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Afanasiev Y.G. (1988). The Karatau nature reserve.
Abstract: The Karatau ridge is an extreme north-west spur of the Tien Shan mountain system. Flora of Karatau is represented by no less than 1,500 higher vessel plant species. Karatau and the adjacent areas host 16 reptile species, 114 bird and 42 mammal species. Snow leopard disappeared from fauna of Karatau in 20th century. In 1940-s, the animal species was met at the highest point of the ridge in the Manjilki area, particularly in tract Kor-Djailau. Now there are no snow leopards in the area under study a fact evidenced by local hunters and shepherds.
Keywords: Kazakhstan; Karatau nature reserve; plants; Animals; snow leopard.; 5880; Russian
Ale, S., & Brown, J. (2007). The contingencies of group size and vigilance (Vol. 9).
Abstract: Background: Predation risk declines non-linearly with one's own vigilance and the vigilance of others in the group (the 'many-eyes' effect). Furthermore, as group size increases, the individual's risk of predation may decline through dilution with more potential victims, but may increase if larger groups attract more predators. These are known, respectively, as the dilution effect and the attraction effect.
Assumptions: Feeding animals use vigilance to trade-off food and safety. Net feeding rate declines linearly with vigilance. Question: How do the many-eyes, dilution, and attraction effects interact to influence the relationship between group size and vigilance behaviour? Mathematical methods: We use game theory and the fitness-generating function to determine the ESS level of vigilance of an individual within a group. Predictions: Vigilance decreases with group size as a consequence of the many-eyes and dilution effects but increases with group size as a consequence of the attraction effect, when they act independent of each other. Their synergetic effects on vigilance depend upon the relative strengths of each and their interactions. Regardless, the influence of other factors on vigilance – such as encounter rate with predators, predator lethality, marginal value of energy, and value of vigilance – decline with group size. Keywords: attraction effect,contingency,dilution effect,fitness,group-size effect,many-eyes effect,predation risk,vigilance behaviour; predation; decline; potential; predators; predator; feeding; Animals; Animal; use; food; effects; Relationship; behaviour; methods; game; Interactions; interaction; factor; value; Energy
Bannikov A.G. (1966). Mountains of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan.
Abstract: The data on geographical location, plants and animals of mountain nature reserves of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan are given. Snow leopard and its preys (wild ibexes and sheep) were recorded in both Almaty and Aksu Jabagly nature reserves.
Keywords: Middle Asia; Kazakhstan; nature reserves; plants; Animals; snow leopard; preys.; 6130
Barpiev I.M. (2002). Peculiarities of biodiversity in the Besh-Aral nature reserve.
Abstract: 224 animal species, including two relict and 20 endemic, are registered in the Besh Aral nature reserve (Kyrgyzstan). This nature reserve is inhabited by rare and endangered animal and bird species (e.g. Menzbier's marmot, snow leopard, Tien Shan brown bear, manul, Turkistan lynx, saker falcon, bearded vulture, golden eagle, Himalayan griffon, and others) included in the Red Data Books of Kyrgyzstan, former USSR, and Led List of IUCN.
Keywords: Kyrgyzstan; Besh Aral nature reserve; Animals; endangered species; snow leopard.; 6170; Russian
Blomqvist, L. (1995). Three decades of Snow Leopards Panthera uncia in Captivity. Int.Zoo Yearbook, 34, 178–185.
Abstract: The author reports the status of the captive population of snow leopards over the last three decades. Genetic and demographic information is also provided. The captive population as of 1992 was 541 leopards. klf. I
Keywords: zoo; population; status; genetics; captive-animal-care; propogation; captivity; fertility; recruitment; mortality; browse; captive; Animal; care; 1360
Bobrinskiy N.A. (1967). Mountains of Central Asia.
