae; taxonomy; origin; snow leopard; distribution; preys.; 7100; Russia
Klubnikin, K., Annett, C., Cherkasova, M., Shishin, M., & Fotieva, I. (2000). The sacred and the scientific: Traditional ecological knowledge in Siberian River conservation. Ecological-Applications., 10(5), 1296–1306.
Abstract: The Katun River originates in the steppe of the Altai Mountains in Siberia. One of the major headwaters of the Ob River, the Katun is considered central to the culture of the indigenous Altaians. The Katun Valley contains large numbers of important cultural sites, dating from the Neolithic and representing some of the earliest human settlement in Russia. Modern-day Altaians still observe traditional ceremonies honoring the river and springs throughout the watershed and utilize traditional ecological knowledge in their management of the land and water resources. Russian and international scientists have identified the Altai Mountains as a region of high plant diversity and endemism, and as important habitat for endangered species such as the snow leopard. The Katun River itself contains species of threatened and endangered fishes, and its headwaters are part of the unusual Mongolian ichthyofaunal province that is characterized by high levels of endemism. The same regions are considered by the Altaian people to be special or sacred and are recognized by Western scientists as having great value for conservation. During the era of perestroika, a hydroelectric dam was to be built on the Katun. The large dam, a vestige of the earlier Soviet plan for the Project of the Century, would have devastated significant agricultural, ecological, recreational, and cultural resources. The indigenous Altaian people would have lost much of their sacred and cultural landscape. The Katun dam project united indigenous people, well-known Siberian writers, and scientists in protest, which became so heated that it engaged the international community, with lasting effects on Russian society. The magnitude of the protest illustrates the importance of the Altai Mountain region to all of Russia. The active participation of indigenous Altaians reflected their traditional willingness to take action against political decisions that negatively impacted the environmental, cultural, and religious values of their homeland. Their involvement also reflected the new wave of awareness under perestroika that underscored a greater respect and autonomy for indigenous peoples in Russia.
Keywords: endangered-species; Human; Hominidae; Altaians; plant; Plantae; snow-leopard; Felidae; endemism; hydroelectric-dam; land-management; perestroika; species-diversity; traditional-ecological-knowledge; water-resource-management; snow leopard; browse; hydroelectric; dam; endangered; species; land; management; diversity; species diversity; traditional; ecological.; knowledge; water; resource; 30
Kuznetsov B.A. (1975). The cats – Felidae (Vol. Part 3.).
Abstract: An identification table for genus and species of Felidae family of USSR is given. Snow leopard Panthera uncia (Schreher) described for Pamir, Tien Shan, Altai and mountains of Tuva.
Keywords: Ussr; Felidae; taxonomy; distribution; snow leopard.; 7530; Russian
Laptev M.K. (1929). The cats – Felidae (Vol. Issue I.).
Abstract: It describes identification features of the Felidae family species (ItŒ¤ŒlŒbus, A¤inŒn¢o, L¢no, Oigris, D…rdus, Uncia, r†m…†lurus, ¥…a…¤…l, ¥atolynx, Felis): colour, body size and skull length, length of limbs, presence or absence of ear-brushes, cheek-bones width, nasal bones, palatine bone, rapacious tooth, and acoustical capsules.
Keywords: Central Asia; Felidae; snow leopard; taxonomy; distribution.; 7550; Russian
Laptev M.K. (1936). The cats – Felidae (Vol. Issue V.).
Abstract: An identification table for genus and species of Felidae family of Turkmenistan is given. The following features are used: colour, pattern, teeth formula, skull measurements, and sizes of body, head, and tail. The presence of snow leopard for Kopet-Dag is indicated.
Keywords: Turkmenistan; Kopet-Dag; Felidae; taxonomy; snow leopard.; 7560; Russian