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Afanasiev Y.G. (1988). The Karatau nature reserve.
Abstract: The Karatau ridge is an extreme north-west spur of the Tien Shan mountain system. Flora of Karatau is represented by no less than 1,500 higher vessel plant species. Karatau and the adjacent areas host 16 reptile species, 114 bird and 42 mammal species. Snow leopard disappeared from fauna of Karatau in 20th century. In 1940-s, the animal species was met at the highest point of the ridge in the Manjilki area, particularly in tract Kor-Djailau. Now there are no snow leopards in the area under study a fact evidenced by local hunters and shepherds.
Keywords: Kazakhstan; Karatau nature reserve; plants; Animals; snow leopard.; 5880; Russian
Ale, S., & Brown, J. (2007). The contingencies of group size and vigilance (Vol. 9).
Abstract: Background: Predation risk declines non-linearly with one's own vigilance and the vigilance of others in the group (the 'many-eyes' effect). Furthermore, as group size increases, the individual's risk of predation may decline through dilution with more potential victims, but may increase if larger groups attract more predators. These are known, respectively, as the dilution effect and the attraction effect.
Assumptions: Feeding animals use vigilance to trade-off food and safety. Net feeding rate declines linearly with vigilance. Question: How do the many-eyes, dilution, and attraction effects interact to influence the relationship between group size and vigilance behaviour? Mathematical methods: We use game theory and the fitness-generating function to determine the ESS level of vigilance of an individual within a group. Predictions: Vigilance decreases with group size as a consequence of the many-eyes and dilution effects but increases with group size as a consequence of the attraction effect, when they act independent of each other. Their synergetic effects on vigilance depend upon the relative strengths of each and their interactions. Regardless, the influence of other factors on vigilance – such as encounter rate with predators, predator lethality, marginal value of energy, and value of vigilance – decline with group size. Keywords: attraction effect,contingency,dilution effect,fitness,group-size effect,many-eyes effect,predation risk,vigilance behaviour; predation; decline; potential; predators; predator; feeding; Animals; Animal; use; food; effects; Relationship; behaviour; methods; game; Interactions; interaction; factor; value; Energy
Bannikov A.G. (1966). Mountains of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan.
Abstract: The data on geographical location, plants and animals of mountain nature reserves of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan are given. Snow leopard and its preys (wild ibexes and sheep) were recorded in both Almaty and Aksu Jabagly nature reserves.
Keywords: Middle Asia; Kazakhstan; nature reserves; plants; Animals; snow leopard; preys.; 6130
Barpiev I.M. (2002). Peculiarities of biodiversity in the Besh-Aral nature reserve.
Abstract: 224 animal species, including two relict and 20 endemic, are registered in the Besh Aral nature reserve (Kyrgyzstan). This nature reserve is inhabited by rare and endangered animal and bird species (e.g. Menzbier's marmot, snow leopard, Tien Shan brown bear, manul, Turkistan lynx, saker falcon, bearded vulture, golden eagle, Himalayan griffon, and others) included in the Red Data Books of Kyrgyzstan, former USSR, and Led List of IUCN.
Keywords: Kyrgyzstan; Besh Aral nature reserve; Animals; endangered species; snow leopard.; 6170; Russian
Bobrinskiy N.A. (1967). Mountains of Central Asia.
Abstract: It provides a zoogeographical description of Central Asia mountains: Tien Shan (west and east), Pamir, the Turkestan and Hissar ridges, and ruinous mountains in Kyzylkum. Distribution of various animal species over the area under study is described. Data concerning Central Asia sheep, ibex, and snow leopard in the alpine meadow zone, and data concerning the otter (in the Tupalang river basin) and grey partridge is presented. The author noted that generally fauna of Tien Shan, Hissar, and Pamir is similar to that of Inner Asia. The other type of fauna more similar to that of Transcaucasia is typical for Kopet-Dag.
Keywords: Middle Asia; mountain; tien shan; Pamir; Hissar ridge; Turkestan ridge; Kopet-Dag ridge; Animals; plants; Issyk-Kul lake; Sary-Chelek; spiders; birds; lizards; marmots; wild sheep; ibex; snow leopard.; 6330; Russian
Chandra, S., & Laughlin, D. C. (1975). Virus-like particles in cystic mammary adenoma of a snow leopard. Cancer Res, 35(11 Pt 1), 3069–3074.
Abstract: Virus-like particles were observed in the giant cells of a mammary adenoma of a snow leopard kept in captivity. Particles that measured 115 to 125 nm in diameter budded from the lamella of endoplasmic reticulum and were studded on their inner surfaces with dense granules (approximately 12 nm) that gave them their unique ultrastructural morphology. Such particles were not observed extracellularly. Type B or type C particles were not seen in the tumor tissue.
Keywords: Adenoma pathology veterinary; Animal; Animals; zoo; Carnivora; Cytoplasmic Granules; Endoplasmic Reticulum: ultrastructure; Inclusion Bodies; Mammae: pathology; Neoplasms: pathology: veterinary; neoplasms; pathology; mammae; inclusion; bodies; ultrastructure; reticulum; endoplasmic; granules; cytoplasmic; adenoma; veterinary; browse; 380
Chichikin Yu.N., Y. A. I. (1969). Issyk Kul nature reserve.
Abstract: A description of the Issyk Kul nature reserve (Kyrgyzstan) is given and includes as follows: data of establishment, location, physic and geographic description, climate, flora and fauna. Snow leopard inhabited in Jety Oguz site of the nature reserve.
Chumakova A.V. (1980). The Kyzylsu, Miraki, and Markakol nature reserves.
Abstract: A description of the Kyzylsu, Miraki, and Markakol nature reserves is given and includes as follows: data of establishment, location, physic and geographic description, types of soils, climate, vegetation, altitude zones, and fauna. In the Kyzylsu nature reserve there are 28 mammal species; in Miraki 23, and in Mirkakol 39. Snow leopard can be found in all the three nature reserves.
Esipov V.M. (1978). The nature reserve in the spurs of Tien Shan (Vol. Vol.8.).
Abstract: The Chatkal state mountain forest nature reserve is located in western spurs of the Chatkal ridge. The permanent inhabitants of the nature reserve are ibex, wild boar, roe-deer, bear, badger, porcupine, stone marten, fox, ermine, Menzbier's marmot, and relict suslik (gopher), and bird species such as gray partridge, snow-cock, black vulture, griffon vulture, etc. Under special protection are rare animal and bird species such as snow leopard, Menzbier's marmot, bearded vulture, golden eagle, etc.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; Chatkal nature reserve; location; Animals; snow leopard.; 6560; Russian
Esipov V.M. (1986). The status and perspective protection and rehabilitation of natural ecosystems in the Chatkal state biosphere nature reserve under the State Committee for Agriculture and Industry of the USSR.
Abstract: The area of the Chatkal nature reserve reduced as part of its territory (a land plot in the Shavasay river basin) was assigned to a military game preserve. As regime of protection worsened, number of animals such as Menzbier's marmot, snow leopard, ibex, snow cock, and black stork began to reduce.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; Chatkal nature reserve; establishment; conservation regime; Animals; snow leopard.; 6580; Russian