Abstract: It provides a zoogeographical description of Central Asia mountains: Tien Shan (west and east), Pamir, the Turkestan and Hissar ridges, and ruinous mountains in Kyzylkum. Distribution of various animal species over the area under study is described. Data concerning Central Asia sheep, ibex, and snow leopard in the alpine meadow zone, and data concerning the otter (in the Tupalang river basin) and grey partridge is presented. The author noted that generally fauna of Tien Shan, Hissar, and Pamir is similar to that of Inner Asia. The other type of fauna more similar to that of Transcaucasia is typical for Kopet-Dag.
Keywords: Middle Asia; mountain; tien shan; Pamir; Hissar ridge; Turkestan ridge; Kopet-Dag ridge; Animals; plants; Issyk-Kul lake; Sary-Chelek; spiders; birds; lizards; marmots; wild sheep; ibex; snow leopard.; 6330; Russian
Brown, J. L., Wasser, S. K., Wildt, D. E., & Graham, L. H. (1994). Comparative Aspects of Steroid Hormone Metabolism and Ovarian Activity in Felids, Measured Noninvasively in Feces. Biol Reprod, 51(4), 776–786.
Abstract: Noninvasive fecal assays were used to study steroid metabolism and ovarian activity in several felid species. Using the domestic cat (Felis catus) as model, the excretory products of injected [14C]estradiol (E2) and [14C]progesterone (P4) were determined. Within 2 days, 97.0 +/- 0.6% and 96.7 +/- 0.5% of recovered E2 and P4 radioactivity, respectively, was found in feces. E2 was excreted as unconjugated estradiol and estrone (40%) and as a non-enzyme- hydrolyzable conjugate (60%). P4 was excreted primarily as non-enzyme- hydrolyzable, conjugated metabolites (78%) and as unconjugated pregnenolone epimers. A simple method for extracting fecal steroid metabolites optimized extraction efficiencies of the E2 and P4 excretion products (90.1 +/- 0.8% and 87.2 +/- 1.4%, respectively). Analysis of HPLC fractions of extracted fecal samples from the radiolabel-injected domestic cats revealed that E2 immunoreactivity coincided primarily with the unconjugated metabolized [14C]E2 peak, whereas progestogen immunoreactivity coincided with a single conjugated epimer and multiple unconjugated pregnenolone epimers. After HPLC separation, similar immunoreactive E2 and P4 metabolite profiles were observed in the leopard cat (F. bengalensis), cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), and snow leopard (Panthera uncia). Longitudinal analyses demonstrated that changes in fecal E2 and P4 metabolite concentrations reflected natural or artificially induced ovarian activity. For example, severalfold increases in E2 excretion were associated with overt estrus or exogenous gonadotropin treatment, and elevated fecal P4 metabolite concentrations occurred during pregnant and nonpregnant (pseudopregnant) luteal phases. Although overall concentrations were similar, the duration of elevated fecal P4 metabolites during pseudopregnancy was approximately half that observed during pregnancy. In summary, steroid metabolism mechanisms appear to be conserved among these physically diverse, taxonomically related species. Results indicate that this hormone-monitoring approach will be extremely useful for elucidating the hormonal regulatory mechanism associated with the reproductive cycle, pregnancy, and parturition of intractable and endangered felid species.
Keywords: Animal; Carbon; Radioisotopes; Carnivora; Cats; Chromatography; High; Pressure; Liquid; Comparative Study; Estradiol; metabolism; Estrone; feces; chemistry; Female; Ovary; physiology; Pregnancy; Progesterone; Pseudopregnancy; Support; Non-U.S.Gov't; browse; non; government; gov't; us; 170
Chandra, S., & Laughlin, D. C. (1975). Virus-like particles in cystic mammary adenoma of a snow leopard. Cancer Res, 35(11 Pt 1), 3069–3074.
Abstract: Virus-like particles were observed in the giant cells of a mammary adenoma of a snow leopard kept in captivity. Particles that measured 115 to 125 nm in diameter budded from the lamella of endoplasmic reticulum and were studded on their inner surfaces with dense granules (approximately 12 nm) that gave them their unique ultrastructural morphology. Such particles were not observed extracellularly. Type B or type C particles were not seen in the tumor tissue.
Keywords: Adenoma pathology veterinary; Animal; Animals; zoo; Carnivora; Cytoplasmic Granules; Endoplasmic Reticulum: ultrastructure; Inclusion Bodies; Mammae: pathology; Neoplasms: pathology: veterinary; neoplasms; pathology; mammae; inclusion; bodies; ultrastructure; reticulum; endoplasmic; granules; cytoplasmic; adenoma; veterinary; browse; 380
Chaudhuri, S., Mukherjee, S. K., Chatterjee, A., & Ganguli, J. L. (1992). Isolation of P multocida F-3, 4 from a stillborn snow leopard. Vet Rec, 130(2), 36. |
Chichikin Yu.N., Y. A. I. (1969). Issyk Kul nature reserve.
Abstract: A description of the Issyk Kul nature reserve (Kyrgyzstan) is given and includes as follows: data of establishment, location, physic and geographic description, climate, flora and fauna. Snow leopard inhabited in Jety Oguz site of the nature reserve.
Chumakova A.V. (1980). The Kyzylsu, Miraki, and Markakol nature reserves.
Abstract: A description of the Kyzylsu, Miraki, and Markakol nature reserves is given and includes as follows: data of establishment, location, physic and geographic description, types of soils, climate, vegetation, altitude zones, and fauna. In the Kyzylsu nature reserve there are 28 mammal species; in Miraki 23, and in Mirkakol 39. Snow leopard can be found in all the three nature reserves.
Clyde, V. L., Ramsay, E. C., & Bemis, D. A. (1997). Fecal shedding of Salmonella in exotic felids. J.Zoo Wildl.Med, 28(2), 148–152.
Abstract: The authors discuss the occurrence of salmonellosis in collections of exotic felids. Data suggest that zoo employees having contact with cat feces or raw diets have a high rate of occupational exposure to Salmonella and should exercise appropriate hygienic precautions. pcp
De Groot, H., Van Swieten, P., & Aalberse, R. C. (1990). Evidence for a Fel d I-like molecule in the “big cats” (Felidae species). J Allergy Clin Immunol, 86(1), 107–116.
Abstract: In this study, we investigated the cross-reactivity pattern of IgE and IgG4 antibodies to the major feline allergen, Fel d I. We studied the IgE and IgG4 response of 11 cat-allergic patients against Fel d I-like structures in eight members of the Felidae family: ocelot, puma, serval, siberian tiger, lion, jaguar, snow leopard, and caracal. Hair from these “big cats” was collected, extracted, and used in a RAST system and histamine-release test. By means of a RAST-inhibition assay with affinity-purified Fel d I from cat dander, it was established that, in the Felidae species, a Fel d I equivalent is present that reacts with IgE and IgG4 antibodies. We found that all patients had cross-reacting IgE antibodies to seven of the Felidae tested; no IgE antibodies reactive with the caracal were found. Eight of 10 patients with IgG4 antibodies directed to cat dander also had IgG4 antibodies directed to several Felidae species, including the caracal. However, the correlation between the IgE and the IgG4 antibody specificity was low, indicating that, in the case of Fel d I IgE and IgG4, antibodies do not necessarily have the same specificity.
Keywords: Adolescence; Adult; Allergens; immunology; Animal; Antibodies; Monoclonal; diagnostic; use; Antibody; Specificity; Carnivora; Cats; Comparative; study; Cross; Reactions; Hair; Histamine; Release; Human; IgE; analysis; IgG; Middle; Age; Radioallergosorbent; Test; methods; Support; Non-U.S.Gov't; browse; us; government; gov't; 240
Doster, A. R., Armstrong, D. L., & Bargar, T. W. (1989). Seminoma and parathyroid adenoma in a snow leopard (Panthera unica). J Comp Pathol, 100(4), 475–480.
Abstract: A seminoma and parathyroid adenoma were diagnosed in an aged snow leopard. The ultrastructural appearance of the seminoma was similar to that described in the dog and in man. The lack of significant amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complexes and free ribosomes in the parathyroid adenoma suggested that it was non-functional. Parathyroid adenoma has not been previously described in a large wild feline.
Esipov V.M. (1978). The nature reserve in the spurs of Tien Shan (Vol. Vol.8.).
Abstract: The Chatkal state mountain forest nature reserve is located in western spurs of the Chatkal ridge. The permanent inhabitants of the nature reserve are ibex, wild boar, roe-deer, bear, badger, porcupine, stone marten, fox, ermine, Menzbier's marmot, and relict suslik (gopher), and bird species such as gray partridge, snow-cock, black vulture, griffon vulture, etc. Under special protection are rare animal and bird species such as snow leopard, Menzbier's marmot, bearded vulture, golden eagle, etc.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; Chatkal nature reserve; location; Animals; snow leopard.; 6560; Russian
Esipov V.M. (1986). The status and perspective protection and rehabilitation of natural ecosystems in the Chatkal state biosphere nature reserve under the State Committee for Agriculture and Industry of the USSR.
Abstract: The area of the Chatkal nature reserve reduced as part of its territory (a land plot in the Shavasay river basin) was assigned to a military game preserve. As regime of protection worsened, number of animals such as Menzbier's marmot, snow leopard, ibex, snow cock, and black stork began to reduce.
Keywords: Uzbekistan; Chatkal nature reserve; establishment; conservation regime; Animals; snow leopard.; 6580; Russian
Golub O.N. (1981). The Ramit nature reserve and its problems.
Abstract: The following Red Data Book species inhabit the Ramit nature reserve: snow leopard, bear, lynx, otter, Bukhara deer, etc. Its population is indicated to be closely related to number of ibex (150 animals). The latter is subject to heavy anthropogenic pressure when migrating outside the nature reserve in winter.
Keywords: Tajikistan; Ramit nature reserve; Animals; snow leopard; ibex; number; threats.; 6770; Russian
Gosselin, S. J., Loudy, D. L., Tarr, M. J., Balistreri, W. F., Setchell, K. D., Johnston, J. O., et al. (1988). Veno-occlusive disease of the liver in captive cheetah. Vet Pathol, 25(1), 48–57.
Abstract: Liver tissues from 126 captive cheetah were evaluated by light microscopy and histochemistry; eight animals were evaluated by electron microscopy. The main hepatic lesion, a vascular lesion resembling veno- occlusive disease (VOD) of the liver and characterized by subendothelial fibrosis and proliferation of smooth muscle-like cells in the central veins, was seen in 60% of the sexually mature cheetah. Although this hepatic vascular lesion was seen in cheetah as young as 1 year of age, the most severe lesions, usually associated with liver failure, were found in cheetah between the ages of 6 and 11. There was no sex predisposition, and in approximately 40% of the VOD cases, liver disease was not suspected clinically or at necropsy. VOD was found in other felidae, especially in the snow leopard. High levels of vitamin A in livers, as well as in diets of the cheetah, could be a contributing factor in the development of VOD in some groups of cheetah.
Keywords: Animal; Feed; analysis; Carnivora; Cheetahs; Female; Hepatic; Veno; Occlusive; Disease; pathology; veterinary; Histocytochemistry; Liver; ultrastructure; Male; Microscopy; Electron; Support; Non-U.S.Gov't; Vitamin A; browse; non; us; gov't; government; 280
Guerrero, D. (1998). Animal behavior concerns & solutions: snow leopard (Uncia uncia) evaluation, zoo. Anim.Keepers' Forum, 25(2), 56–58.
Abstract: The author offers advice on how a captive-raised snow leopard cub could be acclimated to humans so it could be used as a zoo “ambassador”. The cub had negative experiences with humans and lacked socialization with other animals and conspecifics. Methods of avoiding and redirecting the cub's aggressive behavior are suggested. lgh.
Keywords: aggressive-behavior; behavior; captive-animal-care; diets; endangered; threatened-species; genetics; handling-methods; intraspecies-relationships; social-behavior; husbandry; zoos; snow leopard; aggressive; captive; Animal; care; threatened; species; handling; methods; intraspecies; relationships; social; browse; 1310
Gvozdetskiy N.A. (1970). Altitudal landscape zones.
Abstract: It provides geobotanic and zoogeographic description of vertical landscape zoning. Particularly, in alpine meadows and meadow steppes and partially zone of mountain plateau (“syrt”) of highland, the common species are argali (Ovis ammon poloi), ibex (Capra sibirica sakeen), snow leopard (Felis uncia), Tien Shan bear (Ursus arctos leuconyx), and red pica; very numerous are marmots and vole (Microtus gregalis). The bird fauna includes Himalayan snow-cock (Tetraogallus himalayensis), Alpine chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus), chough (P. pyrrhocorax), horned lark (Eremophila alpestris), rosefinch species. There are many waterfowl birds on the lakes. There are many Central Asian, particularly Tibetan species among the animals inhabiting highlands of the Tien Shan.
Keywords: Central Asia; geobotany; zoogeography; mountain zones; Animals; snow leopard.; 6840; Russian
Hast, M. H. (1989). The larynx of roaring and non-roaring cats. J Anat, 163, 117–121.
Abstract: Dissections were made of the larynges of 14 species of the cat family, with representative specimens from all genera. It was found that the vocal folds of the larynx of genus Panthera (with the exception of the snow leopard) form the basic structure of a sound generator well- designed to produce a high acoustical energy. Combined with an efficient sound radiator (vocal tract) that can be adjusted in length, a Panthera can use its vocal instrument literally to blow its own horn with a 'roar'. Also, it is proposed that laryngeal morphology can be used as an anatomical character in mammalian taxonomy.
Hochstrasser, K., Wachter, E., Reisinger, P. W., Greim, M., Albrecht, G. J., & Gebhard, W. (1993). Amino acid sequences of mammalian kazal-type proteinase inhibitors from salivary glands. Comp Biochem Physiol B, 106(1), 103–108.
Abstract: 1. The amino acid sequences of bikazins (the double-headed Kazal-type proteinase inhibitors from submandibular glands) isolated from the snow leopard (Unica unica), the European mink (Mustela lutreola), and the European pine marten (Martes martes) were determined. 2. N-terminal domains of bikazins are characterized by a cysteine residue spacing that differs from that of C-terminal domains of bikazins and other Kazal-type proteinase inhibitor domains. 3. N-terminal sequences of bikazins seem to be specific for, and highly conserved within, each Carnivora family.
Keywords: Amino; Acid; Sequence; Animal; Carnivora; Comparative; study; Cysteine; chemistry; Glycosylation; Mink; Molecular; Data; Protease; Inhibitors; Salivary; Proteins; species; Specificity; Submandibular; Gland; Trypsin; Inhibitor; Kazal; Pancreatic; browse; 200
Izold, J. (2008). Snow Leopard Enterprise: a conservation project that saves an endangered species and supports needy families. Anim.Keepers' Forum, 9(5), 359–364.
Abstract: The World Conservation Union listed the snow leopard (Uncia uncia) as endangered in 1974. With as few as 3,500 snow leopards left in the wild, scientists placed the snow leopard on the IUCN Red List of critically endangered species shared by animals such as the giant panda and tiger. In an effort to save the snow leopard from extinction, former zoo employee Helen Freeman founded the Snow Leopard Trust in 1981. The Snow Leopard Trust works to save this elusive cat by incorporating community-based conservation projects. One of these project Leopard Enterprise (SLE), impacts poverty stricken communities in Mongolia, Kyrgyz Republic, and Pakistan. It assists over 300 families in its conservation efforts. The economic incentives provided via SLE have led participating communities not to harm the snow leopard or its prey, and to practice sustainable herding. Since the project began in 1997, the number of snow leopards harmed around the communities' territories has dropped to near zero. Additionally, the annual income of families that utilize the benefits of SLE has increased by 25% to 40%. SLE creates this economic benefit by providing the training and equipment necessary to make desirable products from the wool of herd animals. Snow Leopard Trust then purchases these handicraft items from the local people and them globally. Zoos can expand their conservation efforts by simply offering these items in their gift shops. Woodland Park Zoo (WPZ) was the first zoological institution to sell the products, and WPZ continues to generate revenue from them. SLE is a golden opportunity for zoos to increase revenue, assist poor families, and save an endangered species and fragile ecosystem.
Keywords: snow; snow leopard; snow-leopard; leopard; conservation; project; endangered; endangered species; endangered-species; species; Support; union; uncia; Uncia uncia; Uncia-uncia; snow leopards; snow-leopards; leopards; wild; Iucn; Animals; Animal; tiger; extinction; former; zoo; Freeman; trust; work; cat; community-based; projects; Sle; impact; poverty; community; Mongolia; Kyrgyz; Kyrgyz-Republic; republic; Pakistan; 300; economic; incentives; prey; sustainable; herding; number; territory; income; training; products; wool; local; local people; people; zoos; Woodland-Park-Zoo; park; zoological; ecosystem
Jack, R. (2008). DNA Testing and GPS positioning of snow leopard (Panthera uncia) genetic material in the Khunjerab National Park Northern Areas, Pakistan.
Abstract: The protection of Snow Leopards in the remote and economically disadvantaged Northern Areas of Pakistan needs local people equipped with the skills to gather and present information on the number and range of individual animals in their area. It is important for the success of a conservation campaign that the people living in the area are engaged in the conservation process. Snow Leopards are elusive and range through inhospitable terrain so direct study is difficult. Consequently the major goals for this project were twofold, to gather information on snow leopard distribution in this area and to train local university students and conservation management professionals in the techniques used for locating snow leopards without the need to capture or even see the animals. This project pioneered the use of DNA testing of field samples collected in Pakistan to determine the distribution of snow leopards and to attempt to identify individuals. These were collected in and around that country's most northerly national park, the Kunjurab National Park, which sits on the Pakistan China border. Though the Northern Areas is not a well developed part of Pakistan, it does possess a number of institutions that can work together to strengthen snow leopard conservation. The first of these is a newly established University with students ready to be trained in the skills needed. Secondly WWF-Pakistan has an office in the main town and a state of the art GIS laboratory in Lahore and already works closely with the Forest Department who manage the national park. All three institutions worked together in this project with WWF providing GIS expertise, the FD rangers, and the university students carrying out the laboratory work. In addition in the course of the project the University of the Punjab in Lahore also joined the effort, providing laboratory facilities for the students. As a result of this project maps have been produced showing the location of snow leopards in
two areas. Preliminary DNA evidence indicates that there is more than one animal in this relatively small area, but the greatest achievement of this project is the training and experience gained by the local students. For one student this has been life changing. Due to the opportunities provided by this study the student, Nelofar gained significant scientific training and as a consequence she is now working as a lecturer and research officer for the Center for Integrated Mountain Research, New Campus University of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan Keywords: project; snow; snow leopard; snow-leopard; leopard; network; conservation; program; Dna; Gps; panthera; panthera uncia; Panthera-uncia; uncia; Khunjerab; Khunjerab-National-Park; national; national park; National-park; park; areas; area; Pakistan; protection; snow leopards; snow-leopards; leopards; local; local people; people; information; number; range; Animals; Animal; study; distribution; management; professional; techniques; capture; use; field; country; China; border; work; art; Gis; Forest; manage; Wwf; maps; map; location; training; research; mountain
Jackson, R. (1991). Snow Leopards and Other Wildlife in the Qomolang,a Nature Preserve of Tibet (Vol. ix). Seattle: International Snow Leopard Trust. |